
By BlackMoon0916

29.8K 676 41

They had always felt something for each other. When they finally give into that something, will it change eve... More

1. Guarding
2. Imposing
3. Stay
4. Cracks
5. Arrived
6. Learning
7. Talking
8. The Truth
9. Fantasy
10. I Love You
11. Mine
12. War (Part 1)
13. War (Part 2)
14. War (Part 3)
16. Clear
17. Pregnant
18. Charlie Swan
19. Edward
20. Doesn't Matter
21. Esme
22. Imperfect Perfection
23. Little Bundle

15. Explanation

1K 26 1
By BlackMoon0916

The clearing was silent, save for the sound of the bubbling stream which ran close by, and Bella's settling sobs. They had done it, they had won. She still had Emmett; she could barely believe it, her hand grasping his shirt as she delved deeper against his chest. His hands settled over her lower back, his thumb rubbing the skin gently. She was so sure today would end badly, but he had done it, he had won, for her.

But at what cost would this triumph bring, Bella dreaded to think of Esme, Carlisle, what would they do? Would they be angry, would they turn him away? The thought was irrevocable, unthinkable; it planted an ill-feeling in her stomach. Things weren't done yet she realized, they had faced Edward, but now they had to face the rest of the Cullen's, Esme and Carlisle deserved an explanation.

Her hands moved from their position in Emmett's shirt, and she pushed herself away, sucking in a breath to steady her heartbeat, which pounded loudly against her temple. He looked at her confused, but she shook her head, not wanting to explain. He had fought for her, now she would have to fight for him.

The whole family had gathered. Jasper clutched a shaking Alice to him, his head bent to her ear, whispering words that Bella couldn't hear, though she could only imagine they would be words of comfort, and it warmed her to see the blatant affection the blond held in his heart for the pixie-like woman.

Carlisle stood with his wife, his hands wrapped tight around her waist, and he looked different from his usual self, protective, and the slight frown over his face was a hint towards his anger, though she was unsure of who it was targeted at.

Her stomach began to ache, and she cringed, putting it down as nervousness, which was plausible considering the circumstances. Stepping forward, folding her hands in front of her and bowing her head, both in fear and in hopes to show them the honesty of her words.

"I know-" Her voice broke, and she heard Emmett step forward, her hand rising to stop him, she had to do this, they deserved this.

"I know nothing I say could every be enough." She said unevenly, "And I know how important family is too you, and I was selfish, I broke it. Although my reasons were sincere, my actions were not. I sought my own happiness above your own, and I can't begin to tell you how much it hurts me to realize the pain I've caused you." She sucked in a breath, ready to continue her speech, but a hand was placed over her mouth, Alice's face before her eyes, scowling.

"Shut up Bella." She said, shaking her head. "I loved Rose and Edward like siblings, but even that love can only run so far. Don't apologies for following your heart, we would rather you did this than continue fooling Edward into thinking what he was doing was okay." Bella watched her stunned, not expecting her speech, She swallowed the lump in her throat, and nodded.

Jasper, who had been silent since then, nodded his head and gave a small but warming smile. "Alice is right Bella, as wrong as your overall actions were. I can't blame you. Being in love isn't as solid as having a family, you can't expect the other person to be there if you mistreat them. Being in love is something you have to tend to, or else it will fade, my brother and sister haven't realized that yet, this will teach them, and perhaps they too will find love in the future."

Bella's lip wobbled and she swallowed down the emotions that were bubbling beneath her skin, overwhelming her. She turned to look at Carlisle and Esme.

Esme stepped away from her husband, her eyes warm and still unyielding in their warmth, despite the fact that Bella expected Malice and anger within them, they held none.

"My Darling Bella." She said softly, reaching out her two hands slowly to cup Bella's face. "You are as part of this family as any of us, why would you ever dream of our hatred or anger, when you are not deserving of it. I and Carlisle are disappointed in the path you and Emmett chose, and we do wish you had chosen a more honest approach, but it is done, no one was fatally harmed in the process and in the end, Edward and Rosalie will move on, they will learn from this situation, and will find someone they can love. I have learnt that there are no grey area's in love, if you are capable if mistreating a loved one, then you never truly loved them at all. You and Edward have both realized that what you shared was not love, and now you can learn and move forward"

Bella leaned into her touch, blinking as a tear fell down her cheek, her lip wobbling. It had been forever since she had felt the comfort of a mother's arms, so nothing could stop the torrent of tears as she gave into Esme's gaze, wrapping her arms tight around the woman's neck, hugging her tightly. Her words struck deep, and no matter how much it hurt, she could see the truth in them, she hurt Edward, she had never truly been in love with him, she had been in love with the idea of him.

"Thank you Esme." She hiccuped, swallowing her tears and burrowing her nose into Esme's neck.

"We love you Bella." Esme crooned, her hands moving over Bella's shoulders to slowly push her back, smiling warmly. Her thumbs brushed away Bella's tears, and she framed her face with her hands, leaning forward to press a kiss to her forehead.

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