Made In The A.M. (BWWM/ INTER...

By KoolLePlaisir

449K 15K 4.1K

'Won't you stay till the a.m.? All my favourite conversations Always made in the a.m. 'Cause we don't know wh... More

1: The Beginning
2: Mrs. Hendry?
3: Don't
4: Missing You
5: Speak Now
6: When I Realized 'It's You' (1)
7: When I Realized 'It's You' (2)
8: Moments of Heaven & Hell
9: +
10: EXit That Way
11: Mr. Hendry
12: ❌ed My Path
13: Spending Time
14: Fuck You
15: Before Thought
16: Ticking Clocks
17: Wild Boys
18: A.M.
19: My Vows To You
20: Family to Foe
22: No More Games
23: All About You
24: Guy Talk
25: Trouble Finds You
26: Set That Bitch Straight
27: Thanksgiving Pettiness
28: No Letting Go
29: Turning Pages
30: One Last Chance

21: Gifts From the Past

9.2K 324 55
By KoolLePlaisir

Hi! So I am glad that you guys are loving the Preface that I published for Toni's story last night. However, his story will not actually begin until after I finish this one or at least a couple of weeks from now. Anyways, we find out what Toni had given the newlyweds for a wedding gift. I hope that you like this chapter. Now get ready for some fluff the Hendry's style. Enjoy! Deuces!


"Finny, please make the baby stop kicking me so much", I groaned rubbing my bump to try to soothe our little soccer star. We had decided not to find out the gender of the baby when it is born. We wanted it to be a surprise for everyone so everything we have for the baby is gender neutral. I cannot wait to hold my baby in my arms for the first time. I bet they are going to be beautiful. I sometimes try to picture what the baby will look like and either way I will be happy just as long as they are healthy.

Fin chuckled squatting down in front of me and kissing my bump, the baby kicking me right where he had just kissed. He smiled reaching out and caressing where our little one just  kicked causing me to wince from the amount of force behind it. "Hey, little one. Stop hurting your mum. I know that you are excited, but please, do not kick her so hard. I love you, little one", he said smiling at my bump fondly as he caressed it. I leaned forward with the help of the arms of the arm and back of the chaise I had been sitting on and pecked him on the lips. "You are so good to us, Finny", I mumbled before giving him a chaste kiss to the lips and leaning back once again.

He chuckled, "I had hoped I was much better than good", he responded rising to his full height. I rolled my eyes reclining on the chaise again to get more comfortable as Fin handed me another gift to open. We were finally opening our wedding gifts to finally get it out of the way. We had decided to open them in our bedroom since I could not be bothered to do a lot of moving today and we have a nice little system going. Fin brings them to me while I open them and categorize them then he puts them in a pile for us to put away once we are done.

"How many more do we have to open?", I groaned. "Two, three, I think", he responded handing me another wrapped in red wrapping paper tied together in white ribbon thay made a bow on top with a card on top of it.

"Read the letter last", it read. I did not see a letter on it so I figured it was inside of the box. I was very curious about the letter now and the sender of it as I carefully unwrapped the present. "Who is that one from, love?", Fin asked moving a pile of gifts aside. I shrugged, "I don't know. The card does not say, but it mentions a letter", I responded taking the lid off of the box.

Inside was an envelope lying onto of this orb like thing. I took it out and sat it beside me before carefully lifting it out of the box. It is a clear glass bulb filled with strips of paper that had things typed on them. It has a sterling silver tag on the top of it that is engraved with the word 'love' and its definition.

"Love, a passionate feeling of affection for another person", I read aloud holding the bulb up to my face to get a better look at it. "Are trying to get inside of the bulb or wish it open?", Fin asked standing in front of me. I lowered the bulb to allow to see my face clearly and gave him a flat look before redirecting my attention back to the bulb. "Love, there is something else in the box", he said and I raised a brow moving the bulb out of the way so I could see the empty boy. However, the box was not empty like I had thought.

Inside was a note in the cushion that read, 'Dig a little deeper, then you will see my heart'. My brow came down furrowing along with my other at the note sown into the fabric of the box. I handed the bulb to Fin who stared at it practically in awe while I felt around the box looking for a secret panel or something that would allow me to open up the secret compartment in the box. I came up with nothing causing me to groan in annoyance because I really wanted to know what was in the box. "Here, baby. Hold this while I open it for you", Fin said making me grin up at him in appreciation as I traded the box for the bulb. Guess what happened next?

He opened it. He effortlessly opened it in under 3 seconds. The cushion was the top to the compartment and I was left feeling 'unsmart' by the fact when I thought about how I spent a few minutes trying to find it. I frowned up at him and he just smirked cockily at me while holding the box out to me. "How?", I huffed and he chuckled. "I do not suffer from pregnancy brain", he responded making my eyes narrow into slits as I stared up at him.

