envy is a sin, vic // under a...

By laurmanifiles

8.3K 218 97

After Max sacrificed Chloe, she finally heads back to Blackwell after a week, though she's lost without Chloe... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Authors note

Chapter Four

954 27 5
By laurmanifiles

3:52 PM; October 18, 2013

Victoria stood in disgust in Max Caulfield's room. "Your room is a fucking mess." Max stood with one of those, stupid grins on her face. "Yeah Victoria, I know." Victoria squinted at the shorter girl. "Why the fuck are you smiling? Get to cleaning, fuckhead." Max sighed. "I will, eventually, I've been kinda bummed out," Victoria rolled her eyes. "Don't give me all that "Have sympathy for me because I passed out" bullshit." Victoria placed her hand on her hip. "We should like- Do something- maybe to like, make you feel, better.." Max scratched her head. "Um, Yeah, Yeah sure, like, right now?"
Victoria nodded. "Actually no, maybe next week Thursday, because I definitely didn't ask right now, to make you feel better." Max smiled. "I'll just ignore what you said, but, yeah we can hang." Max made a fist and lightly tapped Victoria's arm. "Don't touch me." Victoria said, pushing off Max's hand immediately. "Oh, Okay." Max pouted and stared at the floor. "C'mon, we have to go before Taylor and Courtney get out of class and see me with you." Victoria made a fist and light punched Max's arm. Max smiled ear to ear. "Alright," Victoria walked out of the room as Max chased her down the empty halls. "Hey so, what are we gonna do?" Victoria sighed, "We're gonna hang, and I'm gonna try to work with you." Victoria said, looking straight ahead. Victoria pushed the door to leave the girls dorm, Opening it for Max.
"Okay but like, where?" Victoria accelerated across to the parking lot. "Hey, Fuckfield, will you hurry the fuck up? We don't have all day." Max hiked across to Victoria's fancy, beautiful, new model car. Victoria started the engine and waited for Max's slow ass. "Please be careful, the leather can easily rip, so take a seat, slowly." Max entered the car is a extra slow manner. "Is that good?" Victoria nodded. "Sure." Victoria sped off, driving to the plaza. "So, I know we have different- uh, interest." Victoria slowed down, looking at the stores.
"But one things that makes me happy is," Victoria smiled. "Shopping." Victoria turned off the engine and opened the door. "I know your rich and everything but like, I'm kinda broke." Victoria rolled her eyes, "I know, I wouldn't bring you to a high fashion store knowing you're broke," Max looked down at the sidewalk, obviously embarrassed. "Hey, I'll like, I'll pay for you." Victoria took Max's wrist, pulling her into the store. Victoria took in Awe. "Beautiful, Beautiful." Victoria picked up maroon colored collared shirt. "How do you think this look on me?" Victoria held the shirt in front of her chest. "Good."
Max put a thumb up, and did one of those, quirky half smiles. "Nevermind. I forgot that your fashion taste is, horrific." Victoria put down the shirt. "We're here for you anyways." Victoria walked around as Max drifted behind her. Victoria picked up a white collated with thin black lines across it. "Do you like this?" Max looked up and down at the shirt. "For you, or.." Victoria sighed. "Yes Max, for you." Max stared. "Yeah, I do." Victoria smiled. "Good, now, the rest of this outfit." As Victoria went through the jeans, she could see Max picking up an item and staring at the price tag. "Woah, this is a lot of fucking money Victoria." Victoria turned around, swiftly. "I. Will. Pay. For. You." Max put down the beige jeans in her hand. "You really shouldn't."
Victoria shrugged, "Too bad I am." Victoria turned around. Max's eyes drifted towards the frame of Victoria. Max took out her polaroid, taking a quick picture. Victoria turned around as she heard the snap of the camera. Victoria took the picture from Max's hand. Max took the picture back and put it in her bag. "Why? Just why the fuck-" Victoria sighed. "Nevermind. Just, let me shop for you." Max nodded. "Yeah, Okay." Victoria continued to look around for jeans. "These." Victoria picked up blue jeans.
"And you're always wearing that sweater thing." Victoria said looking at Max's jacket. "So let's get something like that." Victoria gave Max the jeans. Victoria walked over to find this nice, long sleeves, emerald colored jacket. "Now this, this is an hashtag outfit." Victoria smiled. Victoria was like legitimately happy. "Before we buy this, do you like it?" Max stood, looking pretty.. dumb. "Yeah! I do, I really do." Max smiled. "Good. Lets go ring up." Max and Victoria made their way to the front of the store. The cashier pressed some shit on the register. "233.45." Max's mouth opened in disbelief.
"Victoria, you bought pants, a shirt and a jacket, it's not worth it." But Victoria had already swiped her card. "Shh." Victoria signed the receipt and gave Max the bag. Max stomach rumbled. "Jesus Christ." Victoria made a fake face of disgust while smiling. "Do you wanna go.. like, eat?" Victoria took Max's bag and put it in the back seat. Max smiled. "Yeah, do you wanna?" Victoria nodded. "We can probably just find some place around here to eat." Victoria started walking across the street to a asian restaurant.
"This place, is so fucking cool." Victoria smiled. "Me and Nathan met up here, a lot, mostly to talk about the vortex club." Victoria's smiled faded. Max looked down. Shit Victoria, you made her uncomfortable. Nathan killed her best friend, fuckhead. "They cook right in front of you too.." Max looked up and slowly nodded. Awkward. The waitress walked up to Victoria. "Two seats?" Victoria nodded. "Follow me." Max mindlessly rubbed her shoe on the shiny, granite floor. Victoria grabbed Max's wrist. "C'mon, we don't have all day." Max was being dragged around, again, by Victoria. The waitress stopped at a round table with 4 other people. Victoria sat on a stool, patting on the seat next to her. Max got on the stool. A guy working there came out of the kitchen with a cart. "Watch out." Max said, putting her hand down. The guy coming out of the kitchen stopped himself from crashing into our waitress.
"Ah, thanks, imagine if I dropped everything, would of been a disaster." He smiled. Max nodded. "Yep." The table had a entrance where the grill laid. The guy walked into the middle of the table, "Hello everyone," Our waitress came out of the kitchen with bowls of soup, called pho. The guy sharpened his knifes. "My name is Jason, I'll be your server." The waitress passed out the soup to everyone. "And I'm iO, I'll be helping Jason out with you guys." Victoria took out her phone, taking a picture of the "Asian Fusion" sign in the background. "Since this, beautiful young lady saved me from getting fired, I'll get her order first." Victoria put down her phone. Max pointed to herself. "Me?"
Max stated blankly. "Yep, what would you like to order?" Max picked up the menu. Victoria peeped over her shoulder to see. "Can I get, the shrimp stir-fried noodles, and, um, one California roll." Max passed the menu to Victoria, then took up the spoon to have some pho. Jason nodded. "Sounds good," Victoria read the menu. "You know what else would sound good? Me and you, together." Jason said, staring at Max, while mixing up the shrimp and the noodles. Victoria pulled at her own collar. "Do you think that it's professional to be flirting at your workplace?" Max looked down, smiling at the floor. Jason put the noodles on Max's plate. "Well, it's not like you two are together, homosexuality is a sin. Plus, she doesn't seem to have a problem with it." Victoria gasped. "How fucking dare you." Victoria wrapped her left arm around Max.
"What if we are together?" Max put her hand over her eyes. Jason gulped. "I- I didn't know. Sorry." Victoria rolled her eyes. "My dad is going make sure, that you lose your job." Victoria picked up Max's plate. "We're gonna go now." Victoria stood up, grabbing Max's hand, and storming out of the restaurant.
A bald headed guy came out of the restaurant. "Hey Lesbians! That's our plate!" Victoria let go of Max's hand. "No! We're fucking keeping it." Victoria unlocked her car. "Fuck them." She got into her car, passing the hot plate to Max. "Eat up, we have get back to campus anyways." Max itched the back of her hair. "That was, a really nice scene." Victoria nodded. "Yeah, gay rights mean like, a lot to me." Max smiled. "Right." Victoria pulled up to the schools parking lot.
"Fifteen minutes until my next class. Let's go."
Max finished up her food in the car, "Go.. Where?" Victoria shook her head. "To your dorm." Victoria and Max made their way out of the parking lot and into the girls dorms. Victoria opened her door and threw her stuff in, keeping Max's clothes in her arms. Then walked over to Max's dorm. "Put on the clothes." Victoria harshly pushed the bag into Max's arms. "I mean, like now fuckfield." Max
put the clothing bag on her bed, "But, you're in here.." Victoria rolled her eyes. "Okay Max, Jesus, I'll wait outside."
Victoria walked out and kind of closed the door, leaving it kind of open to talk to Max. "I'm not actually a homosexual, you know? Maybe I shouldn't have caused that scene, because now you must think I'm gay or something." Max chuckled. "Homophobic!" Victoria smiled. Don't smile at her mocking you. "Shut up, and put on the clothes." Victoria tapped her foot, waiting. "Okay." Max slowly opened the door. Victoria pushed the door. "It's not like I'm about to see your fucking wedding dress." Max sighed. "I wanted to be enthusiastic." Max stood. "I like it, I think." Max smiled. Victoria stood. (Art below is not mine! Got it from tumblr)

