The Virginity Pact

By prettywhenIcry_

36.1K 1.3K 831

"True love and betrayal. Revenge and more revenge. A heroine with an impossible goal. If only Mozart had live... More

1 - the city that never sleeps
2 - deal or no deal
3 - insider/outsider
4 - the brady brunch
5 - escort me not
6 - playing both sides
7 - the haves and have nots
8 - path of success
9 - It's my party and I'll cry if I want to
10 - yellow brick road
11 - fashions not forever
12 - V for Vendetta
13 - bad girls do it well
14 - what a tangled web we weave
15 - can't keep a secret
17 - God save the Queen
18 - eighteen candles
19 - kiss and tell
20 - this little lie of mine
21 - playa playa
22 - Harperella
23 - when the clock strikes 12
24 - pretty little liar
25 - brunch and beratings
26 - double, double toil and trouble
27 - faking it

16 - Christmas time in the city

895 39 43
By prettywhenIcry_

Hear those silver bells? It's Christmas time in the city. Some families actually do make the yuletide gay, managing to leave their troubles far away. Other families have a merry little Christmas, even when their troubles aren't so far away. Some presents might end up getting returned. Other presents come when you least expect them. And everyone knows the biggest present comes in the smallest box. Then there are those boxes you wish you had never opened. Have a holly jolly Christmas.


The door bell sounds and I set down the ornament in my hand, taking a step away from our tree, but Aunt Lindsey yells from down the hall that she's got it.

"Holden, it's nice to see you," I hear her say as I reach for the ceramic candy cane ornament again. "Elijah isn't in right now."

"That's alright I came to see Harper."

My eyebrows furrow and my heart jumps. Why did he come to see me? Why didn't he just text me like a normal person? Or at least text that he was coming?

"Oh," Aunt Lindsey says, taken back. I can tell by her tone she's unnerved. She's never liked me spending time with Holden. "Come in," she says warily.

My eyes widen and I jump over ornaments and lights as I try to get to the stairs.

"Harper you--" I hear Aunt Lindsey start as she enters the living room just as I reach the top step. "Harper?" She calls out in confusion but I stay put in my room.

I groan lowly as I quickly pull my hair into a bun. I haven't touched it in 2 days and the curls that had reverted back after Sundays wash were now stringy and frizzy.

"Harper?" I hear Holden's voice from the doorway and I groan again turning around with an oily, makeupless face and disgusting hair.

"Yes, Holden?" I sigh.

"Wow, don't sound so excited to see me," he chuckles plopping down on the edge of my bed. Surprisingly he doesn't look disgusted as he looks me up and down. "Nice pajamas, " he smirks at my burgundy silk shorts and matching silk tank top.

I roll my eyes. "People usually call before they show up at someone's house."

"I was already in the neighborhood," he shrugs. "I gotta tell you something," he smiles as he stands up.

"What?" I raise my eyebrows and cross my arms. His eyes flicker down to my chest for a second and I frown at him.

"Frasier Casinos," he beams. "What do you think?"

"I'm not sure I know what you mean," I say truthfully.

"That's it. A casino. That's how I'll get out of going to fucking Duke or whatever and ensure that I'll become the dominate owner of the company when my dad retires."

I lick my lips and stare at him silently. The longer I look at him the more his million dollar smile starts to fade away.

"You're going to open a casino by the end of this school year?" I ask slowly.

He thinks for a second. "You can accomplish any dream as long as you have determination and the means to finance it."

"Holden, you're 17. You can't even get in to a casino."

"Actually I've--"

"That's alright you don't have to tell me," I cut him off shaking my head.

"I already talked to my dad and our lawyer. I just have to put everything in my father's name, then when I turn 21 I legally become the owner."

I stare at him longer. How do I tell him that there's no way in hell this is going to work?

"That's great!" I hear myself say.

What the fuck, Harper?

Holden smiles widely and hugs me, catching me by surprise.

"You're like, the only one on my side," he says.

My breath catches in my throat and I feel a mix of emotions. If I was really on his side wouldn't I tell him that this is a shit idea?

"Anyway," he starts pulling back from our embrace. "I'm hosting an ice skating fundraiser. I rented out Wollman Rink in central park for this Saturday. We're hiking up prices for skates to $2,000 a pair--"

"What?" I ask cutting him off in confusion. "Who's paying $2,000 to rent some skates?"

"I'm inviting millionares and billionaires, not anyone that can't afford it. And my dad knows Trump so I get all the money made off skate rentals during the fundraiser," he says.

"You rented out the entire rink? The super famous one in Central Park from Home Alone 2?" I ask in shock.

