Dying as a Heavenly Host Vict...

By NatsyRogers

205 11 18

My name is Aiko Yoshida, a second year at Demoshan high school. Two of my friends and I woke up in a mysterio... More

Character Intro


17 1 0
By NatsyRogers

[Midori Iko's pov]

I found myself walking into classroom 1-A without even remembering how I got there. Last thing I remember was opening that stall... That's right. I heard a name echo out. Seiko. There was a huge hole that wasn't there before. Wait... W-Why is there blood?!
I held out my hand to touch the dripping wetness but saw that I already had blood on my hands. "Where is this from?!" I yelled, my voice thick with fear.
There wasn't any cuts on me, so that means... "KYAAAAAAAA!!!" I screamed in terror. This was somebody else's blood. W-Why can't I remember who's? There was something else too. A stream of black cloud circling me.
I tried swatting it away. It wouldn't get off. "What the heck?!" I whined.
Walking down the hall, I noticed a puddle of blood in front of classroom 2-A. "I-I better not go there now." I whispered to myself. The blood on my hands started to dry and a unyielding odor came from it.
Not wanting to go to the screaming bathroom, I scurried to the infirmary. There was a foul odor coming from the end of the hall. "Please don't be another body!" I quaked.
I didn't wait to find out. I ran into the infirmary and, "No.... NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Shika was sprawled out on the floor, head squished. There was brain and blood everywhere. I ran to the trash can in the corner and emptied my stomach yet again.
"Why did this happen to her?!" I silently sobbed. She didn't deserve this. Shika was so kind. Never talked out of turn, always picked up after herself, wouldn't hurt a fly.
Did she die alone? W-What if I die alone...
I yanked my head up. I heard the familiar snip snip of scissors. "AHAHAHAHAHA!" The girl in the red dress squealed.
She was blocking the doorway, I couldn't escape. "H-Hey!" I choked on a cry, "Didn't you say y-you weren't gonna k-k--" I couldn't even say the word.
"Kiiillllllllll you?" The black haired girl croaked. She put emphasis on the word kill, as if trying it out. I slapped a hand over my mouth to stop me from puking. Or maybe laughing... By this point I don't know...
The girl sneered at me, the corners of her mouth seeming to almost touch her eyes. "By the way~" she started singing, "I L O V E D your performance with Kaito!"
All the muscles in my body tensed, my stomach twisting into knots. "W-What do you mean..... Performance?!" My whole body trembled. Although, her words gave me a weird thrill, like when you go on a rollercoaster. Exciting and terrifying at the same time.
"Well, follow me~" she growled, gesturing me to follow. On their own, my feet started moving. They were in perfect sync, like marching in a band.
We stopped in front of the classroom 2-A, the one I had decided to not go in. The black-haired girl turned her head 180 degrees to look at me. My eyes went wide with horror. "Ahh-!" I tried to scream but, an invisible force closed my mouth.
The little girl grinned at slowly opened the door, making me anxious for what was on the other side.

Blood. Blood everywhere. Kaito was tied in a X formation, thick ropes with glass shards poking out. There was puncture wounds in his stomach, torn flesh on his legs and arms, his eyeballs looked like tomato soup, and his fingers were gone.

The invisible force was gone. I could scream all I wanted.... Why didn't I? Was I in shock? No... I walked around his body plenty times.

A bucket was in the corner, a odor reaching as far as the infirmary. There were nail-less fingers, along with two blood covered blue eyes. Clumps of guts, blood, and hair were mixed in with the body parts, swirling around like a washing machine.

"Tehehehehehe..... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" I forgot the little girl was there. She stood there, scissors in hand, walking towards Kaito. I wanted to stop her, yell STOP! I didn't though. She pried his mouth open, stretching out his cheek muscles.
"What pretty pearly whites!" She gleamed, her gaze landing on me. "Hey you!" She pointed the scissors at me and waved them towards her. "Wanna do the honors? After all.... You're the one who killed him."

There is only darkness, not a light. In this school, there is no heaven, no paradise. The pain that you felt at the moment of death, is what you will feel for all eternity. Though... The darkness. Or the "darkening" if you will, is the escape. There is no pain, no worries, no regrets. Your body will become a dark mist only you can see. Everyone else will see you as a normal human being. Don't you want that?!

The voice echoed in my head, urging me to join the darkness. Her voice was that of a high schooler. "I-I recognize that voice!" I exclaimed. Of course! It was my idol! "Naho Saenoki! The famous occult journalist!"

The darkening is the only was you will be free. Two of yo-- no. Now Three of your friends are dead. If you want to be free from this pain, you have to give in to the dark.

"No...." The girl seemed surprised at my words, and she gripped the scissors tightly. "My Mother, Mai Wifu..... Was murdered. The killer was a jealous girl by the name of Ayano. Every day my father turns from temptation, to not kill that monster. I will never give up...."
I heard another scream from a distance. I looked at the direction for a second, then turned my head back. The little girl now stood right in front of me.
"Don't you understand?!" The girl sneered, "We need mooorrrrreeee... We need more blackened! Nobody wants to be darkened anymore....!" She lightly pressed the scissors against my stomach, puncturing it slightly. "Darken..... Or dieeeeeeeeeee!!!!"
"NOOOOOOOOOO!" I screamed, darting out the room.


I've been running for what it seems forever. After that encounter with that ghost, I've jumped at every noise.
I finally stopped by the entrance, gasping for air. Then, a beautiful voice rang out from inside the entrance.

I stained my lips with the flowing blood. I will never forgive you...... For all of eternity.

I peeked in, entranced by the voice. The girl.... Meiko?!
Kaito's older sister, Meiko.... She disappeared a while ago, at a party with her friends. Kaito was devastated. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't want to see her like this though.
She was blue, like the other ghosts. It looked like her neck was slicked open by a sharp object. Someone probably slit her throat. Most likely the person she is singing about.
I can't take this!!! I'm going to die aren't I?! Meiko feels the pain of that cut every day!

You can escape it. Let yourself go......

Actually.... There is one way I can keep this from happening.... The darkening...
No! No no no no no! I will not become that monster. I will find another way.
I glanced at a shard of glass in a broken widow. Ha. So..... This is how it ends huh? Me impaling myself. Ending my misery. I'm so sorry Daddy. You'll have to live on with both of your girls gone.
I ran at the tall glass spike and hurled myself on it.

Such a disappointment..... You could've been the perfect person here. Oh well.... See you around!
Huh? What are you doing here? "NAHO! I'm disappointed in you!"

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