Dragon Children By: K.C.M

By DaughterOfTheLord

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When all of dragon kind is threatened by the Knights, a group of humans who want to destroy them, three kids... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 1

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By DaughterOfTheLord

"Good morning, Jeniffern!" said Baron and Baroness Fletcher to their adopted daughter when she walked into the dining room to eat her breakfast. They were already seated and she took her sat down and nibbled on her toast with grape jam. "I told you mum, call me Ifer." Jeniffern hated her name and did not want to be called Jen or Fern, so she went by Ifer. Sure she was mocked for it, I mean what kind of nobility goes by Ifer? The kind that is nobility because they can do what they want because they are, in fact, nobility.

"Okay 'Ifer' we have some news for you when you get done with your horse riding lessons. It's a big surprise, so let's hurry." Ifer, being excited about the surprise, did rather poorly during her lesson and nearly fell off the horse entirely. Once the lesson was over, she went straight to see her father in the library and waited eagerly for him to tell her the news. "Well how was your lesson, Jeniffern?" He asked when she sat on the chair across from his own. He barely looked up from his paper, then put his attention back on the article about various boring things in England.

"Fine, Father, and how has your day been so far?"

"Very well, thank you." said her father. Then he sat there silently and pretended to read the paper as she tried to not squirm in the chair. "Oh come on, you have to tell me!" She finally exclaimed. Her father laughed and put the paper back on the lamp table. "We're going to America!" Ifer stared at him for a moment with her mouth slightly open. "Where in America?" she finally was able to sputter out. "Florida, at a very nice hotel by the beach. Everything is ready and we're taking a plane there tomorrow, so go back your bags up."

"Thank you so much!" she called as she ran out of the library and upstairs to her room. She had always wanted to go to Florida and couldn't wait until the next day.

Ifer was a beautiful girl with long curly red hair and rich violet eyes. A few freckles dotted her nose and shoulders, and she loved the color green so Ifer wore a emerald necklace almost every day. People admired her for her sweet personality and because of how bright she was. She was outgoing and helpful as well, making her pretty much sickeningly perfect, but she was clueless about her parents. She loved her parents but wanted to know who her real parents were and what they were like. Everyone refused to say anything about it, so they left her completely in the dark. She once tried to do so genealogy to find out, but found absolutely nothing, not even her birth certificate. It was also strange that whenever she got mad, some fire would break out not far from her home. Being a very superstitious person, she believed that it was a nasty little curse she had, so she did her best not to get mad about anything. Luckily, Ifer had an extremely long fuse. As for her parents, they looked like Barbie and Ken dolls. They adopted Ifer when she was only a tiny infant. She always had a birth mark that looked like a snake that ran all the way down her arm, and another birthmark that looked like three U's side by side. She did her best to cover them up with sleeves and makeup, because even if she was nobility, she still had to go to private school...



"Great. It's them." Derrk muttered angrily under his breath. There was this one group of girls that really got under his skin, and there they were, walking through the door. He quickly looked back down at his book, and hoped that they wouldn't see him. Derrkiem, Derrk for short, was a ladies man and he absolutely did not mean to be. He didn't like girls being all over him while they try to get his attention, and he especially hated when they arrived at his house wearing nothing but their bathing suits. Just because they were in Florida and lived next to the beach, it did not mean that girls had to wear their bathing suits everywhere.

He met these girls because his grandparents owned a high class hotel and they would all come in from the beach to get glasses of water (because his grandma always offered free water bottles to people because she was just that nice) and he would pass help work the front desk in the summer, and summer it was. Now, it's not that he didn't like the occasional hot chick coming in and noticing him, he had actually gotten several girlfriends out of the job, but he didn't like flirts or girls who wanted nothing but you know what. His grandma raised him better than that, and if he was going to like a girl, he wasn't going to like her for her body or because she was all over him. He was going to like her because she respected herself and didn't try to be the center of attention.

Just then, the group noticed him practically hiding behind the desk with a book shoved in his face. "Hi, Derrk!" the ringleader of them said in her obnoxiously flirty voice. Derrk sighed and stood up to confront the group, of course all of them were wearing bikinis, and the ringleader, Victoria, was leaning on the desk, trying to make sure that he noticed her not-so-big chest. "Would you mind getting us all some water? It's just sooooo hot outside, and we're sooo thirsty."

"Okay." he said bluntly, then turned to leave when one of the girls said a little too loudly, "Man, he is so hot. I totally think he should ask you out, Victoria. Everyone knows he's totally in love with you." For some reason, this made him very, very, very mad. Who were they to say whether or not he liked a girl, especially when he didn't like her. So long to being polite, he was sick of them and fully intended to let them know.

He turned on them and started yelling, "Leave me alone! Can I get one day away from you and your stupid gang! I don't like you and I don't want you hanging all over me, so would you please just leave?" They all stared at him like he had slapped them or something, then they giggled and turned and left. "Alright, you get a day off, see you in a couple days." Victoria called out behind them. Derrk then banged his head on the desk and muttered, "I really can't stand them." Then he got and started preparing again. They had a really important guest and his family coming over from England the next day, and he had to help make sure everything was ready.