He nods with a small smile. "Yes, Harper. That's the one."

"Your dad knows Donald Trump?" I spit out another question like a curious little kid and Holden nods with a grimace.

"Same business," he shrugs.

An alert sounds from Holden's phone and he groans when he picks it up and looks at it.

"Who is it?" I ask in curiousity.

"My dad," he sighs. "I gotta go; he probably wants to scrutinize something surrounding this idea," he says as he stands up to go and and I bite my lip awkwardly.

"I'll see you Saturday, right?" He says hopefully.

"I'm invited?" I ask stupidly.

"Yeah," he says as if it's obvious. "Your whole family is."

I nod in realization that he'd not only want my aunt and uncle there to hopefully invest in his idea, but because he's known them forever and is best friends with Elijah. I always forget the amount of money they have.

"So how much money are we talking?" I ask.

Theres a pause and his tongue darts out to lick his bottom lip.

"34 million dollars."


"Thanks for seeing me," Jake says, barely able to look at Lydia. She stays silent, not looking at him either except for a quick glance.

"Lyd, I care about you so much, alright? I know you probably don't believe that anymore, but I do," he sighs. "I know throughout our relationship I wasn't always a great boyfriend and I'm sorry. I don't expect you to forgive me, but I am sorry. And I'm not going to ask to get back together with you. I know that's what you're waiting for, but I'm not doing that to you."

Lydia turns and looks at Jake with confusion and hurt. She did want to be with him, but she didn't. Not after what he did. But she at least wanted to tell him no when he asked.

"I don't want to see you with anyone else, honestly. But I know you'll be happier with someone else than with me, so I'll just have to get over myself. I want you to be with someone that treats you well."

Lydia shakes her head, flabbergasted with what she's hearing.

"Why the hell did you wait until you completely ruined our relationship to deciede to be mature?" She asks with annoyance.

Jake wrinkles his brows, wondering the same thing.

"I guess there's something in the air at Christmas time."

There's a pause of silence as Lydia thinks about how they'll be breaking their tradition of seeing The Rockettes on Christmas eve this year, while Jake thinks unsurely of the box in the pocket of his Banana Republic slacks.

"You're just giving up on me?" Lydia asks, slightly offended that he's not even trying to win her back.

"I don't think there's a point," Jake says. "You deserve better."

They sit quietly again for a few seconds and Lydia bites her lip to keep from crying. Jake looks away from her, past the lit fake tree and out the frosty window of Lydia's living room.

"I don't want to cut you out of my life," he says. "Don't think that's what's happening. Unless that's what you want," he rushes out the last part shaking his head as he tries to find the right thing to say.

"That's not what I want," Lydia says quietly, causing Jake to sigh out in relief. Lydia laughs quietly at his response.

"I still got you something for Christmas," Jake says. Lydia's eyes light up as she turns her body slightly towards him.


"You can't open it until Christmas, alright?"

Lydia nods as Jake hands her a tightly wrapped, small, rectangular box.

Lydia smiles. "You shouldn't have."

"You don't even know what it is yet," Jake narrows his eyes.

"I can take a guess."


"If this is about the guest list I understand more invitations need to be sent out, but it's hard to think of 2,000 people off the top of you head," Holden says when he sees his dad sitting at the kitchen table.

"That's not why I called you here. Though I do suggest you raise skate rental prices to $5,000. Right now you'd be looking at only 4 million if you fill the rink to the 2,000 person capacity," Vincent says. "Sit down."

Holden's eyebrows furrow as he sits across from his father thinking over raising the skate prices.

"What do you think of Charlotte?"

"I don't."

"I'm serious, Holden," Vincent says sternly.

There was something inside Holden that screamed at him to hate Charlotte and push her out. Maybe it was that she looked like his mom. Or that she had persuaded his dad into only allowing him to drink on special occasions.

As if Holden was really going to listen.

As if Vincent really cared what Holden was doing.

"I'll be glad to see her gone," Holden says, slightly lying, taking much notice that his father hadn't laid a hand on him since Charlotte came around.

"I was hoping you'd say the opposite, " Vincent says, sitting back in his seat and dropping his hands in his lap. "I'm going to propose to Charlotte on Christmas."

Holden blinks a few times feeling dizzy and uneasy.

"No," he spits.

"I'm not asking for your permission. I just didn't want you to be blindsided when it happened."

Holden stands up and runs his fingers through his hair in disbelief. "You've got to be fucking kidding me. I've known her for like 2 months!"

"We've been together for 6. I didn't want to introduce her to you unless I was sure; you already know that," Vincent says solemnly.

"Oh my God," Holden groans turning around.

