
Von BlackMoon0916

29.8K 676 41

They had always felt something for each other. When they finally give into that something, will it change eve... Mehr

1. Guarding
2. Imposing
3. Stay
4. Cracks
5. Arrived
6. Learning
7. Talking
8. The Truth
9. Fantasy
10. I Love You
11. Mine
12. War (Part 1)
13. War (Part 2)
14. War (Part 3)
15. Explanation
16. Clear
17. Pregnant
18. Charlie Swan
20. Doesn't Matter
21. Esme
22. Imperfect Perfection
23. Little Bundle

19. Edward

997 20 0
Von BlackMoon0916

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<p>Bella yawned, unfurling from her hunched position on the couch, her book falling open on her lap. The family room was empty of any Cullen members, which shouldn't have surprised her, half the time she was convinced that the house was empty of everyone but her.</p>

<p>Her stomach had begun to swell slightly, although it was easily hidden when she wore patterned tops or baggy shirts. Excluding it affecting her eating habits and her day-clock, nothing else was out of the ordinary. That was...</p>

<p>She glanced down at her hand, chest tightening, warmth spreading along her skin at the sight of the small ring. It wasn't large, or extravagant, but she adored it nonetheless, and for once in her life, she was happy with receiving a gift. It had a floral design, a simple band with silver vines wrapped around it. On each vine hung a tiny diamond rose, she hadn't noticed it at first, but once she had gotten through the shock, and actually examined the ring, she had been astonished to find that inside each rose was a letter of her name, and if she turned the ring, she would read her name over it. It hadn't been a big event either, and if she was honest, she was coming to realize that Emmett held so many things in common with her, more so than she had first realized. For example, he disliked flashy events unless there was a possibility he could crash them. So instead of taking her out, he had asked her out of the blue, five minutes before midnight, after a heated hour long session of making out, her eyes half closed as she awaited the warmth of sleep. She had been so shocked that she hadn't answered for minutes, so much so that she had caused him to assume rejection.</p>

<p>She'll never forget the look on his face, when she said 'Yes'. The expression of absolute excitement and disbelief, as if he had approached the subject expecting her to say no.</p>

<p>Of course, Rosalie had morphed into a demon incarnate since the news had been let out, the proposal and her pregnancy had set a permanent look of hatred on her angelic face. Bella couldn't help the slight twinge of pity she felt for her the blond who had not only lost her husband due to her selfishness, but now had to watch the woman she hated have the one thing she had always wished for, a baby. God it must've been so painful.</p>

<p>Naturally, Alice had jumped at the chance to plan her wedding, to which she had been quickly rejected, both Emmett and Bella stating that they wanted to marry after the baby was born, so Charlie could walk Bella down the aisle, which would mean that the wedding would only happen in a year and a half. Alice had been confused at first, however Bella explained that she wanted to help with the plans, but with the pregnancy, she wouldn't be able to, so she would rather wait until the birth of her child. Never let it be said that Alice was not understanding or patient; the little pixie grinned and bowed, nodding in acquiescence, before skipping off in search of her husband.</p>

<p>Bella smiled at the memory, closing her book and setting it on the side-table. She stood from her seat, stretching with a loud groan of exhaustion, her pajama bottoms sliding down to the jut of her hips, hanging dangerously before she pulled them back up over her stomach.</p>

<p>Making her way to the kitchen, she spied round the corner, spotting Emmett and Esme beside the large marble island, talking.</p>

<p>"Emmett dear, your eyes are black, go hunt." Esme said commanded gently, "You're no help to Bella if you're thirsty, take Alice she needs to feed as well, take her with you for a few hours, and then come back, I promise she'll be fine."</p>

<p>Emmett spotted her around the corner, and grinned as she moved from her hiding place, walking forward towards the pair. She dodged his arms, grinning at him as she went to stand beside Esme. She smiled at his shocked expression, before allowing him to pull her into a hug, his large arms easily enveloping her. She turned to face Esme, smiling contently at her, then reached out to entwine her fingers with his. Metal clicked against her ring, and she glanced down, spotting his ring, not as decorated as hers, but made of rare silver, his name carved against its side. It wasn't so much an engagement ring, God forbid she call it that. She had tried, but he had disagreed, stating that men never had engagement rings, not in this time and not in his time. She had shaken her head at the statement, smiling in amusement, but accepting the fact none-the-less. So instead it was a promise ring of sorts, in order to represent the commitment they had made.</p>