Derrk had jet black hair and bangs that slightly covered his orange eyes. He has a few freckles on his nose and is quite handsome. His seemingly brooding personality won the ladies over and his shaggy black hair and tan skin gave him the appearance of a mysterious kid. He covered his shaggy, thick hair with a orange baseball cap that he turned sideways (he said it was good luck). Derrk never got in trouble for wearing a hat during class. Some said he was a teacher’s pet and that's why he got to wear the hat, but the only thing he had to do was look the teachers in the eyes and ask if he could wear the hat, and they always did whatever he wanted. Maybe it was they way he asked or something.

He was very smart and loved reading, which added even more to the mysterious factor because he was always reading and blocking out the outside world. Derrk lived with his grandparents, since his parents died when he was very young according to them, but there was just something odd about it. He had always called them Grandma and Grandpa and they never gave him any reason not to, but there just wasn't something right that they never talked about his parents, didn't have any pictures of them, and he didn't even know which of his parents they were the parents of, but it wasn't like he could prove them wrong, so he just went along with it.

Merlyn and Magia Gold were the typical cute elderly couple. They had been married for year and years and they obviously loved each other, and Derrk too. She made cookies and he used to make little toys out of wood for Derrk when he was little (Derrk still had a toy train tucked up in his closet). They worked hard and believed in the old ways better than the new, they were just that cute little elderly couple. Derrk actually spent a lot of time taking care of them, just as much as they took care of him, so he really didn't have time to worry about some stupid birthmarks on his arm and neck. They weren't even that noticeable anymore anyway, so what did it matter?



"Come on Kayliss! Time for dinner!"

"Coming Mom!" Kayliss called back as she jumped over the fence and ran back to the house. She came in and sat at the table with her mom and dad as they ate some grilled cheese sandwiches. "I can't wait 'til tomorrow! We finally get to go to the beach. The only thing that sucks is that I'm gonna be burned up, but oh well." She said as she munched happily on her sandwich that had been grilled to perfection. "Kayleigh said she'll watch the horses and make sure their fed, and Sammie said he'll water the plants. He knows where the spear key is, and I think this is just all gonna go swimmingly. Hey, Dad, where are we staying anyway?"

"Well, since I got the raise that I was hoping for, we get to stay at a pretty nice hotel by the beach."

"What's it called?"

"The Golden Bay. It's funny because the people who own its last name is Gold!" He started laughing insanely to the point where they stopped eating and looked at him with funny faces. "Sweetie, I love you, but you have a horrible sense of humor." Arianna said. They all began to laugh and carry on conversations about what they would be doing on vacation, when suddenly the weird birthmarks that Kayliss had on her neck and the one that led down to her right fist stated tingling and itching. "Hey, Dad, did you get my allergy medicine today?"

"Dang it, I forgot!"

"Darn, I think I'm having another allergic reaction." She tried to resist the urge to scratch, but ultimately failed and gave in to the temptation. "Oh well, it may stop once we get to Florida. I'm just gonna go take my sleeping medicine and go to bed. Hopefully I'll get to sleep some!" Kayliss then ran to her room and took her medicine, then tried to get to sleep, but once she did, she had really weird dreams of dragons and knights fighting, and she was on the dragon side, until she suddenly woke up in the middle of the night, and looked around the room. Glancing at the clock, Kayliss saw that it was 1:25 and they were waking up to get ready to leave at 1:30, so she knew going back to sleep was pointless. "Great." she whispered tiredly, and got up to turn on the light. When looking into the mirror, she saw that her eyes were glowing, like they normally do when her skin itches like it did earlier. When the light turned on, her eyes went back to normal, and she started getting ready for the long car ride to Florida.

Kaylamissian, Kayliss, was adopted when she was a baby and they never told her anything else. They believed in honesty and telling her the truth, but she probably could figure out anyway, since she didn't look like her parents at all. Arianna and Drake McKafire both had straight dirty blond hair and grey eyes they were tall and lanky with long faces and muscles made for country living. She had dark blue eyes, curly dark brown hair, and pale skin that was dotted with a ton of freckles and was normally a tiny shade of red since she burned so easily. Plus, it was decorated with birthmarks. There was a really long one that went all the way down her right arm, and another that looked like three upside down camel humps on her neck. Sometime the birthmarks would sting and itch like crazy, so they just assumed it was allergic reactions since they lived in the country with lots of outdoors that anyone could be allergic to, but all allergy tests came back negative, so they didn't really know what it is was.

Kayliss wasn’t buff, but she was pretty dang strong because she knew how to fight, if you called her a girly-girl then she would pin you to the ground until you took it back, but she had never really fought anyone before, because she was too much of a peacemaker and a goody goody two shoes. It was a rare thing if she got in trouble for something, and even more rare if she was grounded for something. Kayliss was brilliant in school. She made A’s in all her subjects and excelled in Spanish and French class. She was particularly good with all languages. She even had her own language that she made up when she was little. When she was alone in her room, she would talk in her reflection and understand every word she was saying. It sounded almost like hissing but was totally different. It kind of sounded like something that some sort of beast would make really. It was a language all her own, and Kayliss liked it that way.

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