
By BlackMoon0916

30.6K 678 41

They had always felt something for each other. When they finally give into that something, will it change eve... More

1. Guarding
2. Imposing
3. Stay
4. Cracks
5. Arrived
6. Learning
7. Talking
8. The Truth
9. Fantasy
10. I Love You
11. Mine
12. War (Part 1)
13. War (Part 2)
14. War (Part 3)
15. Explanation
17. Pregnant
18. Charlie Swan
19. Edward
20. Doesn't Matter
21. Esme
22. Imperfect Perfection
23. Little Bundle

16. Clear

1K 26 3
By BlackMoon0916

 Suddenly her smile dropped, a stern frown taking its place. She gently moved Bella out of the way, her amber eyes shifting to lie on Emmett's form. Bella watched shocked as she stalked up to the large vampire. She couldn't help the soft smile as such a large bear of a man literally cringed in terror at the sight of his mother's wrath.

"Emmett McCartney Cullen!" She said angrily, but even in her anger, she looked every much the loving mother as always. Emmett's eyes were wide, and he stepped back, grinning sheepishly

"Hey now, wait a second, I can explain..." He began, but Esme silenced him with a slap, her hand hitting the upside of his head. He winced, yelping and rubbing his head pitifully.

"You owe me a new wall, a new table, a new vase! You might as well get me a new house Emmett!" She scolded angrily, "Why can't you guys ever talk to me, I'm your mother, I would've helped!" They were all silent, and for a small second Bella could see Esme's lip wobble erratically.

"Esme..."Emmett breathed, his brow furrowing as he stared at the woman he had called mother for the last millennium. She sighed, swallowing and stepped away, pointing at him with her index finger.

"Not again, you understand, I won't have you guys not talking to me; you could've gotten seriously hurt today."

He was speechless, and only managed a nod before he opened his arms, offering a hug. She took advantage, wrapping her arms around his waist and squeezing. She pressed a kiss to his forehead, smiling warmly at him. "Treat her well Emmett, make her happy..." Esme breathed, her voice loud enough only for their ears, but he nodded nonetheless.

"I wouldn't want to treat her any other way." He answered, releasing her as she stepped away, relishing the freedom and comfort he felt under his family's support.

Bella stepped forward as Esme walked back to her husband, each couple easily sliding into the comfortable position of intimacy, Emmett's hands wrapping around Belle's waist protectively, tucking her into his body, her head resting against his chest. They enjoyed the freedom of not having to hide any more.

Naturally, Bella could feel the urge to ask more questions, her cheeks flushing, attracting Emmett's attention easily.

"I don't mean to ruin the atmosphere." Bella said nervously, her eyes drawn towards the dismembered form of Rosalie, she tried to ignore the way the limbs twitched manically, pressing closer to Emmett's chest, his hands tightened protectively, and he shifted so he was between the dismembered pieces and Bella, shielding her from the sight.

"But what are we going to do about Edward and Rosalie?"

Alice glanced at the headless body, before looking at Jasper and sighing. "Well, Rose's body will reattach itself overtime, it will take about a week, when she wakes up she'll have to accept things, she lost. I can see that Edward will return in a day or two..." She looked at Bella smiling encouragingly.

But there was still something nagging in her mind. She frowned, "But, won't it be awkward... I mean, you know me and Emmett are... Intimate." She jumped as Emmett laughed, grinning at her choice of words. "Bella, we're not in science, they know we had sex." She blushed as Esme gasped, glaring at Emmett.

"Emmett that isn't something you discuss openly!" She scolded.

Alice smiled too, mischievously, "Yes Bella, believe we know, Jazz was my gossip partner, since I couldn't tell anyone else."

Looking at Jasper, Bella could see an ill expression on his face; he glared at Emmett, his face twisted in a look of nausea. "There are so many things I never wanted to know about you man..." He said numbly, cringing at the memory, and had he been human, she was sure he would look green.

Emmett laughed, patting him on the back, "Hey I'm amazing, and anything you heard can be used as pointers for your own sex life." Bella chuckled, her eyes glittering and she smiled sheepishly at him. "I'm sorry you had to go through that Jasper." She chuckled, he bowed his head, a small smile twisting his face into a warmer expression.

"But onto your other point Bella." Carlisle stepped forward; she had nearly forgotten his presence, jumping slightly at his entrance. "Edward and Rosalie will be bitter, but our species works mostly on a Biological level, their anger is pointless because they lost their battle for their mates, the stronger partner won, they have to let it go, in respect for their defeat. Therefore, when Edward returns, he will have to endure yours and Emmett's intimacy, seeing as he was the weaker male. His biological purpose now is to find another mate more suited to him."

Emmett pulled her back, pressing a kiss to her neck and grinning. "Now I can have you whenever I want, and I don't have to hide any more!" He murmured in her ear, purring like a content cat.

As if his words had triggered her anger, Rosalie's body jerked on the grass beside them, and Jasper's hacking noises could be heard in the background, but Bella was too distracted to remember her fear, wrapping her arms around Emmett's waist and burrowing into his solid chest.

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