<p>"Why haven't you gone hunting?" She said expectantly, looking back up at him, folding her arms over her chest and arching a brow. He sighed, scratching his neck and grinning, shaking his head in bemusement.</p>

<p>"You ladies are making this bigger than it is; I haven't gone hunting because it honestly hasn't crossed my mind... I guess you could say I've been..." He glanced at Bella, eyes sparkling, "Distracted." She laughed, and stepped away from him, their hands separating.</p>

<p>"I'll be here Emmett, I need to sleep anyway, go hunting, and I'll see you in the morning." He looked at her, hesitating, but upon seeing the determination in her eyes he sighed, knowing that he couldn't decline. He called Alice, the small pixie appearing from air beside him.</p>

<p>Emmett glanced at Bella as she stepped forward, sparing him a kiss on the cheek and grinned at the disappointment on his face.</p>

<p>"That's all?" He asked, and she nodded.</p>

<p>"There will be more when you get home, now go!" She pointed at the door, sparing him a smile as he and Alice disappeared out the door, dragging the warm air with them.</p>

<p>Her eyes stung with exhaustion therefore she gave Esme a goodnight kiss before wandering up the stairs. The lights were off so she relied on the wall to keep her balanced, easily navigating her way through the levels till she reached their room.</p>

<p>Emmett's room wasn't like Edwards, instead of glass walls, he had plaster. Along one wall was a king-size bed, layered with deep brown blankets and furs, the head was covered with a mountain of pillows, to which she readily collapsed on. The rest of the details, although beautiful, were ignored as she succumbed to the warm, darkness of sleep, the material of her boy-shorts dragging up with the hem of her tank-top.</p>

<p>She awoke to the feeling of cold flesh dragging along her thigh; her sleep-numbed mind barely registered the shifting of the bed, as her neck was littered with kisses. She moaned lightly, stretching over the blanket, her back exposed as her tank-top dragged up. Her cheek pressed into the feathery pillows, and she hummed in contentment at the feeling of the hand over her skin.</p>

<p>It was still night and the room was cloaked with darkness, no light to grant her sight. Her nose was pressed into the pillow, enveloping her in Emmett's scent.</p>

<p>Her mind was fogged, and as she rolled over onto her back, she relished the feeling of his hand roaming over her naked collarbone, to the dip of her breasts, a small moan falling from her lips as she bucked up into the touch.</p>

<p>"E-Emmett." She breathed, reaching out and grasping onto what she assumed to be his shirt. His hand seemed to pause for a second, although for what she knew not, before continuing along its journey, as she waited for a reply. However none came, he was silent. No words of affection, not even a greeting. She was too tired to bother confronting her thoughts on it.</p>

<p>She dragged his shirt down, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, and for a second she stumbled, because it seemed like his neck had grown smaller; his shoulders seemed less broad, and he smelt different. She chipped it down to mere imagination, and then leaned forward, a whine falling from her lips in desperation. He complied, their mouths melding together.</p>

<p>She faltered, her brow furrowing when nothing happened, he did nothing. It was mere flesh, no movement, no tongue, she had felt this before, this uselessness, this lack of passion, and her heart tugged in her chest at the thought.</p>

<p>He distracted her easily enough when his hand slid over the hem of her shorts, pressing into the skin of her stomach, her face pulled into a wince when he pressed to hard, slowly peeling them away, and she felt something akin to fear, confused helplessness, sinking into her stomach. It began to build, her body beginning to shake. He wasn't acting like himself, he hadn't even spoken to her, he would never forget his strength when touching her stomach, not when he knew what her body was carrying. Something was very very wrong, she could feel it, but the darkness was thick, and she was so vulnerable in her blindness. She began to press against his chest, squirming, her hands unwinding from his neck to try and push him back.</p>