"You look-" Victoria stopped. "It. It looks nice, maybe I'll borrow it." Max shook her head. "I mean, if you want." Max stepped away from the mirror, pouting. "I'm just kidding," Victoria smiled. "It's all yours." Max continued to frown, sitting and her bed and looking down.
Victoria sighed, mumbling "You look pretty." Under her breath. Max looked up, "What" Victoria looked away then looked back at Max. "I said, you look shitty, stop being so, like, sad. It doesn't fit you." Victoria checked her phone. "It's time for me to go to class." Max hummed. "Yeah, bye Vic." Victoria smiled, "Vic?" Max nodded. "Bye Victoria." Victoria walked out, hearing her own steps in the empty hallway. 'You look pretty?' what the fuck were you thinking Vic? Jesus.

WOAH I HAVENT POSTED IN SOOOO LONG BC I HAVE BEEN SOOOO SAD. I HAD NO CLUE TO GO WITH THIS BUT I KNEW I HAD TO! so yeah here it is, I was listening to a life is strange soundtrack and literally I only remember the first song, that came on when Max came out of Mr. Jeffersons room, and the last song during Chloe's funeral. But they made me so sad I wanted to die. butTTT! Im alright now, Vic was super extra in this but that's honestly how I see her. (plus I had no idea where to take this chapter) Max's outfit was taken from a user on tumblr (once I find out I'll come and republish it with the url) and it was cute. Hopefully they don't sue me. I'm going to Florida tomorrow (I'm from NYC) and I will probably write a couple chapters on the plane, or watch Star Wars. Or both. Anyways, once again no grammar or spelling checks. vote and comment and all that good stuff. thanks for almost 100 views. Fucking awesome.

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