Forgive Me (Rewriting)

By TossMeASkittle

773K 16.9K 1.2K

19 year old werewolf, Madeline Night has never had life handed to her. When her parents left her at the young... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five

Chapter Two

31.5K 847 41
By TossMeASkittle

I wake up on the floor exactly where I had passed out previously. When I look around I see it's still dark outside so I couldn't have been out that long, right?


After checking the time on my phone I saw the date is 4 days after my punishment.

I've been passed out for 4 days and no one has come to look after me, to see if I'm ok, if I'm dead or alive.

They all just let me be.

I will never admit how much that hurts, honestly it probably hurts more than my punishment.

You're pack is supposed to be you're family. The people who you could trust with you're life to protect and love you as you are. It breaks me to know my pack will never be that for me.

They'll only be my personal version of Hell.

I stand up, wincing from the sharp pains in my back and the sore muscles everywhere else from not moving enough.

I make my way to the kitchen to get a glass of water. While I'm sitting there I see a wet drop on the counter.

Out of instinct I look up at the ceiling.

Right because ya know, it now rains in houses. New global warming guys, be prepared.

I mentally face palm myself and shake my head. I stop and stare at the wet spot that now has many others near it.

It suddenly clicks inside my head, sorta like the light bulb thing.

I raise my hand to my face and sure enough, I'm crying.

After having the revelation of such a thing, I can't help but let it all out.

I end up sitting on the floor sobbing in a time of self pity. Yep, I'm the definition of a sad person.

You know how you'll see someone doing something and you'll have that moment like 'oh that's just sad' yep that's my life.

It takes me 30 minutes to get control of myself. When I do, I decide I need to go to the doctor to get my back checked out. I don't need any infections to go with it.

I put on a pair of grey skinny jeans and a black t-shirt with a pair of converse before grabbing my car keys and driving to the doctors.

I don't go to the pack Doctor mainly because she would tell Alpha George and that'd end up making him pissed again which would end up with another punishment.

Instead I go to a doctor just outside pack territory.

He knows what I go through at my pack, and is always willing to help me when something happens.

He's technically a rogue since he doesn't have a pack but I don't consider him one.

He's like a father to me honestly.

"Back again?" Marcus looks up at me and sighs deeply with a pained look on his face.

He always tells me how it hurts him to see me going through such pain so I'm used to seeing that face.

I walk up to him and give him a tight hug. It's my routine, I come and give him a hug then he'll help me with whatever I need.

I don't know how it started honestly I just sorta started giving him hugs whenever I came.

"Come on, you know where to go." He shakes his head and walks behind me as I make my way to his doctor room.

I don't really know what he calls it so I just named it the doctor room.

"I have another patient coming in an hour from now so I may be distracted in a little bit." He looks at me quickly before going back to whatever he was doing with his tools.

"Ok that's fine, take as long as you need." I hop up on the table thing he makes me sit on and swing my legs around.

"Ok, lift you're shirt please." I take my shirt off instead since 1) he's already seen me like this multiple times and 2) it'll be easier for both him and me. Him, not having a shirt in the way and me, not having to hold the shirt up.

I wince and arch my back away from his hand as he touches my wounds.

I forgot to look at them in the mirror before I left so I have no idea how bad they are.

"These are worst than last time. What did you do?" He pulls out some sort of cream thing and squeezes some onto his finger before spreading it onto my back. Again I wince at the sting but soon get over it.

"Nothing." He gives me a look that says 'don't lie to me' which has me shaking me head with a smile.

"I'm being honest, I didn't do anything this time. I was in the dining room getting food when one of the higher ranked she-wolves came in and started messing with me. I left before anything happened only to be called to Alpha's office. He told me I was to be punished for disrespecting her."

I look up to see the sadness and fury warring in Marcus's eyes. I place my hand on his arm and try to reassure him.

Eventually it works as he calms down enough to continue putting the cream on my back.

"Well, what have you been up to? Haven't seen you in a while honestly, makes me sad. I need to see more of you just not when you're injured." I laugh at that and look down at my hands in my lap.

"I wish I could come out more but I wouldn't be allowed." I feel the sadness wash over me but I quickly push it away so I don't end up in a sobbing mess again.

"Well on a happier note, Mary had her baby." I look up at him in shock. Mary is his mate and wife who has been pregnant for a few months. I was so excited for them.

"No way!!! What was it? What's it's name? Is it cute? Was it a long delivery? Did she-" I was cut off by Marcus's laughter.

"Calm down Maddie. We have a handsome baby boy who we decided to name Preston." I see the ecstatic smile on his face and the happy glint in his eyes as he speaks of his child.

I've always wanted a family with my mate but once I realized no one wanted the abused and shameful omega, I knew my mate would never accept me.

"Can I see him someday? I really want to see him!" I look at him hopefully and he immediately agrees, making me squeal in excitement and pull him into a hug.

He pays mind to my wounds and avoids my back, only putting his hands on my waist in a friendly way.

A low growls has us breaking apart and looking at the doorway.

I freeze when my eyes lock onto his.

There's no way.. This can't be happening... How is this possible..

I've found him.

My mate.


Hey guys (: hope you're enjoying so far. Sorry if you're bored with my book or don't like how I'm setting the story line up I just sorta go with it and change it when I need to. I promise that it will be more interesting as the book progresses thooooouuuugggghhhhh!!!! (:

Before anyone makes any assumptions that anything will happen with Marcus and Maddie (because there's always that one person) nothing will happen. Marcus is much older than Maddie and obviously they have mates.

Please feel free to vote and comment, I love them all! (:

-Skittles 💋

Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.

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