Life with the Anderson's

By ayex__

55K 1K 145

Autumn Clark is not your typical teenage girl. She's in foster care and is forced to live with this family th... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
7. You dont know me
8. Push me i dare you
What the hell
chapter 10
11: Did That Just Happen
12: The Truth
13: him!
14: Tonight it goes down
15: addiction
16: rehab
17: kidknapped?
18: All things bad.
19: escaped
20: the devil inside
21: The new beginning
22: coming back
23: Stay with me
24: all suprises
25: fights
26: living or dieing?
Perfect ending?

First day of everything

11.1K 147 9
By ayex__

You know that girl that you pass by and think she is shy and you can pick on and get away with it? Yeah well that's not me. If you asked the juvenile detention for Autumn Clark, they can actually make a list of the times and causes I've been there. That would've been some list.

I moved from one foster home to another until I lost count of them and that was just last year. I used to be with my brother Jason and my sister Skyler but that stopped when Jason turned 18 and lived on his own. Skyler is just turning 12 and Jason already got custody of her, leaving me to rotten in the foster care.
I just got out of juvenile detention, and guess what! I have to find a new foster home. Yay me.

After i got out, the social services reached out claiming they found a new foster family for me. Leo was talking to me, not that i cared. This happened quite a lot, i even lost count.
"I found you your brother and sister a new foster family, but we have to agree on some things"
I knew what he's talking about, as if my record wasn't enough to make them flee. I'm actually surprised someone accepted from the first place!
"I know i know, i will lay off and try not to get in trouble" I interrupted him before he bore me with his rule about being a goodie two shoes. But that didn't stop him from completing his idea.
"If you actually keep up with the good behavior, maybe this time it will be permanent for you guys and you can actually settle".

The next day i woke up early in order to meet my new foster parents. Apparently they lived in a huge house next to the beach. Hmmm that's cool. There stood a middle-aged couple, waiting for me! "Hi I'm Amy and this is Henry my husband" the women said in a chirpy voice; however the look on their faces said otherwise. They probably thought i was some psycho considering the few cuts and bruises i have on my face.
"Let us show you the house"
She showed me the kitchen, living room and took me up the stairs towards the most important place, my room. Though there were a lot of rooms here, I wonder why.
"So do you have any kids" i blurted out
"Why yes i do they are at practice right now" she answered me nonchalantly
"They as in how many are they?" confused!
"6 boys"
"6! Boys!" I was shocked
"Yeah I know that's a lot, you'll meet them later after you settle in" and with that she left the room. I sat on the bed and looked around, well settling in happened quickly since I have nothing with me, I mean I just got out!

I stayed in my room until later at night I heard Amy calling for me.
"It's dinner time" she said as we walked to the kitchen. I just stood there silently with 6 pairs of eyes staring at me. "Sit down and start eating, you'll get to know each other after you finish"
I sat at the end of the table with a heaping plate of pasta in front of me. I personally didn't want to eat but I did out of respect, and then just started poking the pasta with my fork.
"Autumn? That's your name right?" she asked me, I nodded. What kind of parent fosters someone without knowing their name?! "Is there something wrong with your food?" she asked worriedly
"No i just don't feel hungry right now" i mumbled shyly.
"Oh, well then Eric please take autumn's plate to the sink" she ordered who I think is the youngest of the brothers. "So how old are you autumn? She asked me. What is this interrogate Autumn day. Yet I answered i was 17.
"That means you're a junior" she exclaimed, but I was ready to correct her "No I'm actually a senior". Oh was all her response. We sat in silent, but that was cut short when one of the big brother asked "How did you get all the bruises and scratches on your face?!"
"Liam that's not a polite way to ask neither is it the appropriate time" she shot at him angrily, I shrugged my shoulders "It's really ok" I tried to cool it down, but she was persistent " No it's not, apologize now Liam" I heard a grunt of an apology and she started clearing the table.

Once she was done, she gathered us in the living room so I would meet each and every one.
The first one was Liam, he was tall with rippling abs that can be seen through his shirt. Not that I was looking. He had sort of a messy curly brown hair, grayish green eyes and he was 17.
The second one was Elliot. He wasn't exactly the hottest out of the boys, but he was actually kind of a cute looking nerd with shaggy black hair and gorgeous brown eyes. He was around my age.
Next was Brandon, with his short brown hair and green or brown eyes. It was hard to tell but he was sorta cute. I could tell he was a year or two older than me.
Eric came next and he was the most adorable 12 year old ginger boy with eyes of red wine. He was sitting next to Patrick that looked older than him in couple of years. He had short brown hair set in a Mohawk.
The last one was Caleb. He had sorta long brownish hair and devilish ocean blue eyes that tells you he is bad news. He was around my age, maybe older. I couldn't tell.
They all had the bad news aura surround them, well except the younger two. Those were cute, yet I could be wrong.

