THE GANG LEADER... ( On Hold)...

By LauHoseok

88.5K 2.8K 761

Meet Jennifer Jameston. 20 years old. She's your typical nead at university. She wears huge glasses, wears p... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 10

4.8K 170 6
By LauHoseok

Jennifer's pov

Next morning, I woke up all cuddle up to Reece. I looked at his sleeping figure and automatically, a smile appeared on my face. He looked soooo cute and adorable. I sat up and slowly removed his handkerchief which he tied to my leg. I looked at the wound and it was indeed a deep cut. I sighed and tied the handkerchief again.

" It's still hurting? " Reece asked sitting beside me.

" kind of, but it's Ok " i said.

He got up and helped me stand up. One of my hands was on his shoulder for support and he was holding me by my waist.

" Can you walk? " he asked.

" Ya, I'll manage " I said and we started walking.

" Thanks " I said to Reece and gave him a cheek kiss. He kept a straight face and noded.

A few moments later, we finally saw the road. We reached the road and saw our still in the place we parked it before going into the forest.

" C'mon, let's go, I'll take you to your house " he said after making me sit in the passenger's seat.

" Ok " i said and he just entered and started the car without even looking at me. His behaviour towards me was clearly wired.
It was like he didn't care anymore about me.

" Reece, something is wrong? " I asked him putting my hand on his shoulder.

He just shrugged and said "No" still looking Straight ahead.

" You sure? " I asked and he noded.

" You know, you can tell me if somethings wrong, " I said placing my hand on his shoulder.

" Can you just shut up!!! Why should I even tell you!!! You're just fucking annoying!! " he shouted in my face. I glared at him and shouted in his face,

" Are you freaking pregnant or are not normally bipolar?! "

" Why would I be pregnant?! " He asked, more like shouted confused.

" Because you seen to have those pregnant ladies' mood swings! " I sighed throwing my hands in the air.

" Whatever " he said and glared at me which I returned gladly. A few seconds later, I looked at him.

" Can you give me your phone? " I asked in a neutral voice.

" What happened to yours? " he asked.

" Just give me your phone, mine's dead " I said.

He gave me his phone and I immediately called Jace and a few seconds later he answered.

" Hey Jace, can you come to my place?" I asked him.

" Why? What happened? " he asked.

" Just come, I'll be reaching in a few minutes, I really need to tell you something" I said.

" Ok, I'll be there " he said and I hung up and gave Reece his phone back.

" Why did you ask Jace to come? " he asked his eyes still on the road.

" Like you care " I replied rolling my eyes.

" Can you just stop being a bitch! " he snapped clenching the steering wheel to a point that his knuckles started turning white.

" So I'm being a bitch right now?! And what about the huge dick you are since the morning?! " I snapped a him. This dude is seriously unbelievable.

" I'm not being a dick, you are the one being a bitch! " he snapped at me.

" Oh ya right, I'm sorry I forgot to add that you're a huge asshole and extremely annoying Jerk " I snapped at him.

" Can you just stop irritating me, can you just shut up! God you're so stupid!! " he shouted angrily.

" Just get yourself treated Reece! " I shouted angrily at him. What the hell is wrong with this dude?!

" You know what?!, I don't even know why I even like an annoying bitch like you. Even that slut Wendy is better than you at least she doesn't irritate me! " he snapped at me.

I laughed sarcastically at him shaking my head in disbelief and looked out the window. How can he say something like that to me. I guess Jace is right, I shouldn't have trusted him he's just like I had thought badboy who doesn't care about anyone's feeling.

Note to myself.... Don't care about my huge asshole again!!!!

" Jenn I- " he suddenly started saying and placed a hand on my shoulder. I pushed his hand away and said,

" Don't " Who the hell does he think he is. One minute he is nice to me, then be treats me like Crap and then he's nice again. What the fuck is this dude's problem?!

We drove to my house in complete silence. Once he stopped at our destination, I got out of the car and to my great fortune, note the sarcasm... I couldn't even stand properly in my feet and fell down.

" Why the hell do you hate me sooo much god!!! " I shouted in anger, annoyed, clutching my injured leg, groaning and tears started rolling down my cheeks.

" Why can anything be fucking right in my life!!! " I shouted again releasing all the frustration that was in me and punched the hard floor.

Reece rushed beside me and went on his knees and placed a hand on my shoulder but I shrugged and pushed his hand away.

" Just don't Reece, just don't " I said and stopped him from touching me again. He backed his hand and looked at me with a hurt expression.

" I -I " he stuttered but I interrupted him.

" No Reece, you can't, you just can't treat me like a princess a minute and the next minute you treat me like a piece if trash Reece, you can't, you just can't " I said tears rolling down my cheeks.

" I'm sorry Ok, I'm sorry " he said, went on his knees and hugged me.

" I don't know what to do, your brothers gang is our main enemy, they are threatening us to leave this place " he said.

" You mean they are the ones who attacked us? " I asked him looking at him.

" There is a possibility " he said still hugging me.

" I'm sorry Jenn, I'm so sorry " he said and kissed my forehead.

" I seriously have no idea what they'll do if they find out you're dating me. I just don't know " he said and passed his hand through his hair.

" How about we tell them and see " I suggested.

" You sure about this? " he asked looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

" Ya and maybe we could solve the problems between the two gangs " I said.

" Wait, first let me call Alec and Wesley here " he said and dialled their number and called them here.

" I'm telling you Jenn, of they shoot me on the spot, it's going to be all your fault " he said and helped me get up.

" Don't worry, they won't " I reassured him.

We liked towards the door and entered only to see my two brothers sitting on the sofa with their head in their hands and Jace walking on circles.

" Ian, Carter " I called and their heads immediately snapped in my direction.

" Oh My God baby sis " Carter said in relief and all three of them rushed towards me but suddenly Ian and Carter stopped dead in their track and looked at Reece carefully and then rushed towards us with double speed and Ian pulled me away from Reece and places me protectively behind him and in the space of one second, I saw two guns pointed at Reece.

Reece raised both of his hands and surrended. My brothers hand furious expressions on thir faces and Jace was just looking at both of them with a confused expression on his face.

" What the hell are you doing with our sister Greyson?! " Ian asked still pointing his gun at Reece.

" Sorry to interrupt, can someone clarify this situation a bit for me please " Jace said.

" This dude here is Reece Grayson, the leader of the Blade Strike Gang which we told you about " Carter said.

" Oh My God " Jace sighed.

" Tell us why you are with our sister or we'll shoot you right here! " Carter told him.

" Don't " I said stopping my brother.

" He is with me " I said before darkness consumed me. The last this I saw was my brothers, Jace and Reece rushing towards me shouting my name and then everything was black.

Hey beautiful readers

I hope you liked the chapter

Sorry is its not that good

I'm really busy these days,

Thanks a lot for 1.7k reads

You guys are the best

Please vote and comment.. It really encourages me to write more :)

Sorry for the mistakes :(

- Peace

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