Married to a SASAENG FAN

By kimchohee1206

29.6K 1.1K 713

Putting a tracker on our van,invading our privacy,stealing our private items,breaking inside our dorm,those a... More

~Chapter one~
~Chapter two~
~Chapter three~
~Chapter four~
~Chapter five~
~Chapter six~
~Chapter seven~
~Chapter eight~
~Chapter nine~
~Chapter Ten~
~Chapter eleven~
~Chapter twelve~
~Chapter Thirteen~
~Chapter fourteen pt.1~
~Chapter fourteen pt.2~
~Chapter Sixteen~
~Chapter seventeen~
~Chapter Eighteen~
~Chapter nineteen~
Last Chapter

~Chapter fifteen~

1.1K 39 45
By kimchohee1206

"Kaye!!!" I yelled as I approach her,pulling her away from the edge of the cliff.

She brush my hand off her and let a victorious laugh that made my heart beat so fast,I feel like I'll faint.

"Please step aside sir." One of the police push me behind him as he put a hand cuff on Kaye "Now,where did you bring that girl's body?"

My whole body felt so weak,Suga-Hyung have to assist me.

Wae? Why is she laughing like that? Why is she so happy with what she've done!!! What have she done to ChanHyun!!!!

The moment she met my eyes,she gave me a pitiful look "Wae? Why are you looking for her? She's dead anyways." She then chortle "She's gone! You would never see her! No body to bury!" My eyes widened when she pointed on that cliff "I threw her body.Are you thankful Tae? Hahahaha!"

I quickly run towards the cliff and was about to jump into the water when Suga-Hyung punch me.

"Are you crazy? Huh?! Now you want to die to?! After ChanHyun,you will leave us too?!" He grab my shirt,pulling me up "Get ahold of yourself! You damn guy!"

I fell on my knee when Hyung let me go and cried,silently calling her name.

"Too late babe~ she's gone now.No body to mourn,no ChanHyun to see.She's dead and gone like an ash.Hahahaha!!!"

I cover my ears,shaking my head as Kaye repeated her words over and over.

I want this to stop! I want this to end! Please! Just bring ChanHyun back to me...just bring her back to my embrace...

"Hyung! Yah! Hyung!" My eyes shot open and I sat properly as Jungkook continue to shake my shoulders "The plane landed minutes ago! Everyone is getting out Hyung! Let's go!"

I blink my eyes several times to focus my vision before standing up to follow Jungkook and the others out the plane.

The airport was filled with fan that it was so hard to walk out.After almost and hour of trying to get out,we finally made it to the van but seriously? Nam Joon-Hyung just have to drop his passport!

"Should we go? If we all go then we can find it faster." Jimin said,putting his shades and cap on.

"We should." Suga-Hyung whisper "But we have to be fast.If manager-Hyung woke up and find us out,he'll get mad."

I nodded and smile at our driver "Ahjussi,don't wake manager,arasseo? This is our little secret.Let him have some beauty rest.He's getting old you know."

Ahjussi nodded his head with a laugh "Be careful boys."


We all put our hood and shades on before going out.The fans before was gone and the place was quite now.

We made our way inside and continue looking.Gosh! Where did Hyung drop his passport? The airport is so big it'll take us hours!

With as sigh,I approach one of the guards "Anyeong-hasseyo,where is the lost and found area? My friend lost his passport." I asked.

He pointed his fingers up to the second floor and as I follow his instructions,a girl caught my eyes.She was talking to Suga-Hyung....

I walk towards them,just near enough to hear their conversations.Nam Joon-Hyung was there too...

"Sorry miss.We really have to go!" Nam Joon-Hyung took the girl's hand off him.

"Yoongi-oppa! Listen to me!" The girl cried.She seems to be disabled...she's holding on a pair of crutches but I can't see her face since the hyungs were blocking my view.

"Do you really not know her Yoongi? She's been insisting though."

Yoongi-Hyung shook his head "She's just a crazy fan.Let's go Nam Joon." Hyung held Nam Joon-hyung's hand and walk away while the girl continued to call after them.

I shifted my eyes to the girl then our eyes met.

What's this feeling???

"Taehyung!" She called then move as fast as she can towards me.

I couldn't move.I couldn't remove my eyes off her...I...I don't know what to feel...have I turned numb?

Yoongi-Hyung pull my hand and drag me with him "Don't look back.You wouldn't want to hear her words."

My forehead crumbled "What words?" I asked "And why is JiHyun here?"

"Ani,Yoongi! She's been-"

"Silent Nam Joon.Let's just go back to our van.She's a sasaeng." Yoongi-Hyung walk faster with us trailing behind him.

Sasaeng? That word made me smile felt like days ago I have someone next to me who I always call sasaeng...but now it's been a year she was gone.

"Hyung!" We all look back when we heard Jungkook called us.He was with the rest of the guys "Jimin accidentally bump to this girl.I think she sprained her wrist...she's been...saying something too..."

I shook my head,speechless "Are you acting?" I laugh sarcastically "Put her down Jimin."

"Wae? I think I broke her crutches too.Shouldn't we-"

"Taehyung,you have to listen to me!" She motion for Jimin to put her down then she grab her crutches and approach me "ChanHyun she-"

"I know JiHyun.I know so please just leave us alone." I bit my lips,stopping myself to say unnecessary words.

"Let's go guys!" Yoongi-Hyung came back with a police "Please escort her to the nearest hospital.I think she's out of her mind.She's disabled too."

I look at him with eyebrow raised.When did he leave?

