Olympic Dreams

By MeganDaleyxox

5.5K 107 16

Just a story of two Olympians falling in love and chasing their dream More

Olympic Dreams
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 9

264 5 0
By MeganDaleyxox

  I woke up around 5:30 after my nap to start getting ready for Tom's competition,  we were told that when we go to other competitions we must be wearing our team GB things to represent our country, and all though I wasn't totally feeling I had no choice, so I braided my hair, put on some yogas, my team GB jacket and some white converse. I went with a bare face with the exception of a little foundation to brighten my face up some.

Just as I had finished getting ready my father texted me that he was downstairs waiting and that we needed to hurry if we wanted to get in the Aquatics Center on time. I grabbed my bag and my credentials and bolted down the stairs and to my dads car.

"Nervous?" he asked laughing

"No why should I be?" I questioned

"You're doing that thing with your fingers Mattie, whats going on?"

" I dont know dad, I feel like I'm in over my head. I mean balancing a relationship and trying to win the olympics??? It's all just happening so fast, and now I'm about to meet Tom's family on top of everything and I just-"

"MATTIE. Stop babbling, you're fine. You can do all of this you know that, stop being scared to let someone in for once babe... If I knew you couldn't handle this then I wouldn't let you see him until the Olympics were over. He's a good guy that seems to be really into Mat, stop stressing and breathe. If your mother and I could do it, then so can you. Keep in mind we were competing for two different countries, you're lucky you guys won't feel that wrath at least." He joked

" I know you're right... I'm just scared to let you and mom down." I said leaning my head against the window trying not to cry

"Like I told you yesterday, no matter how you do were both proud of you honey. As long as you try your hardest. You have nothing to worry about, you're going to make this dream a reality." He reassured.

We finally reached the ginormous center and headed inside, we quickly found our seats and made our introductions with the rest of his family and then explained where my mother was and how I didn't want to tell Tom to spare his feelings. His mother Deb reassured me that she would make it known to him so that way I didn't have to myself. We waited another 15 minutes or so and then the divers started coming out with their teams one by one, this was the first time Tom had competed without his father and his main goal was to place just for him. Whether it was 1st or 3rd he wanted to get that medal just for him. When they walked in the whole arena cheered and it felt like I was walking into my arena all over again, but this time I got to soak it all in and watch everyone as they cheered. Tom and I quickly made eye contact and he walked towards us, he motioned for me to lean closer to the rail, and he simply just reached his hand up for mine, and held it.

"Good luck diver boy, kick some ass." I said and smiled.

He let go of my hand and blew me a kiss before he walked off to rejoin his team members to begin. Tom was doing a total of 6 different dives tonight against China, the US, and 7 other countries. Tom would have to place top 6 to move on to the finals. After his first two dives he was in 2nd place behind David Boudia, and heading to the finals. It was time for his third dive and it was a reverse 3 1/2 somersault in the tuck position, and he didn't get enough height jumping off the platform so the splash was a little to large causing him to drop to 5th place. But after his fifth dive he was brought up to 3rd place. Now we had to wait for the US and China to go to see if there was a chance for Tom to move up any more. When David went he didn't do the correct amount of flips he had chosen to do and the form was very off which made him end up taking the bronze, so now all that had to happen was some miracle that China messes up too so Tom can place first... it was a long shot but at least there was a chance. Toms mother and I were holding hands anticipating what was going to come, as soon as the Chinese diver took the platform I grabbed my dads hand tightly and anxiously waited....



The excitement was incredible through out the stadium all of London was going absolutely bonkers that for the first time ever in diving we won a gold medal! The rest of the GB diving team was so excited for Tom that they tackled him into the pool. While his mom and I stood there hugging in tears Tom ran up to where we were sitting and hopped up onto the railing to be face to face with me, he stepped over the railing and pulled me into a tight hug, I was absolutely soaked. After he was done hugging me he kissed me so passionately and told me that win was for me and his dad. Just when I had stopped crying he had to make me start again!! After he hugged his mom he jumped back down to head to his stuff to get dressed for the award ceremony.

He stood there on that podium with the biggest smile on his face and tears rolling down his cheeks. It was so cute to see how emotional he was and it made me so excited to know I would feel this way myself just two days from now.

After Tom was done with his interviews we met him outside, where he offered to drive me back to the dorms. We got to his car and he opened the door for me to get in, I said thank you and sat down. As soon as he got inside the car he told me that we were going to Funky Buddha to celebrate and that I had no choice. As tired as I was I knew I got to spend all day sleeping tomorrow so I accepted the invite. We rushed up to our dorms to get changed. For my outfit I chose my outfit and took my hair my hair out to have wavy curls in my hair

As soon as I was ready I texted Tom he walked out of the room in black chinos, a white vneck and a black jacket and some dress shoes, we headed out for the club, I had never been to one before so of course I was very nervous. When we arrived there were tons of paparazzi out front just waiting for us to arrive, it seems as though the word got out that we'd be making our "first appearance as a couple".... well let's see how this goes.

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