Oh god... YOUR back.- Damon S...

By DamonSalvatoreLuver

9.6K 134 44

Audrey Parker lived in mystic falls for two years, before moving to California. And she dated our beloved sex... More

2. But I Want You To Stay <3
3. All the other Kids

1.The Devil is here

6.1K 49 15
By DamonSalvatoreLuver

Damon's POV 

I sat on the couch and moped. I'm soo bored. Picking up my phone I called Bonnie, nothing beter to do


"Heyyy Bonnii-"

"What the hell do you want?"

"I'm bored."

"Good for you." I grabed a pillow and started to throw it in the air.

"Wanna come over?"





"Bye Damon." Click. 

"UGH!" My hand hit the remote of the radio.

"Lonley, I am so lonley, I have nobody, I'm all on my own."

Sighing, I turned it off and walked up to Stefans room, I could snoop around in there. 

Hey, Laptop..... I opened it and it dinged, Facebook. Ooh a message from... AUDREY PARKER?!?! What the hell?

(A/N: read the description.)

Yea, I miss you guys too <3, just don't show this to Damon, I don't want him knowing where I am.

I smirked getting a plan.

No problem, I'll talk to you later, bye.

I clicked on her name and it took me to her profile, Aperently she lives in San Diego and is a seinor at SCPA She takes Drama and Choir. And has alot of friends. 

I looked at her wall, Alot of people wrote on it

Danni Blake: *On the way to second period.*

Audrey: Dannniiii!!!!

Me: * Run towrads her, past her to a bush, hugs it* I love you, bush!!!!

Audrey: Oh, I see how it is, no bagels for you then.

Me: .................I LOVE YOU!! 

Audrey: Love you <3

Audrey Parker: I hack you <3 your bestie Nicki

Audrey: Bitch. Haha Love you...

Stefan Salvatore: I miss you :(

Audrey: I miss you too <3 Tell Lena and them I said hi 

Anthony Malo: You did great at the concert last night!!

Audrey: Thanks Mr. M, by the way, Happy birthday!! From your wonderful students, Jacey, Danni and me who are currently right behind you. Were watching you O.O

Danni: O.O

Nicki: O.O

Nina Kacey: *Spam Spam Spam.*

Henrey Glass: You Hate Spamm Audy

Liz Rae: Shut up Henrey, Audrey loves our Spam.

Audrey: No I don't.......

She has Alot of videos too. I clicked on the most resent one she was tagged in. It was a kids birthday party. The video was just a bunch of people but, I paid attention to Audrey the most. In one part she was on top of a Jumper slide. She waved at the camra and jumed down, A little girl after her. She grabed the little girl and Burried her face in her neck

"Imma eat you all up.. RRRRRR." The girl shrieked and ran away. 

"Audys a monster!!!!!" All the kids screamed and ran to the top of the slide as Audrey tried to get them. 

In another part she skiped to a table where a little boy was pouting.

"Whats wrong Birthday boy?"

"Mommy won't whet me have cake."

"Awwwww too bad. wanna be interviewed."


"Okay, whats your name??"


"How old are you?"


"do you have anything else to say?" He nodded "What?"

"I want cake." Audrey and a couple of other people laughed. "Not funny guys, not funny. I want cake."

I grinned. Looks like Audys getting a visit...

Audreys POV

"Wake up!!!" Nicki and Danni, My two besties, scremed as they jumped on my bed

"Were gonna be late, come on!!" I got up and got dressed going to school.


Me, Danni, and Nicki sat in Homeroom, giggleing about something random, when some one walked in. We ignored it and Kept talking.

"New student huh? Whats your name?" Mrs. Lee spoke.

"Damon Salvatore." Oh no. I could just hear the smirk. My head shot up. only to face The major ass hole.  His eyes caught mine and he waved giving his 250 killowatt smile. I glared back. How the hell did he find me? Stefan, Imma killllll you.

"Ok Damon, Go ahead and sit with Danni Nicki and Audrey back there. Will you three rasie your hands and um Audrey go ahead and fill him in on everything. My eye twitched as I raised my hand.

"Yes Mrs. Lee." Damon sat next to me. 

"I've missed you..." He tryed to kiss my cheek but I put my hand up.

"Jerk. How the hell are you even here??"

"Well, my mom-"

"I mean at this school."

"I found you on Faceboookkkkk." I growled.

"Wait, This is the Damon you said was a major jerk?" Nicki asked


"I can see why you would call him that." Danni said.

"Uh-huh. Whatever, I have to show you around, let me see your sceduale." He handed it to me and I almost choked him. He has every single class with me. Wait, every single class? That means...

"Look at his second period." I said trying not to laugh. Danni and Nicki started laughing. 

"Whats so funny?" Damon asked.

"How did you manage to get into an all girls choir?" Nicki asked laughing like an idiot. I knew how of course though. He compelled the counceler.



We walked into second period. All of us pushing each other. Danni pushed past us and ran to Mr. M

"I loooovvvvvveeee you Mr. M!!!!!" He laughed. Mr. M was a skinny medium height man who was gay. Hes my favorite teacher.

"We have a new student Mr. M." I handed him Damons sceduale and he laughed.

"How did you manage to get into an all girls choir?" We giggled. "Whatever just sit."

"Wait, what? Your gonna let him stay??" I asked.

"Yes. Why not?"

"But Mr. M........."


"5, 4, 3, 2......" Every one ran to the risers screaming. I got there last and sat on My friend Ceces lap.  And Damon stood their like an idiot.

"Everyone this is our new student Damon."

"How did you manage to get into an all girls choir?" Liz asked. Damons smirk turned to a scowl.

"Who cares? He wasent here on time. Chair chair chair chair." Melinda chanted.

"Chair chair chair!!" We all screamed. The chair was a punnishment. you had to lean agaist the wall in a sitting posision your arms out for two minutes.

"Aww, come on you guys, hes new, he didn't know." Mr. M said. There was a bunch of aws and We all pouted. "Next time."

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