"Aniya! I'm telling the truth! Let me go! I'm not-"

"Let's go! Manager-Hyung must be awake by now.We need to head to our concert venue." Yoongi-Hyung held my wrist,dragging me with him.

"Hyung,what did she told you? She-"

"It's nothing Taehyung.She's not telling the truth anyways."

I nodded my head,clearing my thoughts but her words made my feet feel all wobbly.I look back at her with anger in my eyes.

"What did you just said?" I ask,holding her by the shoulder.

"That ChanHyun is alive!!!" She yelled "She's not dead Taehyung! She's alive!!!!"

I let go of her harshly "Don't...Don't mention her! Don't mention such words! Where were you? Huh?! What would you know?! You weren't even there when she's having a hard time!"

I turn my back to her but she held on my legs,sitting on the floor "Believe me! M-Mark! He took her! He's brainwashing her! You need to help us.Ple-"

"Let go!" I push her away angrily.After bullying my sister and ruining her life,now she want me to believe such non sense words?! She must be insane!

Despite her calling me,I didn't look back.There's no reason to look back....
I was just spacing out,staring at my reflection on the mirror when I felt a pair of hand,squeezing my shoulders.

"Are you still thinking about what that girl said? You seems really out of it Taehyung." Hoseok-Hyung said "You and Suga-Hyung keep making mistakes earlier." He pull a chair and sat next to me "Do you guys know that girl? Do you believe her?"

I look down,playing with my fingers "Who would?" I forced a chuckle "I don't want to have any false hope Hyung.We both saw the machine went the doctor announced her death." I kept my eyes tightly shut,stopping the tears from escaping.

He patted my back,flashing a smile "You're right...You'll get through this.I'm here.I'm your hope! Your angel~"

I can't help but to smile "Thank you Hobie-hyung~ you seems like a real angel~"

He messed up my hair,giggling "Awww~ am I your favorite Hyung?"

I shook my head,wanting to tease him "Aniyo.There's our handsome Jin-Hyung,our trustworthy leader Rap mon-Hyung and the always so cool Suga-Hyung~ you're my 4th favorite."

His smile faded as he continue to send me death glares "I'm your last favorite Hyung then?!"

I stick my tongue out at him then stared running around the dressing room as Hoseok-Hyung chased behind me.

"Hey! Hey! Boys!" Manager-Hyung raised his voice,stopping all our activities "Another successful concert as always~ good job everyone! Why don't we go for a drink?"

Everyone cheered as they packed their stuff and went inside the bus.The restaurant will be sure full,having the staff and us come over tonight.
"Kookie! I'll be taller than you!" Jimin said,pointing his fingers at Jungkook.

"I'll say Saranghae Jimin-Hyung everyday if you become taller than me~" Jungkook stated,rolling his eyes.

Jimin laugh,standing up on the table "I'm taller now!"

I turn to my right,hoping to find a more normal people but my jaw can only drop.

"What do you want Nam Joon? I'll cook anything for you~" Jin-Hyung said,handing a plate to Nam Joon-Hyung.

Nam Joon-Hyung took the plate,only to drop it.

"Oppsss! The plate broke!" Hoseok-Hyung laugh.

The last thing I knew was Jin-Hyung pulling Nam Joon-hyung's hair while yelling.

"Yah! How dare you waste my precious food!"

I shook my head,standing up.The guys are already drunk and out of themselves while there's me who's just having a headache.

"Is that food more precious than Rap Mon-Hyung???" I asked Jin-Hyung while opening another bottle of soju,hopping I'll get drunk soon.

Jin-Hyung let go of Nam Joon-Hyung's hair,scratching his head "Aniya..."

I flash him a smile before going out.It's always refreshing to have a drink outside.

I took more bottle of soju and drink it all until I feel my vision spinning.

I thought this will make me feel better but why? Why am I still remembering her? Why is she still haunting me?...and now I'm seeing her standing across the street...

"I think I'm going crazy." I laugh,standing up "I miss her so much I'm hallucinating..."

Tears suddenly fill my eyes as I cross the street,ignoring some drivers shouting at me.

Even though my vision was spinning and my head was in complete pain,I stumble my way to her,trapping her in my embrace.

This might be my illusion,my imagination,but long as she's right here,I don't care.

"ChanHyun," I cried "I miss you so much.Why'd you left me?"

"Who the heck are you?!"

She tried pushing me away but I didn't let go....this girl,she really is my ChanHyun.

I hug her tightly,crying in her embrace.She stopped pushing me away and rub my back instead.

"Even though I don't know you sir,I'm so sorry."

I don't know but I cried harder at her words...If this is a dream I hope I'll stay here forever.

"Sorry cause I'm not the one you're looking for...I'm not the one you're crying for."


I pull away from her,squinting my eyes.So she really isn't ChanHyun?

I bow at her,apologizing "I'm sorry miss." I blink my eyes couple of times to get my vision clearer but all I see was ChanHyun... "I think I'm missing my wife so much that I'm hallucinating now." I laugh.

"Who's this guy umma?"

"Ah,nothing.I think there's a party at a restaurant across the street.He must have drunk too much."

"Mrs.Tuan,Sir has been looking for you.He'll get mad if we don't go back home."

"Nanny is right.Let's go umma~"

I stand up straight apologizing one more time before turning around.

No matter how I look at her...all I see was ChanHyun.I hate myself but I hate her can she? How can she make me suffer like this?

Guys if you read the first one and saw this then realize there something different it's because I republish it since I accidentally publish my unfinished work~ so this is the new one and the real chapter 15~ have fun guys

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