Avengers Oneshots

By Jayden_Smalls

172K 3.1K 872

Ever wanted to be a hero? Or to love one? Here's your chance More

avengers x teen!reader
Bucky x reader
Loki x reader
avengers x teen!reader
avengers x teen!reader
Steve x reader
Peter Parker x reader
Steve x reader
Steve x reader
Tony x reader.
Peter Quill x reader
Bruce Banner x reader
Bucky x reader
Loki x reader
Avengers x child!reader
Fatalities of war (Loki)
deadpool x reader

avengers x child!reader

27.6K 391 165
By Jayden_Smalls

Reader's POV

I slickly went past the guards in avengers tower. Being invisible really was an awesome superpower. You'd wanted to try levitating to the top but decided against it because you did have the full hang of your powers.
  The elevator dinged open and you saw nobody in the living room. You considered going to the fridge but realised you were too short to get to the handle .Curse your 5 year old legs and arms. You heard someone shriek down the hallway and followed it .You came into a room with all sorts of devices. There was a man with shaggy brown hair and glasses bent over a piece of iron.

  You moved closer quietly and became visible again. "Damn Tony and his leaving me alone to figure out the arc reactor", he said. "It's always Bruce that and Bruce this and Bruce when are you gonna get a girlfriend".
Wow, this guy had problems. You snuck up on him and snatched the electronic he was working on. "Hey , give that back and how did you get in here?".You just stuck your tongue out, hugged the device closer and became invisible.

"Where... She couldn't just have disappeared". "Hey science bro , why are looking lost?", a man with a goatee came in an said. You were standing right beside him by the doorway but they didn't know that.

  "Tony,  some little girl just came in here and stole the arc reactor", Bruce said ."Dude if you lost the reactor I can get you another one, no need for stories", Tony said as he walked over to Bruce and pat his shoulder. You took the opportunity and became visible again. "First, I'm not a little girl and I'm just looking at your thinga-magig but here", you said as you tossed it. Bruce and Tony dove frantically to catch it. "Bye".

  "Bruce , that little girl was real?!".

  ●○●《time skip》●○●

   Steve was mad .No, that was an understatement. He was beyond infuriated. There was this incessant giggling ever so often while he attacked the punching bag but every time when he turned, the laughter stopped and no one was there.

  "Avengers assemble in the living room... NOW!", Tony s voice boomed over the speakers. Steve sighed and walked out of the training room and he would have sworn he heard the pitter patter of tiny feet following him.

"When he got to the living room Bruce , Tony and Clint were already there. Natasha , Thor, Wanda and Pietro came in after him . After they were all situated on the couches , Tony spoke.

  "Avengers, the tower has been infiltrated by a being of despicable portions". "Tony, it's just a little girl", Bruce said. Steve couldn't help but think of you."Wait,a little girl broke in and what has she done?", Natasha asked. "She tried to blow us all up", Tony said. Steve didn't think Stark could get any more ridiculous but apparently he was wrong.

  "If there's a little girl  in the tower, how come we haven't seen her?, Steve asked ."Well, that's the interesting part,"Bruce said,"She's invisible". No one spoke. "That is why I took the liberty to invent this", Tony said raising a tooth brush triumphantly. "So your plan is to find her and brush her teeth?", Clint joked. Everyone smiled at that .

  "No legolas, this is a an auto shock device. Any strange movement and we blast her with a hundred volts of pure electricity, literally putting her body into shock".

  Wanda who was beside him smacked him upside the head. "You cannot electricute ze child , Stark". "Vanda is right, we have to catch her with extreme speed", Pietro said.

"How do catch her if we cannot see her?", Natasha asked .Thor immediately shot out of his chair running towards the kitchen screaming,"Unhand my poptarts you foul beast". You appeared struggling with Thor for the treat. You decided to let go and Thor fell with a thud .The poptarts levitated over to you and you smiled.

"Hey, sweetie why don't come over here", Natasha cooed. You padded over to the avengers smiling. But stopped by Steve's side and jumped unto his lap then held a pack of poptarts up to his face for him to open. He seemed to understand and opened the pack letting you pop a small piece of strawberry poptart into your mouth.

  They all watched you in silence as you ate and Thor got up and snatched the box of poptarts up from your lap. "It's rude to stare", you simply stated. They looked taken aback. "What are doing in our tower?", Tony asked. "You act like it's the first time",you said.

  "I always come here, right daddy?", you said looking up at Steve. "Steve?", they all exclaimed. "Brother Steven, this child is yours?", Thor asked. "You didn't tell them ,dad?", you asked pouting. "Guys , this is (y/n) , she's my little gal".

  "And how did you find this girl, Spangles?", Tony asked. "Don't call him that, Tony", you sneered. Steve pat your head to silence you. "I met her on one of my runs, I had just passed Sam when this ball of (h/c) hair comes running past me and screaming 'On your left ' so I stopped running and she stopped. I asked where her parents were and she said she was an orphan so I snuck her into the tower and she told me about her powers. I brought her home every night since then but I never let her come here alone".

   You looked at Wanda with your baby doll eyes. "Then we must  keep ze little girl", she advised. " What ... she nearly killed us", Tony said. "Stark, would you rather let her live on the street, be captured by HYDRA , experimented on and come back in a few years to kill us?", Natasha asked.

  "When you put it that way, maybe", Tony said .They all glared at him. "Don't worry I've been told he's a pain in the iron butt", you said. "Aren't you supposed to be language-ing her for saying butt", Tony commented. "If I have to live with him I'd rather stay on the street", you retorted.

   "So we have a smart mouth, do we?",Tony taunted. "I think you should shut up cause I have an IQ of 152 and can kill you with one thought in my tiny little head", you threatened. Clint spat out the water he'd been drinking. "Is it wrong that I already love her and I think we need her to keep Stark in line", Natasha said .

  Needless to say they kept you and Tony became your favourite uncle.

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