After I was introduced, I went to my room and sat down not knowing what to do. I didn't exactly have anything to spend my time and I didn't feel like watching tv, so I started looking around in my room and actually found a drawing notebook and a pencil and decided to draw. I just didn't feel like sleeping.
My feelings were way overwhelming that I decided to draw how I was feeling. I ended up drawing a shy girl sitting by herself at the lunch table at school and before you know it, it was morning. Huh the night went fast.

Soon there was someone knocking on my door. I got up to open it and there stood Brandon.
"Hey, mom told me to take you around the town", I didn't feel like going and went to decline his offer but he was fast and caught my hand. The next thing I knew was that I was heading out of the front door and towards the town. He showed me some restaurant, cafés, little stores, the beach and the school which was on the beach. I thought that was pretty cool.

When we got home, Amy took me to the mall so we can shop for clothes; she had to stay next to me because I was known for shoplifting.
Amy didn't care what kind of clothes I wore. Like hell I could wear a freaking shirt that went up to my boobs and shorts that barely fit me and she wouldn't give a damn. But I don't dress like a slut. I bought lots of skinny jeans, leggings, a couple pairs of converse and some shirts.
She tried to lure me into buying some make up but I didn't wear any. I think she wanted to buy me some because you know I'm not that attractive.

After a couple hours of shopping, we went back to the house. I took the bags that had my clothes and went upstairs. While I was dumping my clothes on the bed, I felt someone standing behind me. I hadn't noticed her following me.
"Um hey Amy, something wrong?" I asked her not knowing what she's doing here.
"I wanted to give you something before you start school in a couple days", she handed me an Iphone. Well I didn't see that coming.
"Thank you, but you really didn't have to buy me a phone", I was actually happy now that I had something to take my mind off somewhere.
"It's really nothing, I inserted the boys numbers and they all have yours along with mine and Henry's", she handed me the phone and left when I thanked her again.
Soon I was setting up my phone, putting on Pandora and blasting the music while I put my clothes in the closet. When I was done, I took the drawing book and completed the drawing I did yesterday. Then I was interrupted, again. This time Liam was knocking on my door. I wonder what he wants.
"I heard your music all the way in my room" he said once he entered my room. I kinda felt sorry for disturbing him and went to turn it down.
"Sorry" I mumbled shyly. He took a minute listening to the song.
"It's ok, it seems that you have an awesome taste in music. What song is this?"
"It's feel love by Hoodie Allen ... which you probably don't know who that is", I added once I took a look at his facial expression, "A lot of people don't".
"You're right, I have never heard of him, guess I'm one of those" he answered me then continued to question me, "Who were you listening to earlier?"
"Ummm probably Nirvana, Fall Out Boys, Ed Sheeran or Blink 182" I answered him. He was impressed; at least that's what I thought.
"See now those are some kick ass bands" he answered enthusiastically.
"Thanks, I guess", I said as I went to sit on my bed. Not gonna stand by the door all the time, might as well let him in. I think he was checking my room as he walked in because the next I knew he was asking me about my drawing.
"You draw?" he asked me while picking up the drawing book, "You drew this?"
"Yes and Yes, why?" I was slightly curious but so was he.
"This is amazing! Any other hidden talents keeping at bay?"
"Thanks. Umm I can play a little guitar" I answered him truthfully.
"Do we have a singer here?"
"No you don't". That came out almost immediately, nervous much!
"Oh ok, well I'll leave you alone now", and with that he left. I shut the door and turned up the music a little bit louder.
Around 7 I got bored, so I turned off the music and started watching tv but came to a halt as I remembered that I should lock the door. Don't want the boys coming in at the wrong moment, and there are 6 of them. Well, might as well change and get comfy. After pulling on a pair of black leggings and a baggy shirt, I headed towards my bed and snuggled to the bed sheets while watching some movies. Eventually I drifted off to sleep.

