3. All the other Kids

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"All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you better run, better run, out run my gun. All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you better run, better run, faster than my bullet." I sang quietly, swinging my feet. I was, sitting on the side of Mr. M's desk. We were in his office. He was looking at his email, and I was avoiding Damon.

It was lunch, and Danni, Nicki, me and Henrys band were in the choir room. They were practicing for there next gig.

"I love this song." I said. Mr. M laughed.

"I know, you play it everytime you get ahold of my phone!" He teased. I grinned. This was one of the reasons he was my favorite teacher. Our relationship was more of a father daughter type of thing, but I could tell him anything.

The song came to an end and I pouted.

"Auds!" Henry called into the mic. I jumped down from the desk and poked my head out of the door to Mr. M's office.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Can you fill in for Lacey? Shes absent." I nodded and walked to the accoustic gutair sitting on the risers.

"Sure, what song?"

"Don't stop."

"Kay." I started the song and whistled the tune with Henry and The other three band members. When Henry started singing Danni and Nicki looked up from Dannis phone and watched us. Even Mr. M came out of the office to watch.

"Walk little walk Small talk big thoughts

Gonna tell them all just what I want

That street two streets I see you and me

Hanging on the empty swings

Count high low don't worry my eyes are closed

I'm a superman and it's my show

One shoe two

Gonna kick with my shoes

I'm gonna kick until I need new shoes

Yeah, yeah" I looked up from the gutar and gasped. Damon had appered in the doorway. I bit my lip and continued playing the gutair, my head ducked.

"I said don't stop, don't stop, don't stop

Talkin' to me

Stop, don't stop, don't stop

Giving me things

I run they run everybody run run

And we're all just having fun

Sleigh ride boat ride piggy back ride

I'm going to show them all how I can ride

One two three close your eyes and count to four

I'm gonna hide behind my bedroom door

Crayons on walls

I'll color on them all

I'll draw until I've broken every law

Yeah, yeah.

I said don't stop, don't stop, don't stop

Talkin' to me

Stop, don't stop, don't stop

Giving me things

Stop, don't stop, don't stop

Laughin' about it

Stop, don't stop, don't stop

Don't stop

Oh god... YOUR back.- Damon Salvatore Love StoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя