Me? A Kpop Idol?[COMPLETE]][B...

By Jihye_1a

2M 50.9K 38.5K

A talented young adult girl. But being an idol wasn't her dream due to some reason. But what will she do if t... More

Merry Christmas
SPECIAL CHAPTER : Valentines day
CHAPTER 46 pt.1
CHAPTER 46 pt2
Go let's talkeu👀[Meeting] pt. 1
Go let's talkeu👀[Q&A time] pt. 2
Me? A kpop Idol? book 2
How to read(attention 2)


40.3K 1K 831
By Jihye_1a

New version 



I don't know if I should call her or not, I can't choose. I know she's busy and I am busy, but I miss her so much.

"Baekhyun can you please sit, and stop walking around. You're making me dizzy." Suho hyung was signaling me to sit down.

"Are you in love with her?" Sehun stared at me.

"I-in love wi-with who? Hahaha! What are you talking about." I said and sat properly on the couch.

"In love with Ha Eun." Kai looked at me with a straight face; he's been like that after everyone is close with her.

"She's my friend and my junior! I'm worried that she might get sick again and get stressed because the family concert is near." I said.

"I've wanted to ask this to everyone; we'll not everyone is here, but... do you all fell in love with her?" Kai said in a stern voice.

"I do." We all looked at Chanyeol.



"What did you just say?"

"Remember when I found out about your secret before? And when I said I'd keep the secret, and then you hugged me out of nowhere."


"Ha Eun, I like you. Wait, no LOVE you." Taehyung held my hand.

"You what." I stared at him with wide eyes.

"But, I am not alone. I'll snitch the boys for you. They also in love with you-"

"wait, wait, hold up! Taehyung. Wait, I'm confused, everything going way too fast!" I said.

"HA EUN!!"

"Crap, that's Rae. I think she's looking for me now."

"But sunbae- I mean oppa, look I like you too, but I like the other members too even EXO, my feelings are a bit messed up right now." I held his hand tightly.

"Oh... I see... but I'll wait for you; I'll wait until you choose me." He placed his hand on my cheek.

He moved closer until our noses were touching. But we heard the doorknob move; I pushed him away.

I heard him chuckled, and I can feel my face burning from embarrassment.

The door opened and revealed the girls and the boys.

"Ha Eun, let's go. PDnim is looking for you; your parents are here." Jae grabbed my hand.

"Oppa! We're going now. Bye." I waved at him and the others, we went to the meeting room, they pushed me in and almost fell down.

I stood up correctly and smiled at them.

"What is the meeting for?" I sat down in the middle of my parents.

"Well, since you are taking online classes, your parents suggested if you want to go back to your school," PDnim said.

"Huh?! But PDnim! The family concert is near! There are lots of things to do!" I said.

"We know, don't worry. We know you are working hard, but school is important." My mom tucked my hair behind my ear.

"Your mom is right, Ha Eun-ah. You're a senior now, we also know your dream is important, but at least try to focus on your school first." Dad patted my back.

No... I don't want to go back to school; I'm too lazy!!!!

"B-but, "

"No buts, you're going back there next week." Dad crossed his arms.

"Ugh great..." I rolled my eyes and sighed.


"Alright, class! As you can see Ha Eun is back again here at school, I hope you all won't stress her too much. It's your senior year and hers too, but mostly she's an idol, and she's busy these days. And we got a letter from her doctor that she should not be stressed too much, you got that?" Our homeroom teacher said.

"Yes, ma'am!!" The class said.

"Ha Eun, you can go back to your seat." She smiled at me; I walked towards my desk. I placed my bag down and sat to the chair.

This is killing me.

"Alright, let's start the class." The teacher said.

-Time Skip-

"Ha Eun! I bought your albums last month! Your debut was awesome!"

"I knew you'd be an idol! Because you're talented and pretty!"

"Also, you're Lee Jongsuk younger sister! I was a bit surprised about i, but I was a bit confused.d I thought you're only look alike, but it turns out he's your older brother!"

This is boring; all I did was stare at them while smiling.

"I watched your drama too!"

Unfortunately, I'm surrounded by my classmates and other students from different classes and grades.

"Can you give this gift for Bangtan? I really love them so much!"

Huh? What am I? A damn delivery man? Give that to them instead.

I want to go home now.

"Hahaha." I gave them an awkward laugh.

"Guys, we should stop now. She just came back here, do you all want her to go again?" Some guy said.

The others looked at each other and shook their heads as a no.

"Good, then go back to your seat and classes, please." The guy said.

All of them left me alone, which made me feel happy because of no more attention from them.

"Hi Ha Eun, you might have forgotten, me but I'm the class President." He smiled.

Class President? I don't know; I don't usually talk to many people here

"Ah, I see. Hello." I nodded.

"I hope you have a good time here at school."

I'm not even new here, and I only came back because I'm busy.

"Thanks." I smiled at him.


"How was school?"

"Tiring!" I said and flop to the couch.

"Hahaha, it will be alright. But at least you're; still I'm high school, look at us we are at college already, and it's tiring too." Yong Soo said.

"That's true, good thing we are classmates so we can work together." She and Jae fist bump each other.

"LUCKY, I have to be stuck with our class president." Rae gave me a glass of juice and snacks, and I thank her.

"The class president? That's also lucky, that means you're with the smartest person in the class." Sang Hwa said as she was writing some notes for what we will be doing at the concert.

"That's true, but he's giving me the vibe. The vibe of trying to hook up with me, and I don't like that. He's been giving that vibe since before I was an idol." I said and munched the snack.

"Maybe he likes you then, hahaha."

"But, people told me not to fall for him,"

"What? Why?"
"I heard that he had dated almost everyone at school."

"Oh, he's those type of president. I see." they all nodded.

"But is he nice, though?"

"Yeah, he's nice, and he's good looking but since he has those vibe and also the rumors. He's not my type."

"What's your type?"

"I actually don't know." I laughed.


"Hey, I heard that they sent you back to school." they laughed at me.

"Don't laugh at me! I didn't really want to be back at school; being with them again gives me so much headache." I said and rubbed my temples.

"Don't be mean to them."

"I am not mean."

"I just don't want to be back there, and I rather take an online class instead also remember what she said? No stress." I crossed my arm.

"That's true, but at least be nice to your classmates and the people from your school," Jin said as he tied my hair up.

"Your hair has been getting longer."

"Yeah, I know, I'm happy about it." I grinned.

"Are you perhaps, getting it colored again?"

"Not sure, you got some ideas?" I looked at Suga.

"There are many ideas on my mind, but your natural hair is alright."

"I'm surprised they let my hair alone; I don't want to dye it again. Because I don't want to damage it."

"Good idea."

"Let me give you some secret." Jungkook sat down next to me and whispered to my ears.

"Huh? What is it?" I whispered back.

"I heard PDnim talking to SM PD, and they said they would be launching a trio."

"Oh damn, really? Do you know who?"

"No, but I did hear it will be two boys and one girl." Why do I have a bad feeling about this?


"I wonder who it will be."

"Not sure either."


"Today, our guest is EXO Chanyeol and MxS Hanna!! Welcome to our show, we are glad to have you both here." MC(1) smiled at us.

"Thank you," chanyeol, and I said.

"Rumors were going around last time, and it was you both having a 'date' at the mall."

"It wasn't really a date, it's more like an errand," I said and chuckled.

"And errand?"

"Well, you see, I was invited to their dorm, and I won't lie to that, and I was thinking of cooking something, but they got no foods on their fringe or anything, so I asked them if I can go grocery shopping for them. And Chanyeol volunteers since he has to buy something too, but the others want to go as well, so he and the boys had a game who will be going with me, and Chanyeol still won the game."

All of them nodded and also laughing.

"And since he needed something, we went for some shopping after buying groceries," I said and stared at the camera.

"We are only friends, senior, and junior. That's all." I smiled.

I looked at the corner of my eyes, Chanyeol wasn't smiling.

He's pissed off and sad.

"Ah, that's great to know! But it's okay if you tell date even though of the age difference, but at least you two love each other." MC (3) said.

But then I heard one of the guests chuckled.

"I just nothing something, someone is not pleased with her answer." He chuckled as everyone looked at Chanyeol, and the camera was on him now.

"Huh? What?" He acted like he wasn't listening at all, but it was all an act.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm alright."

"If you feel uncomfortable, you can always tell us."

"Thank you."

"Ha Eun, we heard that your company would be having a family concert. Am I right?"

"Yes sir, we will be having a family concert."

The show went on; I was sitting next to Chanyeol. There were times he would laugh and get pissed off out of nowhere.


"Ha Eun, there's this guy who wants to talk to you privately. Go to one of the guest room and talk." Manager Hyuk said, and there is this man was standing behind him.

His face is covered so I couldn't check who it was

"Guys, I'll be back." I stood up and waved to the girls and boys.

I followed both of them, once both of us got in and manager hyuk left. He took off his covers.

I glared at him.

"What are you doing here."

"Why? Am I not allowed to visit my girlfriend?"

"It's 'ex-girlfriend.'" I crossed my arms.

"What's the difference."

"Are you that desperate." I glanced at him, sickened.

"You can say that."

"Kim Mingyu, we already talked about it. I have no idea how the manager Hyuk let you in here." I stood up from the chair and walked towards the door.

"Please leave," I said in a stern voice.

All he did was a smirk; he stood up and walked towards me.

"Ha Eun, I missed you so much." He placed his arms around my waist.

"Mingyu stops it; you're better than this. Stop acting this way." I pushed him away.

"You're right... but I did try to explain myself to you, yet you didn't listen to me."

"How come I would listen to you? You said the same thing before! What's wrong with you?! Are you that dumb? Mingyu! You broke my heart, and you think I'll give you a chance?!" I yelled at him as I keep poking my index finger at his chest.

