Chapter 2

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The ride to Florida seemed to last forever to Kayliss, who was crammed in the backseat with a lot of their bags for almost twenty hours. When they pulled up to the hotel, she practically jumped out of the car while it was still moving. "This place is awesome!" she exclaimed as they grabbed their bags and started heading in. At the desk, a little old woman sat their while she pondered over her books and munched on a cookie. There were people gathered around in the lobby chatting and drinking water, and a couple kids that looked to be around her age. "Sweet!" Kayliss said quietly as they walked up to the lady at the desk, and when she looked up, she smiled sweetly at them. "You must be the McKafire's. I'm Magia Gold. Your rooms are all ready for you, and I'm very sorry if it's a little busy around here, but there are some very important people coming today, and everyone's a little excited. I'm so sorry if it gets crowded or uncomfortable."

"I completely understand." said Mr. McKafire, and Mrs. Gold looked extremely relieved. "My grandson will help you with your bags," she said, then called out, "Derrk, can you come help the McKafire's?"

"Coming Grandma." called out a young male's voice, and in moments they found the source. A tall boy with black hair and bright orange eyes walked up and gave them a small, polite smile, then started getting some of the bags. "Here, I'll get some of these." Kayliss said when Derrk bent down to grab one of her bags. She then picked up just as many as he had in his hands, then headed to the elevator. "You guys go ahead," said Mrs. McKafire. "I'm going to make sure everything's okay." Kayliss stood in the elevator with the boy and her dad, when he suddenly remembered that he had left his wallet in the car, and gave Kayliss the key and went to grab it. "But Dad I don't know which ro-" she was cut off by the elevator door. "Here, let me see the key." said the boy. He gave it a quick glance and then was able to determine which room they had.

They rode in silence for a moment then the girl spoke up and asked, "So, the name's Derrk right?"

"Yeah." he said, almost trying to sink into the wall. He was praying that she wasn't like Victoria and her gang. There was something oddly familiar about her with her messy hair and weird eyes. Derrk was almost sure that she was wearing colored contacts. Now that he looked at her closely, with her tiny arms wrapped around several bags and her wide and somewhat inviting (you couldn't really tell if she was going to punch you or if she was just being nice) smile, he was sure that she wasn't like Victoria.

"My name's Kayliss." she shifted a couple bags and held out her hand. He shook it and then the door opened to reveal a couple making out. "Get a room!" Kayliss shouted at them as they walked by, and then Derrk quickly shouted, "Not here though! This is a family place!" They looked greatly offended, and the girl grabbed the boy's hand and dragged him in the elevator with a huff. "Idiotic people." Kayliss complained as she shook her head and glared at the elevator. Derrk had to do everything he could to suppress laughter, let alone a small smirk. "Come on, the room is this way." he turned and walked down the hallway. She lagged behind and he heard her say, "So, y'all don't happen to watch movies like The Shining here do you? Because that would be pretty weird for you, since, you know, it's almost like you live here. But you don't do you? You live a little further away, in a small neighborhood." She said the last part in a weird voice that sounded like she was very far away. Far, far away from The Golden Bay.

Derrk turned on the spot to see Kayliss, standing there, staring off into space. For a moment, he felt like he was in The Shining, and Kayliss was Dani, and he was the poor Mom, who had no idea what to do.

She quickly snapped out of it and looked at him with wide eyes. "Did I space out?" All he could do was nod his head. She sighed and shook her own. "Man, that's embarrassing. Oh well, nothing I can do about it now. What's wrong? you like you've seen a ghost. Oh wait you were freaked out about that just now! Sorry to scare you like that, but it's okay, I do that a lot."

Dragon Children By: K.C.MWhere stories live. Discover now