"I want you to act maturely about this, Holden. Especially since I'm helping out more than I'd like to by putting my name at risk for this potential failure--"

"You don't think I can do it?" Holden spins around, infuriated.

"We'll see."

Holden scoffs, walking out and slamming the door behind him, determination and anger burning inside him.


$5,000 to rent a pair of skates. Harper couldn't believe Holden had up'd the already expensive price for skate rentals by $3,000. He'd made 20K just from her family alone. But 20 thousand sure as hell isn't 20 million.

December in Manhattan is cold, but not nearly as cold as North Dakota, and for that, she's greatful as she laces up her skates.

She's also greatful that her parents aren't coming until tomorrow. She'd hate to see them stay home and for her to have to stay home because they couldn't afford to spend $15,000 on a few hours worth of ice skate rentals, and had too much working class pride to take money from Aunt Lindsey or Derek.

The fundraiser was pretty nice. Christmas music was playing which gave it a nice vibe, people were laughing as they glided across the ice, and free hot chocolates were being given out.

Holden can't help but look up at the huge tree, the lights on it turning on only 30 minutes ago at 5 on the dot.  His mom used to take him to see the Rockefeller tree every year. His father didn't keep up the tradition over the past almost 10 years, but he kept it up by visiting it with whoever was watching him at the time, and then alone once he was old enough.

The tree that towered over the ice skating rink unfortunately made him think of Charlotte, who'd become his stepmother in just 4 days. The thought made his jaw clench.

Harper skates over to the side when she sees Holden. She leans against the rail with a smile, ready to congratulate him on how well things are going.

Holden glances at her for a second but continues tapping away on his phone as if she's not there.

"So," Harper starts. "It's going good so far," she beams.

"I've got 47 emails and 31 texts from people telling me they can't come, so now I have to find 78 people that can make it here in at least the next 3 hours," Holden says blankly.

Harper's mouth opens, then closes, unsure of how to respond to his pessimism.

"Well, that's not really that many people," Harper says with a small shrug.

"That's $390,000 I'm missing out on."

"Oh," Harper says, feeling dumb. "I mean at least people are having fun--"

"Harper," Holden loudly groans, startling her. He runs his hand down his face and sighs. "Why don't you just go skate?"

Harper's face contorts, feeling patronized and offended that he's acting like she's annoying the hell out of him when she's only trying to help.

Harper scoffs looking at him in shock. "Fine," she spits, then quickly skates away.

Holden sighs, running his fingers through his hair, pushing his emotions to the side to stay focused on getting more people to the fundraiser.

"Are you feeling alright?" Elijah asks Lydia as they stand at the outskirts of the rink, leaned against the side rail.

"Yeah?" Lydia laughs, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"I saw your instagram post saying you're selling your Rockettes tickets. You love The Rockettes. You go every year."

"It just feels weird not going with Jake," Lydia shrugs quietly. "I can't go by myself; I'll feel like like a loser."

Elijah licks his lips, feeling bad for his friend. She lost her boyfriend and her best friend and her "loyal" followers in only a few months.

"I'll go with you," Elijah offers, forcing the reluctancy out of his voice. He didn't want to go see the Rockettes, but if he didnt, who else would? Definitely not Holden. Neither of them could figure out how Jake did it the past 3 Christmas Eves.

"Really?" Lydia asks skeptically, cocking her head to the side and narrowing her eyes.

Elijah nods with a small smile and Lydia grins widely. She couldn't bear the thought of not continuing her Christmas Eve tradition of seeing the Rockettes.

"Ugh, thank God!" She hugs him tightly. "You've seriously been the best lately."

Jake tosses his barely sipped hot chocolate into the trash, glaring at the sight of Lydia and Elijah's arms wrapped around each other, while Holden glares at Tyler and Harper giggling as they race each other to the other side of the rink.

Jake knows Lydia and Elijah are friends and he's always been fine with it. Especially since Elijah is his best friend next to Holden. But now that he and Lydia aren't togther, he didn't want Elijah around her--or any other guy for that matter--no matter what he had told her the other day.


$9,365,000. That's how much Holden had made. He was frustrated. He knew that he wouldn't earn the full 34 million from just one fundraiser, which he hadn't gotten the max profit from with a number of people not attending, but he had expected some investments.

Yet, as he personally went from person to person at the rink, no one wanted to invest just yet. No one wanted to give a 17 year old boy the million dollars he had been asking for in the business speech he had so well prepared.

Holden groans, head pounding with a hangover on Christmas morning--a new low for him.

It's almost 10. Less than 2 months shy of 18, he no longer has an interest in jumping up before the sun to rush downstairs.

