Dating A Hale

By Artsylatina

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[Prequel to Staying With The Hales] Cover credit:SepticGirliplier A year before the thanksgiving that set off... More

Chapter One: It's Date
Chapter Two: Heart Skips for Derek
Chapter Four: Scotty is skeptical
Chapter Five: Magic Hour
Chapter Six: Explanation Please
Chapter Seven: What is Lacrosse Anyways?
Chapter Eight: Diner Date Number One
Chapter Nine: Let's Party
Chapter Ten: Sarah understands
Chapter Eleven:One on One
Chapter Twelve: I love You
Chapter Thirteen: Agreement (END)

Chapter Three: An Almost Not So Great Day For Stiles And Derek

5.4K 213 34
By Artsylatina

This prequel will be a bit slow (if you haven't noticed) cause I want their relationship to really grow.

Stiles woke to the sun glaring in his eyes. School was always something he tried to avoid, but it seemed impossible seeing how it was a necessity in his life and for his future. He groaned and rolled out of bed, he checked his clock only to see he woke an hour ahead of his alarm. He muttered his frustrations under his breath as he trudged towards the bathroom.

He slipped out of his clothes and stepped into the shower. He turned out the water icy droplets hitting his back. He let out a loud yelp before jumping back and slipping. He hit his head as he landed on his back and let out a loud groan. He rubbed at the back of his head checking for any type of blood or injury. Luckily he only had a bump.

"Son of a bitch." He hissed sitting up slowly.

The cold water was still hitting his pale skin sending shivers throughout his body. He fumbled to change the temperature that was now a comforting luke warm. He sighed standing back up. His entire back was red from the fall and he was certain that a bruise would form later on.

He sighed and scrubbed himself with bubbles. At least the fall had woken him up completely rather than him walking around like a half asleep zombie. He rinsed himself off and turned off the water exiting the shower. He wrapped a towel around his waist and brushed his teeth. He was just ready for his day to be over before it even started.


Derek watched as his mother slowly ruined his life deciding whether or not if she should drive him to school or not. Laura had left early complaining about something that had to do with cheer practice, Derek really wasn't listening to her. His brothers were all busy and his car had decide to not work that day. In actuality his battery had died out and it would take to long to jump it.

"Okay I'll drop you off first, then your younger siblings." Talia decided and Derek groaned.

"Can't we take them first." He practically whined but she only frowned.

"They won't get in trouble for being late once I explain to their school what happened." She pointed out grabbing her purse, "your school is not as forgiving."

Derek was about to complain when his mother glared at him causing him to shut his mouth. He huffed and grabbed his back pack making his way towards his mother's SUV. The younger kids went after him as Talia locked up the house. He got into the passenger seat with complaints from Cora who he ignored with a frown on his lips.

The drive to school wasn't as bad as Derek would've expected, but still he wasn't happy about it. Talia pulled up so that Derek was right by the entrance where his best friend Paige stood with her cousin Eugene. Derek had to admit he was pretty cute just not as cute as Stiles. He exited the car with a quiet thank you.

Cora rolled down the window for sweet little Clara, "Is that your girlfriend?!"

Her loud question had gained the attention of a majority of the bystanders and Derek could feel his neck heat up. He turned back and glared at his baby sister before huffing and finishing his walk to Paige. She gave him an apologetic smile and Todd let out a soft laugh as they drove off.

"Tough morning?" Paige smiled raising an eyebrow.

"God yes."


Stiles rested his head against his desk and shut his eyes his head throbbing with a headache. He had to skip breakfast when he ended up taking too long getting ready. His stomach was rumbling and he was trying his best to make sure it wasn't obvious. Scott had also decide not to show up that day which made Stiles even more upset because of course his best friend would ditch to go hang out with his girlfriend.

"Mr.Stilinski, this information will be on the test so please lift your head up and pay attention." The teacher snipped at him and he sighed looking back up.

Not only was he hungry, but he was bored. He hated being bored. He hadn't seen Derek so he wasn't sure if the other teen was avoiding him or not. He usually saw him in the morning with his group of friends, but not today. Stiles was really hoping he hadn't scared to wolf away it was never his intention to do that. He sighed watching the clock slowly click by. Hopefully his day would start to pick up after lunch.


"So he asked you out?" Paige bit into her sandwich a small piece of ham falling in the grass beside her.

Derek nodded nibbling at his nail, "I don't know, Paige it's just-"

"Don't start making excuses, Derek." She glared at her best friend, "you've been crushing on this guy for how long now?"

"Since fifth grade but that's besides the point." Derek shook his head and reaching out for his soda.

"How? You've liked him for a long time and now you're finding out the feelings are mutual." Paige shrugged, "just go on the date, you sap."


They both had stopped their conversation almost abruptly as they saw Stiles walking towards them. Derek felt his heart rate spike and Paige gave him a mischievous smile. Stiles now stood in front of them with a sheepish smile.

"Is it okay if I have lunch with you guys?" Stiles questioned the tips of his ears bright red, "my friends sort of bailed without telling me."

"I actually have an essay I need to work on and I think you keeping Derek company is perfect." Paige smiled grabbing her bag and wrapping her sandwich, "I'll see you guys later."

As she walked off leaving Derek speechless Stiles took his seat causing the grass under him to bend from his weight. Derek blinked and then looked at Stiles his cheeks tinting a dark pink. Stiles smiled at him bringing out grapes from his bag.

"Want some?" Stiles offered and Derek nodded taking a few.

"How's your day been?" Derek mustered up his courage to speak to Stiles and he winced when his voice shook.

"Pretty bad actually." Stiles huffed, "but I'm trying to make the best of it, ya'know, I really didn't know Scott was gonna ditch."

"Sorry to hear that." Derek smiled softly at him his eyes apologetic, "I mean-I have practice but after do you want to hang out?"

"Like our date?" Stiles raised an eyebrow and Derek bit his tongue.

"Y-yeah." Derek stuttered, "maybe it'll brighten your day."

"It will." Stiles gave him a bright smile.

"You're willing to wait?" Derek felt as if his heart was going to explode.

"Definitely." Stiles popped a grape in his mouth, "for you I would wait as long as you wanted me to."

"You don't have to-"

"It's fine." Stiles smirked, "we can take my jeep."

The school bell rang and they both stood up finishing their food. Derek had to get to geometry which wasn't too far from where they had been sitting he was about to say bye when Stiles started walking with.

"Chemistry is right by your class." Stiles spoke sheepishly and Derek smiled.

"Perfect." Derek nudged his shoulder a bit hesitantly.

Stiles grinned and he couldn't believe how much better his day was getting just being around Derek. They walked in a comforting since towards their classes while everyone around them was in an almost sickening rush. But side by side they were completely at ease.

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