<p>"Stop- Emmett, please..." But he didn't and she felt him try to press another kiss against her mouth, trying to silence her voice. It was a nightmare, and her breath was tumbling broken from her lips as she tried to push him away, eyes watering as her thoughts grew hysterical in her fear and disbelief.</p>

<p>The thoughts were shoved from her mind, a scream tearing from her throat and echoed in the room, the door slammed open, allowing light to stream in. Her breath stuttered as she looked up, tears that had gathered; now fell in wet streams down her cheeks. Instead of brown locks, she saw bronze, and what should've been amber, was black from a lack of hunting. He hovered over her bed-ridden form, his eyes dark, and his hair ruffled from where she had tugged, she felt nausea running through her as she remembered her feelings when she first woke up.

<p>At the entrance, a snarl on his face, his muscles clenched so tight she herself felt trepidation. Emmett was shaking, his newly sated eyes darkening with what could only be described as unappeasable wrath. Bella burst into sobs, pulling back and tumbling from the bed as she pushed herself away, her hand tugging at the flimsy material of her tank.</p>

<p>"How could you!" She cried, glaring at Edward through her tears, "How could you?" She couldn't form any other words, her voice broken by the sobs tumbling from her lips, she had never imagined him capable of something so horrific, thought him above something so vile, was he so proud as to force her just to make sure Emmett couldn't have her, that he would take advantage of her just to sate his selfishness, his greed to have her body as well. She wrapped her arms around her chest, trying to save her modesty, wishing she had worn something bigger, with more coverage, something to hide the bruise forming over her stomach. Her limbs shook as noises which sounded more like a wounded animal than a crying girl tumbled from her lips.</p>

<p>Edward didn't respond, shocked at being caught, his mouth agape, and both dissatisfaction and guilt burning in his eyes. His body was ripped from the bed, Emmett's hand wrapping around his neck as he pressed him harshly against the wall outside the room.</p>

<p>"I swear to God, I'm going to rip your dick off and make you eat it!" He roared, his vision tainted red with rage. Pulling a fist back and driving it into his jaw, a satisfying crack echoing the room. Bella's sobs grew louder, and she pressed her hands against her ears, blocking out the sound.</p>

<p>Emmett was distracted by the sound, and he growled when he felt a hand on his shoulder, turning to see Carlisle, his wise eyes grave as he shook his head at his son.</p>

<p>"This isn't healthy for her, leave him, we'll deal with him later." He told Emmett, placing a hand on his wrist. He snarled, glaring at the slightly malformed face of what used to be his brother, but now only showed the face of a stranger. He thought she would be safe, he had never imagined how little he could trust those he used to love.</p>

<p>"But he-" He snarled, and Carlisle once again shook his head. But Emmett so badly wanted to hurt him, make him feel so weak, so insignificant, like he had made Bella feel, he wanted to shred what dignity he had left and shove it down his throat.</p>

<p>"Later Emmett, you must prioritize." Emmett stood still for a few small seconds, listening to the broken sound of Bella crying on the floor.</p>

<p>"E-Emmett." She choked, groaning as more sobs shook her form, her chest burning with pain, stomach twisting in a sickening mixture of nausea and fear.</p>

<p>Releasing Edward's neck, watching as his body crumbled to the floor. He walked past him, placing a hand over Bella's thigh, frowning sadly when she flinched. He framed her face with both hands, and turned her gaze to his, pulling her hands from her ears.</p>

<p>"Emmett" She choked out, staring at him, her cheeks wet with tears, and her voice cracking with torture. He pulled her up into a hug, his arms packaging around her body and cradling her against his chest.</p>

<p>"I'm so sorry!" She bawled, her body shaking as the extent of what had happened finally dawned on her. "I didn't- I didn't-" What if he thought she had wanted it, what if he thought, "I didn't want-" He shushed her and pressed her face against his chest, rocking her slowly back and forth, till he could feel her body begin to weaken in his arms, her broken breaths turning shallow, then finally softer as she slumbered.</p>


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