"You did not just say that Stephen James Hendry?", I said threateningly. He rolled his eyes before sitting down at the other end of the chaise with my feet in his lap. "My jewelry chest is made just like that box is. At first glance it looks plain, but under the cushions are another secret compartment. Ana, I have sent you into before mentioned chest on numerous occasions for my jewelry", he responded nonchalantly making me purse my lips as a blush climbed up my neck to my cheeks because he was right. "Shut up, Finny", I grumbled then winced when little one kicked me. "You make daddy proud, little one", he cooed reaching out and caressing my bump. "Traitor", I mumbled directing my attention to the box.

I looked inside and saw what looks like a small canvas lying facedown in the bottom of the box. I carefully removed it holding it up facing away from me. "Are you ready for this extravagant reveal, daddy?", I asked teasingly. I am more than ready to take a ride on my favorite roller-coaster known as my husband. I am done with sorting through our wedding gifts and is in the mood for some special attention from my Finny. I need it.

This man has turned me out without knowing it. He jokes about turning me out, but he has long before achieved his goal. I crave this man. He has me feigning for him when we are away from one another. I need my fix and only he can give me that euphoric high. He knows how to make me putty in his hands and I would not have it any other way.

He hummed, his hand that was caressing my bump slowly descended downwards to my inner thigh where his fingertips danced around before traveling back upwards to rest on my bump. I bit my lip to suppress the shiver that was slowly creeping its way up my spine and flipped the picture around so the both of us could see it.

I had no idea how to really react to the picture. I knew exactly who these gifts were from without a doubt, Toni. I did not even have a clue that he had been at our wedding. It is like he had been a ghost of lover's past. I remember being there when he had first drawn the original picture of this down scaled one. He had been up through the night sketching away and had moved from his spot at his desk for hours.


"Toni? You are still up?", I asked standing in the doorway of his bedroom. He rolled his shoulders, pausing momentarily to glance at the me and give me a small smile. "I have to finish this before I go to sleep or it will be gone from my head. Go back to bed, babe. I will there in a bit", he responded continuing to sketch. I stood there in the doorway for a few minutes quietly watching as his hand swiftly glided across the paper as sketched. I stepped into the small living space folding my arms across my chest as I made my way to the small kitchen of in his apartment. I moved around quietly as I dished up him a plate of leftovers and turned on the coffee pot so as not to disturb him while he worked.

I leaned against the counter watching him work while softly humming Lauren Hill's 'Killing Me Softly' to myself as I waited for his food to warm, counting down the seconds in my head. I stopped the microwave three seconds before it was due to beep and took out the plate before closing the microwave as quietly as I could. I continued humming as I took out the necessities needed to make Toni's coffee the way that he likes it. I danced around the kitchen swaying to the beat of Destiny's Child's 'Say My Name' in my head while I quietly sang the words as I waited for the coffee to be done. "Babe, what are you doing?" I jumped startled at the sound of his voice. I was so wrapped up in my own little world that I had not noticed that I did not hear the scratch of his pencils gliding across paper anymore.

"Dammit, Toni. Didn't I tell you to make noise when you move around?", I grumbled and he smiled that charming endearing smile of his. "My bad, but seriously. What were you doing?", he running a hand through his hair. I ruffle my hair with my hand before turning away from him to begin making us both a cup of coffee. I had been up working in his bedroom on a case while he had been in the living room sketching and I was not nearly as close to being done with my work as he was so I needed a pick me up as well. That and I did not have Stephen to talk to. He was in Barcelona while I was here missing him.

"I was making you a pick me up", I responded putting the finishing touches on his coffee before turning back to face him. I held out the mug to him and he took it from my hand mumbling 'thank you'. I nodded turning back to make my own coffee. After making my own I opened the microwave and took out his plate sitting it on the counter to cool. "Are you almost finished?", I asked picking up my mug of coffee, bringing it up to my mouth and blowing on it. "Almost. How about you? You look beat so I take it this one is a doosey", he responded making me chuckle at his word choice.

"Not even close, but I am getting there", I said sliding the plate of food down the counter to him. "You really know how to take care of your man, babe", he commented opening the silverware drawer and taking out a fork. "I am glad that you think so", I responded sending him a little smile. We had stood in the kitchen drinking our coffee and even sharing his food before heading into the living room. We had sat on the couch and talked, sharing little kisses here and there. We had just wanted to spend a little time together before getting back to our work.

I had went back into his room to gather my work before returning back to the living room and continuing to work while he worked continued his work at the desk. I had fallen a sleep while working and when I had awaken the later that day we were both lying on the couch. I was under him on the couch while he was lying on top of me with his body resting between my legs and his head was resting on my stomach as he hugged my thighs. I smiled running my fingers through his hair accidentally waking him up. His eyes opened slowly meeting mine before a lazy smile appeared on his handsome face. "Morning, baby", he mumbled nuzzling my stomach, his stubble tickling my stomach causing me to giggle.