"Because of your damn dream of becoming an idol, being busy, busy with what?! You said you're busy due to your schedule!" I cried.

"But you weren't! You're busy dating an idol on your company!" I sniffed, trying to calm myself down.

"Ha Eun, please listen."

"No! I know why you dated her! Because you want popularity early before your damn debut!"

"I know you're still mad at me, but please give me another chance! I have changed! We can start over again, Ha Eun. I still love you, and I only dated her because our CEO told me to do that. Please, Ha Eun, I'm sorry, can we start again."

"I don't think so, and what do you think trying to do with my girlfriend?"

Both of us turned around to the voice...

What is he doing here?


This is making stress, what in the world was he doing there?! Did he hear about our conversation? Good thing I haven't been talking to him since he's busy these days.

"That dumb to think, of course, he did you stupid Ha Eun." I hit myself.

"Also... what does he mean by "and what do you think trying to do with my girlfriend?" damn it." I bit my lip.

"This is stressing me out!" I hit my head on the table.

"Ha Eun! What's wrong with you! Why would you do that to yourself." Jin checked my forehead if it's red.

"I need an ice for your forehead." He said and softly touched my forehead.

"There's a bump now." He sighs.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing is wrong with me, and I'm just stress." I grinned.

"Wanna go somewhere to clear your mind up?" He smiled at me.


"Somewhere." He grabbed my hand and both of us ran to the back door to go to the parking lot.

"Are we the only ones who will be going there?"

"Yeah, why not." He opened the door for me to get in.

"This is your car, right?" I asked.

"Yes it is my car, now get in so we can go, or else people will see us."

I got in the car and sat down; I wore the seatbelt.

He got in and did the same thing, and then he started the engine. I feel scared somehow; I don't know why, but I'm afraid.

"Stop worrying; it will be fine. If something happens, I will take full responsibility for it." He pinched my cheek.

"Al-alright, then, let's go." My voice cracked.


"Now open your eyes," Jin said as he took his hands off from my eyes.

I opened my eyes and see what's in front of me made me smile.

"This is beautiful." I smiled at him, "thank you so much." I bowed at him.

"Don't bow; you should hug me since I did a great job." He grinned, which made me laugh.

"Thank you so much, oppa." I hugged him, and he hugged back.

"You're welcome, and you deserve this." He strokes my hair.

"Anyway, I brought some picnic." He went back to the car and opened the back door revealing a basket.

"Wow! This is so cool! I love picnics!"

"Really? Glad to know."


"Really? Glad to know." I smiled at her.

I actually didn't know I asked Seo Yeon for help since I told her that Ha Eun has been acting weird, and she looked really stress over something.


I knocked on the door and peaked a bit.

"Seo Yeon? I mean doctor Song?"

"Yeah, I'm here. Just a sec." She opened the door and smiled at me.

"Hey, I need some help."

"You sick?" She looked at me up and down, the same thing she did before.

"No, no, I am not. It's about Ha Eun." She let me in offered me a chair to sit down.

"About Ha Eun? What is it about,"

"Well, she's been acting weird lately,"


"Are you concern as a sunbae or as a friend, or maybe you're concerned about her because you love her?" She said to me while signing some papers.

"All the above." She chuckled and looked up to me.

"If she's feeling weird or like stress lately or something just go with her in a picnic. A nice view. You got that, and of course, the food I think it's better for you to cook instead."

"Cook instead?"

"Yeah, she likes home cook, and also you should bake too if you need help with cooking or baking, just tell me." She smiles at me.

"Thanks, Seoyeon, you're the best."

"Shut up; I am not."

-End of flashback-

She munches her food as both of us are enjoying the view. She is right, and Ha Eun looks really happy.

"This food is great! These are my favorites!"

"Really? Glad to know." Thank you for telling me what kind of food she likes.

"Go try the desserts," I said and gave her the cake.

"I will." She took the fork and tasted it.

"This one is good, too, but why does it taste like Seoyeon's baking." I messed up.

"Re-Really? Do you like her baking?"

"Yeah I do, she knows how to cook as well." Yeah, I know that kid, she's good at everything, but she doesn't like showing it off.

"Oppa, I'm delighted that you brought me here." She leaned toward me and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you so much." She smiled.

My heart is beating so fast... what to do, I know that there are like eight years difference in our age.

"Happy birthday(Jin's birthday December 4),"

"Thank you, Ha Eun."



"Umm, excuse me?"


"That's my seat."

"Sorry." He stood up and about to leave.

"No, no. It's alright; I can move instead." I chuckled and about to pack my stuff.

"No, it's alright. I'll do that instead."

"But you're already sitting on a chair, and I'm the one who's standing up, so it's better if I'm the one who will move."

"You have the same uniform I had before, are you from Seoul High school?" He asked.

"Ah, yes, I'm actually a senior now." I smiled.

"I see you can sit in front of me. I can help you with your studies. Since I went to the same school." He smiled at me.

"Thank you." I bowed, I unpacked my stuff again and sat in front of him.

"You look familiar."

"You too."

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