Next morning I woke up at 7:30, wanna know why, because a couple idiots were shouting their heads off. Really why at fucking 7 in the fucking morning! I was pissed beyond belief, and sleep escaped from my eyes. Now I was really ready to pull some heads off.
I got up, threw my bed hair into a messy bun and put my glasses on. I never wear them in public too much but they are these cool nerdish type yet some what hipsterish, if that made any sense. I should have thought better and changed my clothes, but little smart me didn't agree and then walked downstairs where I was received with a few stares. What never seen a girl before?!
"Can I help you", I shot at them. Brandon was first to answer.
"Umm no, we're good" is he playing dumb?
"Then what are you staring at?"
"No I wasn't" he said over defensively. Guess he is playing dumb! Well you can count me out.
"I know you were staring at me and don't you damn deny it"
"Dang it, I thought I got away with it", sure with your ever bulging eyes you were.
"Did we wake you up?" Liam asked me
"No shit Sherlock, why the hell were you guys fighting at 7 in the fucking morning?" I shouted at them."
"Uh-Ah 7:33 in the morning" Brandon said acting all funny.
As if the dirty look I was giving him wasn't enough already, "Bite me"
"Feisty one aren't ya", guess Brandon was up to a little play but I wasn't.
"To hell with it" I muttered and grabbed a granola bar. Surprisingly Caleb was the one that talked now.
"Are you one of those girls who starve themselves?!" he said teasingly.
When he said that I was a little pissed because I used to be like that, kinda still, not that he's gonna know. "No" I answered almost instantly and face-palmed myself in my mind."I just don't eat a lot at breakfast", I added.
"Yup, you are one of those girls". Well that did it to me.
"First, you don't know me. Second, shut the fuck up. Third, I hate people who label others and finally, if I eat some breakfast it might mess with my stomach and you don't want that to happen. Happy now" I flipped him and started eating my granola. I'm not actually in need of everyday food like them.
"Dude, you just got told... by a freaking GIRL" Brandon said laughing his ass off. I think he's high on something!
"Yup she's a feisty one", Caleb said as if the argument we just had never happened. Ugh I hate this thing.
"I'm outta here", I turned back to the stairs and went up to my room just when I was about to shut my door I heard a faint sound saying, "You know we're joking right?" but I wasn't gonna answer.
The day went fast and I was dreading tomorrow because I will start school. I hated it already cause I knew I wasn't gonna get along with anybody, ohh and I shall be called 'The Girl That Just Got Out of Juvenile Detention', great. Simply great.

The morning came rolling in, and I woke up because of the blasting alarm at 7:30, I started to get ready. Not feeling like impressing anyone today I wore a pair of skinny jeans and a Rolling Stones shirt with a tongue sticking out of it, along with my combat boots and my eye contacts. I grabbed my bag and proceeded to walk downstairs where I met Liam.
"Awesome shirt", he complimented, the shirt of course not me. I thanked him and we headed out.
The school wasn't really that far so I decided to walk there instead of riding the car with the boys. When I finally reached, I saw Liam Waiting for me.
"Bout time you got here!" well if you're gonna complain why wait?!
"I like to take my time walking okay" I fired at him.
"I'm just teasing you. Come on, I'll show you to your first class"
"No need to, you go ahead. I can see your little possum waiting for you"
"Are you sure? They can wait"
"Yes very sure, go ahead"
Once I was inside the school building, I made my way towards my first class. The classes haven't even started and I was getting looked at and whispered about. When I finally got to class, I found an empty spot at the back. I made a beeline towards there and sat down; I pulled my drawing book and started wasting my time drawing. Then I noticed a girl next to me staring, yet smiling! That was a first!
"Hi I'm Peyton", she was a blondie with baby blue eyes.
"Autumn" I thought that was the end of it but I was wrong.
"Are you new here?"
"Yeah, just came here"
"Where did you come from?"
"Umm foster care"
"Oh, sorry"
"Nah it's okay, not your fault"
Right when she was about to reply, she got interrupted by the teacher who apparently is Mrs. Burns.
I couldn't be happier when I heard the bell ring. I gathered my stuff and headed out towards my next class when a guy bumped into me and dropped my books.
"I'm so sorry", he bent down to help me pick my stuff. When we were done I stood and told him it's ok. He didn't mean to do it after all. I took a look at him and guess what, he's blonde. I swear the blonde population was the majority in this place. He also was checking me out apparently.
"You have really pretty eyes" I know they are the only beautiful thing within me.
"Umm thanks" should I compliment him too? I don't know how this thing works.
"I'm Sean" he raised his hand for me to shake it.
"I'm Autumn" I shook his hand.
"That's a pretty name", weird one too."So what class do you have next?"
"Social studies"
"Well lucky you, so do I" and we walked together to class.

Finally, it was lunch. I made my way to Peyton's table and sat next to her.
"Hey Autumn, this is my friend Claudia or Claud if you like"
"Hi" and with that I started to eat.
After lunch I went to my locker and grabbed my things. While I was heading to my class, a girl or may I say Clarisse bumped me on purpose.
"Watch where you going dumb-head" well those were my words but it wasn't my mouth that said them.
"You bumped into me", idiot I said to myself.
"No I didn't" she shot back bitchily. Really that's where we're heading!
"You know what, I'm not gonna bicker back and forth with some slut. Not worth my time" I said to her trying to head back to my class.
"What did you just say?"
"You heard me"
"Say slut one more time"
"Slut" I shrugged.
"Oh you asked for it" and with that she punched me.
Little did she know, I was at upper hand with these things. I fought for living some bitch slapping wasn't gonna hurt. I grabbed her and pinned her to the wall, which probably hurt a lot, not that I'll know. I tried giving her a chance to fight me but I knew she couldn't even if her life depended on it. I punched her one last time and heard some cracking, then a scream and blood coming out of her nose. Guess I broke it. Eventually the principal came down the hallway just when she was punching me, or trying for that matter. About time you show up.
And now, here I am. Sitting in the principal's office

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