Vampire Highschool

By gaystoryreader56789

611 17 1


Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Vampire Highschool

472 6 0
By gaystoryreader56789

Chapter 1

Mornings are not my thing, stumbling across the slick tile to my bathroom this morning I quickly resembled a nightmare when the mirror over the sink reflected my glowing red eyes. I was starving. So I went as fast as I could to go to get my sun lotion. As I was applying my third layer I heard a large thump downstairs. I wasn’t scared at all, as I was walked down the stairs someone came out of nowhere and pointed a gun at me saying, “Give me all your money.” So like any creature would do I replied, “I don’t have any money.” As a dauntless attempt to suppress me, I instantaneously walked out of the way. Because I was hungry I decided to go ahead and eat breakfast. As I was getting ready to eat him I realized he was a clatterfart and I hated clatterfarts, So I let him go, I will just eat at school.


When I got to school I needed to rush to get to room 294 for my breakfast. As I was running to the room I smelled a delightful smell of blood, not just any kind of blood, -AB. The rarest of all blood types. I couldn’t resist so I looked around for who it was, it was the love of my life since kindergarten, Charlie Pender. I never noticed her scent before. I was fighting my bloodlust to save the love of my life. It got easier until she walked up to me saying, “Hey, Gabe how are you?”

“Good.” I replied

“ What’s wrong? You look sick.” she asked as my ring for secondaries was blinking rapidly.

“Nothing, I just skipped breakfast.”

“Do you need money to buy some from school? Cause I can lend you some If you need it.”

“No, I have my own but thanks anyways.”

“No problem. See you later.” She replied

“See Ya.” After that I ran to 294. When I got there Mrs. Smith or Ms. Fox wasn’t there. So I just got behind their black as night desks and got the warm and soft pack of blood out of the milk white fridge. I quickly stuck my fangs into the pack of blood and finished it when the first bell rang. Nobody could know that I was a secondary. It was one of the most well kept secret of all time. As the kids walked in I just froze not knowing what to do and then a moment later I realized I could just run out of here. I started to run and put the empty blood bag into the trash as I ran out but as I was about to get past the door I trip over my own foot and landed into the arms of Charlie.

“Hey, Gabe Where did you come from?”

“Oh you know out of thin air,” I relied, “ Thanks for catching me.”

“No problem.” as she continued into the room.

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