"Morning", I giggled running my fingers through his hair. He rose up on his arms and leaned up, me meeting him halfway and our lips met in a sweet embrace. When we broke the kiss we were both smiling at each other. Then he suddenly jostled away from me and scrambled to his feet, pulling me up with him. "I finished it and I really want for you to be the first to see it", he said giddy making me smile as how excited he was for me to see it. He led me over to the desk where his finished masterpiece laid and I gasped taking it in.

I found it so beautiful and so... him. The colors and little details made it all come together nicely. I had fallen in love with the picture and I had told him such. He looked so proud of his work and so was I. I proud of him at completing yet another masterpiece. For the rest of the day we had gone out and taken pictures then having dinner at a small Japanese restaurant before returning back to his place and sleeping in his bed spooning. That was before I knew that I was living in a dollhouse fantasy.

Present Day

"He was at our wedding, wasn't he?", Fin asked staring at the picture blankly. I bit my lip and nodded. He did not say anything for a minute causing me to feel a little bit uneasy and I think our little one could feel the tension in the air as well by the way they were kicking up a storm inside of me. "Read the letter outloud", he said finally. I really did not think that it was a good idea but I knew that Fin was not in the mood for games right now. So I let out a sigh before doing as told.

"I know that you do not want me in your life anymore, but I cannot seem to let you go. I have tried, still trying and I am failing. I miss you dearly, but I know that you are where you deserve to be. You are with someone that will love and cherish you the way that you should be. I am sorry that I was so foolish and hurt you. You did not deserve that. You are one of the greatest things that has ever happened to me. It took me being without you for me to realize how stupid I had been to ever think that she was better for me than you. She had promised me so many things that I have come to realize too late that they were not worth it if I was alone. You were so amazing. You were right there beside me encouraging me, whether it be staying up with me making me coffee and food or helping me get my supplies when I ran out so that I could keep doing what I love. I want to say thank you. I thanked everytime you did something for me, but I want to really say thank you for everything. Thank you for showing me what real love looks like. Thank you for supporting me and being there. You never once discouraged me and you believed in my dreams like they were your own. Thank you for showing me that there are still beautiful amazing people out there in the world still. You are truly something special. Your husband is truly blessed. Although he may hate my guts, I know that he is perfect for you. You two belong together and I wish you both love, happiness, and prosperity. You will always hold a place in my heart and it pains me to do this, I have to let you go. I hope that he truly makes you happy and I hope that you both accept my peace offerings. Maybe one-day our children could play together and we could be friends. I do not want to lose you entirely so someday we will meet again and hopefully I have my shit together by then and is happy with the woman for me. Be happy and love your husband with everything you are because tomorrow is not a guarantee. I hope that whenever you two disagree or argue that you love one another and make amends. This bulb is a reminder of love and its power. I thought of you two when I saw it and I hope that you like it.

With Love,

I read.

I did not know how to feel about Toni's letter. I am happy that he is finally letting me go and trying to move on. It is also humbling that he appreciates me for the little things I did for him without thinking anything of them. Then it saddens me that we are even here right now. I love my husband, but I will always have a little space in my heart that is solely reserved for him. However, I will not vocalize that and upset my husband by making him feel like our marriage is being threatened because it is not.

Toni is a part of my past and Stephen is my present and future. There is no-one in this world that can ever take my Finny's place. I tore my eyes away from the letter to look at my husband who had merely hummed at the letter. "Finny?", I whispered and again he hummed. "Say something, baby", I pleaded lying my hand on top of his that laid on my bump and he sighed. "I do not have anything to say, love", he responded.

"Does the things that Toni wrote bother you?", I asked. "Not as much as it used to. It does a little because he still has feelings for you, but that is okay. He is still human and I do not expect for him to wake-up one-day and suddenly his feelings for you are gone. He needs time and again, that is okay. At least now he knows that you are mine and acknowledges the fact. As far as us being friends goes, I do not see it happening anytime soon or really at all, but who knows. Contrary to popular belief, I do not hate his guts. I just hate that he disrespected me and our relationship repeatedly", he responded nonchalantly and I stared at him curiously for a moment before taking my feet off of his lap and standing up with the help of the chaise.

"Where are you going, love?", he asked watching me as I stretched. I smiled coyly at him before pulling my shirt over my head and off, tossing it on his lap. I walked over to the bed and sat down on it with my legs spread invitingly, his eyes trained on me like missiles. I leaned back on my forearms smirking at him and made a 'come hither' motion to him. "My, my, my, shorty looks good tonight", he sung rising to his feet and burst out laughing. He chuckled walking over to the bed and stood between my open legs running his hands up my thighs to my sides.

