By SherineCArifa

57.5K 1.7K 160

Young Autumn Wilde was a happy she-wolf along with her twin, Summer Wilde and her big brother, Luke Wilde. I... More

Foreword : It's the werewolf!
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
C. Twenty Two - The End
Epilogue (Finally)
Short Story - When The Pup's Older

C. Twenty One

1.2K 40 4
By SherineCArifa



I can see concern on Ethan's face when Lucy and i cannot answer his question. I tried to hold my tears because i thought about my days with him. What if his wolf know what i am and that i lie to him. I really want to talk about it but i just know that i'm a cursed or a gifted werewolf. I know it didn't make any sense since my mom and dad are both pure werewolves and they never told anything about me or Sammy being different.

I wanna cry because i didn't want Ethan to leave me if he know what i'm truly is. Well, i didn't want his wolf to hate me and push Ethan to just leave me.

I kept silent and Lucy kept looking down to the ground, escaping Ethan's hard gaze.

"Oh! I know!"

'Please goddest, don't let him know.' I prayed and closed my eyes as Ethan continued,

"You have surprise for me, right? What is it?" I opened my eyes in confusion. Was he really just said that? He thought we got surprise for him? I saw his beautiful smirk and i can't help but feel relieved.


Thank god that our new members were all healthy. The wolf in them felt strong even they were just born today. My dad told me they felt more powerful than me when i was born. I know that because their power are all different than other pup's.

Dad told me to keep my eyes on them because they can be the best beta, delta, or hunters when they grow up. They will be the most powerful partners to my son and our pack will be undefeated.

Happy about the news, i walked back to my house with Jarred behind me to do some paperwork about the newborns. I saw Autumn and Lucy just got back from their visit on Queen's. I can't wait till i told them about the pups, when i saw Autumn's worried facial.

I walked behind them to the house.

"Yes, i won't tell Ethan." Lucy whispered like she was hesitant to say that. I turned my gaze to Autumn when she smiled at her, then met my gaze. Her facial dropped like her soul ripped from her body.

"Won't tell me what?" I asked suspiciously and locked my gaze to Lucy's. Her eyes looked less scared but more worried. I turned my gaze to Autumn who looked like she's going to blow on tears. I knew, they must been hiding something from me.

'Ask Lucy what's wrong and tell me. Please don't turn your side to their side and hide anything from me. I'm the Alpha, i have to know everything.' I linked Jarred and calmed my face and smiled at Autumn. I hid every hesitant i have to her.

"Oh! I know! You have surprise for me, right? What is it?" I asked and smirked playfully. They seemed to still process my action because they turned their worry look to each other. Autumn still can't use the mind-link to the pack's members because we haven't mated yet.

"It won't be a surprise if they told you. Why don't you tell them about the pups?" Jarred followed my actions. I linked a thanks to him and he smiled.

"Aha! Good idea. Come on in! I have so much to tell!" We walked together to the house.

"Uhh, i think the mother nature is calling me, Bye!" Jarred said and ran to his room as he hold his stomach. I laughed and walked to the living room.

"Hey, i think i will just leave you two. I want to go back to my room. You know, hours of driving make my back sick." Lucy excused and smiled sympathetically to Autumn. They gaze connected with protests look on Autumn's to Lucy, but Lucy just smiled at her and walked away.

Autumn turned to look at me and smiled.

"Okay, so why don't you tell me about the things you wanna tell me?" She asked and i nodded.

I don't like it. I don't like that she keep something to me. We just met like one or two weeks, i know. But i thought we're going to make our relationship works, so why keep secrets from me when Lucy can know them?

I was thinking to just let her keep the secrets, and let her tell me when she's ready but i knew these secrets are different. I need to know them. I have a feeling that i need to know them.

No, i have to know them.

"The new pups are so adorable!" I told her. "I have a feeling that they will be the strongest wolves in this pack, well, after our pups, of course."

"Our pups?" She asked confused. Oh what did i just said? I haven't even mark her. Wait...

That's it! I should mark her. If i mark her, we will be connected and she can't lie to me. I will know everything. Afterall, it could make me stronger. Having a marked mate will give me more power as an Alpha.

"Yes. Our pups." I said, smirking.

"Well, it's not like i don't want pups of my own but i think, i'm not ready to it yet. You know, i'm eight teen." She replied, pointed her fingers 'eight'.

"Of course not, but, hmm you know, you can be at least be my Luna first." This is awkward. We don't usually talk about these things. We just do it. Not talk about it. But, i know i have to ask her first before i do something like this...

"Uhh.." Before she could answer.. I don't think talk about it was a good idea so i hug her. I breathed right on her shoulder.

"Please let me mark you." I said as Greyson growled in my mind. This is what he wants.



Audrey growled inside me. This is what she want. But if i let him mark me, he will know everything! Everything!

"Please let him mark us!" Her voice felt so deep and low.

"No! He will know!" I refused.

"I'm still your wolf, you fool! No matter that i was placed in you or born with you, i'm still yours!" I can feel sadness in her voice. She's right. I can't lie to Ethan forever. I shouldn't lie to him at all. "Even if we're not that connected, we're still sisters."

I felt Ethan's hot breath on my shoulder and the butterflies in my stomach. Audrey's low growl filled the silence. My body turned hot and that's when i open my gate to him.

"Yes." That's all i can say before i felt the sharp pain on my shoulder that made me fell to the darkness. Darkness, my favorite.


Look who's back! Haha!:)

And! This is crazy! 4k readers? Really? I thought this story is a shit!

Thank you so much for those who comment and vote for this story and i'm so sorry for the long update! it's hard to have a free time to write.... I have to shush everyone, lol!

[And sorry for a shitty update. I can't find a place to think:( ]

Love you all!

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