Full Fledge & Half Breed Demo...


1.6K 82 36

Samara was a normal every day 18 year old who just wanted to fit in with everyone else. That all changed on H... More

Carefull What You Wish For.... - 1
....You Just Might Get It - 2
Why Are You Here? - 3
Why Does This Always Happen To Me - 4
Training Time: Uninvited Guests - Part 2 - 6
Training Time - Uninvited Guests - Part 3 -7
The Phone Call - 8
The Woman - 9
The Loup Garou - 10
My True Self - 11
Shadow Aramas - 12
The Feud & the Decision - 13
It Wasn't Suppose To Be You - 14

Training Time: Uninvited Guests - Part 1 - 5

143 5 2

"Samara, time to wake up," I heard Dante call for me, but I ignored him. I was still fuzzy about last night.

"Samara, get your ass up now or I'm dragging you out of bed."

"Oh, no you're not!"

"Get out of bed, then."

"What's the magic word?"

"Can you please get out of bed?"

"...Okay," I said, pulling the covers off and putting on my slippers.

"Nah - ah. You have to get completely dressed. Which means in different clothes made for ruff work. I'm going to train you on how to fight demons," Dante said. FUCK! This has to deal with last night if I have to be dressed up for training.

"Alright, just don't come checking up on me. I'll be down in five minutes," I answered. Dante shook his head and left me in privacy to change. Are you fucking serious?! I don't have clothes for training! I thought I was just going to laze around most of the time. As soon as I was going to go tell Dante that I didn't have training clothes, it was like he read my mind.

"Oh, by the way. Lady bought these for you. They're training clothes since you didn't pack anything. Hurry up and change," Dante said. Wow. Lady must really want me to be ready for whatever the hell I have to train for. I still want to know why I'm in so much danger all of the sudden. I've never done anything wrong......well, not yet, anyways. >XD

     I got dressed in my new training attire. Lady really doesn't have a bad taste in clothes when it comes to occasions like this. I had a black, long - sleeved shirt, a black and blue three tailed jacket with a golden - outline, black leather pants with a golden skull head buckle belt (which was also black), and black leather boots. The whole attire was just like Dante's attire, except for the gold outline of it, that was more like the outline on Vergil's attire. I'm surprised she didn't give me high heeled boots. Guess she doesn't want me to break my neck...Yet. I put my hair up in a pony tail and headed downstairs, only to have four sets of eyes staring at me.

"What?...Is something wrong?"

"Wow, Lady. You weren't kidding when you said that would look nice on her."

"Oh, shut up Trish. I'm not gonna have her dress up as a slut like you when she goes on her first hunt."

"Yeah, if she ever gets ready. Now why don't both of you just shut up so we can train her already," Lucia said.

"Whatever, Chai."

"Don't you ever call me Chai again. Only Samara can call me that, not a whore like you!"

"What did you call me?!"

"Hey guys! Cut the drama bullshit and let's go. We have to go pick up Nero in Fortuna," Dante said, getting in between Lucia and Trish. I'm impressed. Didn't have to make an impression around them and already I have people on my side...Weird...

"Okay, is everyone ready?"

"Yeah, the rest of us are ready, except Samara. We're not going anywhere until she has her weapons. Dante," Lady looks over to him as he sighs and nods.

"Shit, I forgot. Samara, I hope you can handle these carefully.."

"I'm not a fuckin' five year old, I'm eighteen! Of course I can handle some weapons," I answered.

"Okay then, here you go. Merciless and the two submachine guns that you like so much," Dante said, giving me my new weapons. How did he know?! I always wanted Merciless and the two submachine guns. This is fucking crazy. I took a hold of Merciless first. It wasn't as heavy as I thought. If I picked up Rebellion, Merciless would feel half the weight of it. I took the sword and swung it on my back in its proper holster. Next were the two sub machines guns. The safety was on. That's good. At least I wouldn't have to worry about shooting the guys. As long as I didn't have my finger on the trigger, everyone was okay.

"When you're done training, I'll take you down to a gun specialist and you can name them anything you want," Lady said to me.

"Sure, what the hell. I'll think of a name for them when we go pick up Nero."

"Speaking of Nero, can we go pick him up now? We're actually kind of late," Dante said.

"Yeah, yeah. Just stop whining like a damn two year old," Trish said. They gathered their stuff that they needed as I put my guns in their holsters and we headed out the doors of Devil May Cry...

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