Naruto's Big Sister- A Naruto...

By FoxieRoxie6677

17.1K 233 53

Julia Uzumaki, the big sister of Naruto Uzumaki. She's fierce, brave and doesn't let anyone get in her way. S... More

Table of Contents
Chapter One : Rewritten
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
A rewrite?!?!
Tiny little authors note

Chapter Two : Rewritten

3.6K 48 16
By FoxieRoxie6677

I slowly wake up in this boxed in room with a door closed that is right in front of me. I slowly get up and walk towards the muddy brown door and open it to see a dark, almost creepy looking hallway. As I walk through the hallway, not looking through the other rooms inside the hallway, I hear a voice. No, I hear two voices. They muffle over and over again. I walk closer and closer but it seems like I am just getting farther away. I tried to run. I hear my feet stomping on the dark, blood red carpet that covers the whole hallway floor. But as usual, it was no use. I fall down onto the carpet, tripping and landing on my face. I feel tiny drops of water falling onto my face, confused and puzzled. I shut my eyes tightly. Finally I hear much clearer. I hear the rain hit the trees and the grass. Oh, the pretty autumn green trees and grass. They are getting soaked from the rain hitting them over and over again. I feel the moist grass beneath me. It feels so calm. I stay down for a moment longer and think. I then slowly got up and looked around. I slowly walked east of where I was. I just kept on seeing trees and more trees. I just kept on walking. I knew I would hit my destination eventually. It turned into night and as I was about to fall asleep, I saw two men. Two men were sleeping in front of a village gate. I knew that I finally reached my destination. I watched the two guys very closely. I put on my change of clothes and got on my hood. I didn't want them to make the wrong impression if they ever woke up. I walked to the gates and jumped over them without making any noise. In the distance, I heard one anbu upset and muttering. "That dumb kid stole the scrolls." He muttered in a grouchy manner. My eyes glared. How rude can a guy be to call someone dumb. I heard an explosion from my left and decided to run in that direction. I couldn't believe my eyes, Naruto was the kid that the anbu was talking about. Holy shoot. He is kind of dumb. I can call him that though. Holy, just holy. He was learning forbidden jutsus and I was proud. I stared, so proud of my little brother. I was so proud. 

I watched and watched as he perfected the jutsu. Slowly I heard someone coming so I hide in the trees. Yes, I am a pussy cat hiding in the trees because I am scared. What do you expect. As I was in the trees, I saw a sensei coming. Naruto's eyes shined so bright as he saw his sensei. I smiled so genuine, I was glad he was so happy. I couldn't have it any other way. 

I slowly turned around and left, no wanting to ruin this amazing moment he was having. I cracked my knuckles. 'Time to beat up the anbu.' I thought as I smirked my evil smirk. He would surely die today. I will make sure of it. I laughed maniacally to myself. Ah, today was a good day. 

I walked to the middle of the village and saw a ramen stand. I lost my train of thought and went to the stand. I saw a man working there. "May I have some ramen please?" I asked the man and he gave me what I requested and dealt with the other customer. I smelled the ramen. It smelled wonderful and i couldn't wait to try it. I took a huge bite and fell in love. The aroma and the taste was too good to be true. Mmmmm. So good. I finished and ran because I had no more money. 

I ran straight to the hokage building. I will recognize that building from anywhere. I raced up the steps as I got exhausted from the last one but I didn't stop, I kept on going. I slightly opened the door and saw the hokage. I slowly snuck in. Then the anbu people came to attack as I dodged so gracefully. I'm such a pretty princess. Then I saw the anbu I was searching for before I ate the ramen. I stared at him wide eyed and leaped on top of him. I punched him over and over again. I wanted to hurt him. I was suddenly lifted off of the anbu. I felt like a rag doll. I tried to get him off, I tried so hard. "Kakashi, your on time." Said the hokage.

"You needed me?" Questioned the person holding me. He let go of me and I roughly fell to the floor. 'Ow.' I told myself. "Ow." I said out loud. "Oh look, it can talk." Said Kakashi sarcastically. "Bench." I mumbled. "Bench?" He asked confused. "Yes, you sack of potatoes. I called you a bench. Can you not hear me fork boy?" I asked him. He just laughed hysterically. I just rolled my eyes in response. 

"Would you want to be a sensei?" I stared at the hokage. "What?" I asked even though it was pretty clear what I was asked. "You'll get money to buy ramen if you become a sensei." My eyes grew wide as I smiled with glee. "Of course." I told him excitedly. "Then its a deal." He gave me papers and I signed them happily. Kakashi stood their in shock when I was done. 

"Good, now you guys are partner senseis, it's been a pleasure." He said as his anbu pushed us out. Now I was the one standing there in shock as Kakashi laughed at me. Again with the laughing. I stomped away angrily. I glared at every single person that I walked by. Ugh. How I hate being tricked. I just hate it so much. The hokage is a definite meanie head.

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