Plus, anything he wants he can get any day of the year.

His Catholic mother would scold him if she were here for only thinking of what it is his father could've possibly gotten for him.

There's a sour taste in his mouth as he readied himself to go downstairs, thinking of his father presenting a greatly expensive engagement ring to this random woman--this intolarable stranger.

Reluctantly, Holden leaves his room and walks down the hall, the smell of bacon making him lick his lips, and the clash of pans making him cringe and groan.

"Oh!" Charlotte says, turning around as she sets down a skillet on the stove. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up," she says sorily with a pout.

She had stayed here the night before, and would be living here, soon enough, he had no doubt.

"You didn't," Holden assures as he walks towards the pile of bacon on a plate in the middle of the island. He reaches for a piece and Charlotte slaps his hand. Holden quickly withdraws his hand and looks at her as of she's insane.

"Not yet," Charlotte says, turning around to flip a pancake. "Merry Christmas by the way."

"Merry Christmas," Holden mumbles, making his way to the couch and sitting down.

"Merry Christmas," Vincent echoes as he walks in. He clasps a hand on Holden's shoulder, then makes his way to Charlotte who receives a hug and a kiss.

Tyler arrives, and then his father, and then they're sitting around the table eating.

Holden picks at his scrambled eggs uncomfortably, the only one completely silent at the table.

"Charlotte, since this is your first Christmas with us, I think it's only fair that you open the first gift," Vincent says, causing Holden's heart to drop.

Charlotte's small smile quickly changes when Vincent pulls out a small velvet box and gets out of his seat to kneel. Her mouth gapes as she inhales sharply, staring at the unopened box.

Holden's uncle, Tom, smiles at the scene his brother had informed him a week ago would be occuring, while Tyler smirks at Holden's look of disgust that he can't hold back.

"Charlotte Leanne Robinson, will you marry me?"

Charlotte beams and Holden stands infuriated, almost knocking his chair over in the process, catching everyone's attention.

"Holden?" Charlotte calls in concern as he stomps out of the penthouse, slamming the door behind him.

Holden presses the elevator button repeatedly and angrily. Once he's in he presses the button to the first floor, ignoring the increasingly loud calls of his name as Charlotte nears the elevator. He lets the doors close before she can catch up, sliding down the wall and sitting on the cold floor with his head in his hands.

Outside it's freezing as he stands in sweatpants and a thin t-shirt in front of the hotel, breathing hard, wondering where to go and what to do. He doesn't have his car keys, or any money, as he checks his pockets twice to confirm what he already knows.

He runs his hands down his face in frustration.

"Holden!" Charlotte calls. "Holden," she says more softly as she stands beside him, a concerned look on her face. There's silence as Holden stands still, looking out into the street.

"I said no," Charlotte says, stunning Holden, but he still refuses to look anywhere other than the passing cars in front of him. "I love your father. And I'm not sure what I've done to make you hate me, but I'd like to be apart of your life, also. If you're not comfortable with me marrying your father, then I won't."

Holden's eyes furrow and he stares hard at the ground.

"I don't hate you," he states truthfully, and Charlotte inhales sharply, relieved that he's speaking to her, but even more relived with what he's said.

"I got you a present," Charlotte says. "I wasn't sure what to get you; it seems like you have everything, already," she laughs lightly. "I talked to your dad and he said there was a necklace your mom used to wear everyday, but he wasn't sure where it was."

Holden turns and looks at Charlotte at her mention of the necklace. There's a pause as she pulls out a gold necklace from the pocket of her fleece robe that's hardly keeping her warm in the December cold.

Holden inhales sharply at the sight and the tears in his eyes remind Charlotte that he's only a 17 year old kid, with a lot of pain.

"You found it?" He asks softly and Charlotte nods.

He takes it from her gently and clutches it tightly in his hand, before pulling Charlotte into a tight hug, wetting her shoulder with tears.

Charlotte stands shocked for a second, before hugging him back, a hand around his back, and another gently rested on the back of his head.

"Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas."


#232 in teen fiction!!

I've planned out like the next 6 chapters but I've just been so busy watching the olympics ok.

Comment your favorite olympic sport and your favorite 2016 olympic moment!

My favorite sport is gymnastics, during and not during the olympucs, and my favorite moments have been watching Ledecky drag everyone through the mud in the 800, Simone the goat Biles winning AA, and Le Clos  taunting both omg they're both so hot like????

Speaking of being busy I start school next week and it's my junior year so I have got to focus. Plus I plan on running cross country, then swimming, and then playing lacrosse so updates will definitely be slower.

Thanks for reading don't forget to vote and comment!!

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