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[still in Kaito's pov]

Man I need to stop waking up like this... I had another headache. I started to sit up but was quickly pushed back. I tilted my head to my side. Why are my hands tied?!
I twisted my hands to see if I could slip out. Instead I was greeted by sharp pain. I looked at the cutting rope again. There were shards of glass poking out. Perfect... A quick kick told me my feet are tied too.
I saw a silhouette of a girl in the corner of the room. There was something off though. There was this black rings of mist or something circling around her, like those future prison cells you see in movies.
A bright light gleamed in my eyes. M-My scissors! She has them. She mumbled something I couldn't make out and shuffled over to me. When she stepped out of the shadow, I saw Iko-San.
"Iko-San?! What are you doing?!" I asked, my breaths coming out short and fast. She replied with a frightening giggle. "Hehehe..... Haha... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Her laugh sounded like an evil chipmunk.
She kept shining the scissors glare into my eye, playing with me. "Iko! Snap out of it!"
Is this how I was? Laughing and playing with their prey? I wonder if ice cream feels the same way! It just gets licked and licked, sometimes bitten into! "Ahhhhh!!!" I was taken out of thought by a tearing pain.
I started screaming an inhuman scream. It hurt SOOO bad! I looked down to see Midori slowly pushing the rusty scissors stained with both girls' blood into my thigh.
Her face was twisted in an insane figure. Her hands twitched as she pushed the scissors deeper and deeper. I heard a soft thunk and realized she hit bone. "Ahhhhhhhhh!" I screamed in agony.
She started so pull it out, hitting it around the edges of the cut. Clearly to torture. She turned it sideways, slicing my knee and yanked it up. Blood sprayed everywhere. Midori opened her mouth to catch the blood, like she was a vampire and a murderer rolled into one.
She repeated this for a while, until my leg was completely torn up.
To keep me from dying, she stuck syringes from the infirmary with this pink ooze stuff that stopped the bleeding. "So I can torture you some more!" She had squealed.
She dragged the cool metal down my arm, stopping at my fingers. I closed my eyes afraid what she would do. I there was a snip and my fingers shot hurting pain to my brain.
I had to see what she was doing! Ah!-- she dug the scissor under my nail and closed the weapon, cutting my nail in half. Blood pulsed out, mixed with dirt and dried ice cream. She grabbed one side of my nail and twisted it off, humming a perky song that was very popular in our school.
"M*dor*... St*p ple*s*." Blood blocked me from speaking clearly. "What was that my love~?" She said in a sing-song voice. I spit the blood onto the ground so I could talk.
"Midori!" I pleaded, "please stop! I-I don't wanna die! I wanna try that new leak ice cream!"
She giggled as she picked up a huge wooden splinter, sharpened at the end. "MIDORI PLEASE!" I screamed, desperate to get through. Wait! In movies, if the person who is mind controlled by the bad guys is about to kill you, confess your love!
"Midori..." She stalked over to me with the wooden spike and plunged it into my eye. It was weird... As if I couldn't open my eye. I bit my tongue to keep from screaming, so the blood wouldn't come up again.
The warm, thick liquid ran down my face again, down onto the table. Take it out please! The wooden splinter was left in my eye, I could see it through my other eye.
After what seemed forever, she pulled it out. There was a sort of wire, no cord. It was wrapped around the spike with my cut eyeball hanging on it. Iko-San had a spoon in her hand and scooped the rest of the blood and remains of the eye in a jar.
She got another syringe to stick in my eye and pumped the liquid in. I felt the acid in my stomach bubbling up. I'm gonna puke... "Midori!" I managed to make out, "I lo--" she had sat on my stomach and wrapped her hands around my throat, strangling me. I tried swatting her hands but, the rope was there to make sure I didn't interfere.
The eye that was still good started to see this fuzziness of purple and black. "I-I lov- *cough* you!" Her head shot up and the gripped hands fell off my throat. Midori smiled and got off of me. I-It worked?!
I smiled at the blood-soaked girl. Finally! Now we can find some ice cre-- what?! I could no longer feel my fingers... I looked to the side. To my horror, I didn't see my arm.
She had cut if off elbow down. "GAAAAHHH!" I screamed, squirming against my restraints. Midori spun around, clearly enjoying this. "Kaito looovvveeesss meeeeee!!!" Iko-San sang, skipping to my other side. I heard a sound similar to cutting carrots and saw my other arm suffer the same fate.
"MIDORI!!! I LOVE YOU! PLEASE STOP!" I screamed, not caring about the blood curdling in my mouth. Her eyes looked a little more sane. Did I reach her?
She walked over to me, tears in eyes. Her eyes closed and leaned towards me, lips puckered. Omg! I'm about to be kissed?! She put her hands on the sides of my head.
Gently, Midori raised my head up. Then, slammed my head on the table. Again and again... From the force of my head hitting my table, I lost consciousness many times.
Each time, she cut one of my toes off. "Punishment for falling asleep on me!" She had screamed at me. Not like it was my fault... Cutting my toes off, I realized. I had been through so much, I didn't feel any pain. Toes being cut off, head being smashed. Nothing... I feel nothing. Is this what it's like? To die? I'll never feel the sun. Never see my older sister Meiko. Never taste that leek ice cream.
Iko finally stabbed me in the neck, blood spraying in her face. I slowly couldn't breathe. I was dying. I think I'm ready... I'll finally see the golden gates of heaven... That was my last thought before I died.

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