Moving On

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Carmen Sanchez has finally moved on from Jay, now she's with Darren and she's getting married to him. Everyth... Több

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 (Final Chapter)
Alternative Ending!

Chapter 7

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Here is a Christmas Eve chapter for you! Thanks for all the votes, reads and comments for the last chapter. I decided for the special Christmas chapter i'd write a whole chapter in someone else's POV, so just comment/message for who's POV you want!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everybody! <3


I had been debating for the last half hour whether to tell Isabella and Maria that Jay was back. No doubt they’d be angry; when he left me I was certain they’d been angrier than my mum. If I told them it meant I’d have someone else to talk to but it would also mean they would get dragged into all my problems and that was the last thing I wanted to do. Putting down the heavy wedding catalogue that was in my hands, I crossed my feet underneath me and took a deep breath.

“Jay’s here.” Their heads moved slowly away from their similar catalogues to meet my gaze, wringing my hands nervously I waited for one of them to break the heavy silence,

“What do you mean, Jay’s here?” Isabella looked at me through narrowing eyes, which only unsettled me even more. I took another deep breath and told them everything. Throughout the story their bodies had gotten tenser and their eyes had thinned to almost invisible slits, angry was an understatement.

“How could he do this to you? After everything else he’s done, he still wants to play with you!” Maria was now pacing up and down the living room space, her anger radiating off her in powerful waves. I tried to think about what she was saying, surely Jay wasn’t that sad to try and hurt me twice? I mean it was him who had decided to give up his alpha position, leave me and move to another pack; thinking about it all now, it didn’t make sense at all. Why would he want me back after everything he went through to get rid of me?

“Why didn’t you tell us sooner?” Maria’s eyes were blazing with anger and worry as she questioned me,

“I didn’t want to drag you into my problems.” I replied weakly,

“We’re your best friends; it’s our job to get dragged into your problems, no matter how crazy they are!” Maria exclaimed throwing her hands up in aggravation. When Jay had left me I had felt angry, hurt and confused but the confusion I was feeling now was nothing compared to before. Standing up I made my way into the kitchen and went straight to the chocolate cake Darren always bought me, it always seemed to help me think better; cutting a huge piece I clambered onto the counter and ate in thoughtful silence.

If Jay really, truly wanted me back how exactly was he going to do that and how far would he go? He kept preaching about how he’d supposedly changed but anybody could see he hadn’t, except from Anna. But she was a young teenager infatuated with ‘love.’

“What’s wrong?” Darren asked whilst leaning against the doorframe,

“Nothing.” I put the fork down on the side of the plate and made space for Darren next to me,

“You only get the chocolate cake out when there’s something wrong or you’re extremely happy and you’re obviously not. So, what’s wrong?” I looked at him stunned; stunned that he knew me like that.

“I told Isabella and Maria about Jay.” I put my head on his arm and waited for him to clear his mouth of the piece of the sweet cake,

“How did they react?” Darren hopped off the counter and stood in front of me waiting for my answer,

“Well, they were angry. Not just at Jay but at me.” I ducked my head, saying it out loud made me sound like a bad friend.

“I guess it’s understandable, they probably just feel left out you didn’t tell them about it but don’t beat yourself over it. You did what you thought was best and that’s what matters.” I hugged him tightly in need of a hug,

“Thanks. “ I murmured into his neck,

“For what?” he asked stroking my back gently,

“For being there for me, I’m surprised you haven’t left me yet. With the amount of crap you’ve had to deal with anybody else would’ve left ages ago.”

“Well I’m not anybody.” I looked into his sincere eyes and kissed his chocolaty lips.

We had probably tasted all the types of cake in the world, tried on every dress possible and walked miles. Isabella, Maria and I all collapsed on the sofa in a heap, there were a few scattered shopping bags around us waiting to be unpacked later.

“Is everything ok, girls?” the boys were sitting on the other sofas looking at us with a look between concern and amusement,

“Everything’s fine.” We chorused at the same time, we laughed at our silliness for a while before Isabella and her sister announced it was time for them to get going. Begrudgingly, I helped pack all their overnight stuff and waved goodbye to them, as they both gave me hugs they whispered into my air,

“Don’t be afraid to call us and talk about Jay, call us if he gives you trouble.” I squeezed them once more showing my appreciation before they all left through the door.

As I put away all the things we’d bought today my thought wandered through my whole life so far and I was shocked to see how crazy it was. I’m a werewolf. That is not what you get coming out of peoples mouth every day and plus I think it’s over-rated, second of all, my dad died. I met Jay, I found out my brother was gay, Jay left me, then I met Darren and now Jay is back. My life may have been temperamental and crazy but that didn’t mean I hated it, everything led up to the greatest event, meeting Darren. I didn’t regret meeting my mate, in fact it was the best thing that happened to me. I always wondered if Darren ever regret meeting his mate, he had told me something bad and unforgivable had happened between the two of them but not exactly what. I hadn’t pressured him into telling me because every time he or I brought it up his face would hold this painful expression that made my gut turn and heart clench.

I stood up shaking off all thoughts about my twisted life and walked out of our room to where Darren was sitting, staring blankly at the T.V. I jumped into his lap, which seemed to pull him from his trance,

“What’s wrong?”  

“Nothing, just thinking.” He smile was strained and didn’t light up his eyes like normal,

“Darren, what’s wrong? Did I do something?” his arms wrapped around me and squeezed me comfortingly,

“Of course not! I’m just thinking.” I sighed and decided to let it drop, if it was something big he would tell me and if it was something else he’d tell me when he wanted to

“Ok, just know that I’m here.” He squeezed me again in a silent confirmation.

“Let’s go watch a movie.” I looked up at him in surprise nearly head-butting his chin,

“You want to go to the cinema?” I was surprised at the quick subject change, obviously what he wasn’t telling me was bothering him a lot but I said no despite my surprise because I’d do anything to distract him from whatever was bothering him.

As soon as we entered the cinema the warm, salty smell of popcorn hit me, we qucikly ordered all the drinks and snacks and made our way into the theatre to watch the action film we’d both chosen. The cinema was quite empty, so choosing seats wasn’t a problem; I made myself comfortable and waited for the movie to begin.

Throughout the movie Darren didn’t seem to be enjoying himself, he just stared at the screen not taking in anything. As I wondered what could be bothering him two familiar scents entered the theatre, one of the scents I used to love so much but now, not so much. My back went stiff and anger built up inside me, it seemed that we couldn’t even get one night to ourselves without any distractions!

I was starting to think Jay was stalking me, he always seemed to catch me in the right places in the right times, it was too much of a coincidence. As he walked past with a lazy arm around Anna he flashed me a smug smile and winked at me, obviously thinking that it would have an effect on me and make me go crazy for him. But all I could think of was how delusional he was thinking that he could win me back.

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