17. Pregnant

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Her clothes were rumpled; lying scattered across the bathroom floor, the warm beating of water against tile filled the steamed room. She felt dirty and unbearably tired after such a long day. She leaned against the wall sighing, her eyes flickering up at the ceiling, squinting as water hit her face, the heat refreshing after yet another icy day in forks.

She had phoned Charlie to let him know she was staying at the Cullen's for the weekend, he had happily agreed... In fact, ever since telling him that she had left Edward, he had happily agreed to everything. She had been so convinced he would be against Emmett, but as soon as Charlie had gotten ten minutes alone with him, they had come back best of friends, she was still suspiciously curious as to what gift Emmett possessed that he could gain such a reaction from her father. But then again, Alice had gained the same attitude, maybe it was just the whole 'not Edward' Thing that made him happy. It might have also helped that they hadn't given away their intimacy, Charlie was still blissfully unaware of what his daughter did when alone with her boyfriend, he still saw her as sweet little virgin Bella, a quirk in her lip gave away her smirk as she turned to the mirror.

It had been just over a month since the big confrontation, three weeks since Edward had returned, and two and a half weeks since Rosalie's body had reattached and she had woken up. They had both been tense events, Edwards arrival marking the start of what would forever be the most awkward moment in her life. She had told Emmett that intimacy should be kept strictly to the bedroom, the last thing she wanted was for one of the Cullen's to stumble upon them. Emmett of course decided that he would set public sex as a goal, or semi-public sex, if that's even a thing...

He had stated that exploration was the healthiest and easiest way to maintain trust within the relationship, if they couldn't discuss and explore the darkest parts in the mind, then what could they explore. She had saw the logic, didn't change the fact that the plan had backfired...

It had begun innocently playing a game on one of Emmett's new game-consoles, Carlisle at work, Esme out shopping, Jasper and Alice suspiciously gone with no explanation. Her back against his arm, controller in hand, when something brushed against her thigh, pushing up the light fabric of her tracksuit pants. She froze, her eyes flickering away from the screen, her hand tightening around the controller. His hand moved along her clothed thigh, rubbing circles against the fabric as he climbed up the inside of her leg. His nails dragged lightly over the material, dragging it up, and it caused a shudder to run along her back, her eyes closing as she leaned her body weight against him. Her muscles weakening.

Her nerves were sensitive with anticipation, and as his hand ran along the inside of her thigh, her lips parted, her eyes lowered as she tried to steady her breathing. Her legs unconsciously pushing further apart as his fingers ran over her center, the only thing blocking him from her flesh was the pesky material of her trousers. She gasped as he cupped her, his thumb massaging her clit through the material, tortuously, up down up down, the dry friction of her tracksuit causing her to gasp, an ache building from his finger, and running through her. She rocked her hips, unashamedly, bending one knee and place her foot on the couch, the other pushing to the side, as far as it could go. Her hand fisted in his shirt and she swallowed, her head falling against his chest.

"Emmett..." She breathed, swallowing the lump in her throat, a whine trying to escape her lips, but breathing was becoming difficult. This game he was playing, it was driving her insane. The freedom and the risk of being caught was drowning her, the feeling of his fingers against her, so close to being inside, so close.

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