"My goodness, do not do that ever again. Now help me out of these tights and uphold your vows to me", I said putting my feet up on the edge of the bed, my legs spread as if I was getting ready to give birth. He licked his lips eyeing my half-naked form on the bed. "I do not want to break my vows", he said huskily making me bite my lip. I was so ready for him to fuck me, but he was dragging it out for some reason. "Please, don't. I need you, Finny. I am so wet for you and I cannot wait to have you inside of me", I said sounding uncharacteristically needy, even to my own ears. He stepped back away from me causing me to nearly whimper like a bitch in heat and I think that he knew it too.

"Who is in charge of giving you what you need, love?", he asked gruffly, a tent forming in his sweatpants. "You, baby", I whined desperately while staring into his darkened eyes. The lust and promise held in his eyes made my womanhood quiver with anticipation. He smirked, "Legs up, babe", he commanded and I did as told, legs shooting up in the air. He stepped forward, my legs now resting against his top half as his hands went to my hips. His hands took hold of the elastic band of my tights, "Arse up", he demanded.

I raised my butt and me released the band of my tights to slap my butt with both of his hands before sliding them upwards, grabbing the band again then slowly pulling off my bottom. "Stephen", I grunted at him for being so slow in which he responded by slapping my on my now expose butt. "Patience, love. Arse down, feet flat on the bed", he chided pulling my tights completely off allowing me to finally rest my butt on the bed again and get back into my previous position. I laid on the bed completely nude watching my husband slowly pull down his sweatpants freeing his heavenly tool from their confines. However, he did not completely pull them off. He only pulled them down to just under his knees before pressing inside of me in one quick powerful thrust.

I gasped his name, my arms giving out on me sending my top half crashing to the bed with my back arching in pleasure. He gave me no time at all to adjust to his intrusion before his hands went to my hips, grasping them firmly and he began thrusting sending me into euphoria. "Fuck, Anastasia you drive me absolutely bloody nuts", he said through clenched teeth as he thrusted like a rabid dog inside of me. All that I  could do was moan in response being too lost in the pleasure he was causing me to coherently respond. "Stephen", I groaned running my hands up his sides up his arms then hooking my arms around his to support my upper half as I pulled him closer to me to connect our lips in a seering kiss. Nothing about our kiss was sweet, but it was definitely dirty just like our sex.

I pulled back a string of saliva connecting our lips together before breaking and pried his hands from my hips then scooting up on the bed to get him out of me for a few seconds so I could change positions. Because one thing my husband hates, being stopped during sex. He absolutely despises it and will fuck you twice as hard just to show you that you upset him by making him stop. He slowly slid out of me, the ridges of his dick caressing my walls as he did so wetly before I rolled over onto my hands and knees. "You could have just fucking said you were uncomfortable, love", he said sharply before thrusting back inside of me. I yelped in pleasure as he went further inside of me in this new position, pistoning in and out of me wildly.

"I-I wa-uhs'nt", I stuttered shuddering as my orgasm began to quickly build in my lower stomach. He sent a sharp slap to my left butt cheek clearly not liking my response. I winced, it melting into a moan as my arms gave out and he went even deeper inside of me. I felt so warm inside and delirious from the pleasure coursing through my body. Words were falling from my mouth that I was not sure were even words anymore as he sent me over the edge kissing up and down my neck while tweaking my nipples. "Finny!", I shouted and let out a soundless scream as he continued fucking me through my orgasm.

I was gushing like a fountain and he was showing no signs of stopping anytime soon. When I woke up I was in bed alone but I could hear the shower going and the soft hum of music playing in our bathroom. I stretched and slowly climbed out of bed before waddling into the bathroom, ignoring the wild kicking the baby was doing and throbbing between my legs. Fin was in the shower standing under the streaming water letting it cascade down his body as Chris Brown's voice blared through the speakers of his Beats Pill.

"Love, can you come and get my back for me?", Fin called looking at me through one of the two windows of the shower. I nodded waddling into the shower to join my husband and help him out. I should have known that it was a setup but I did not even think about it before my legs began carrying me towards him. Next thing I know, my cheek is pressed against the wall with one of his hands on my neck and the other on my hip holding me in place as he fucked me from behind again under the stream of the water. By the time we got out of the shower the water had gone cold and I was tired all over again. So Finny had to help me lotion myself and get into my night gown that left nothing to the imagination for my husband as it was  translucent with ruffles that hid my areola area.

Then we went into the kitchen and cooked dinner. Well, I cooked us Sunset Shrimp Grilled Chicken and Crab Macaroni and Cheese while Finny kept me company as he worked on his laptop as the bar.

Instead of eating at the bar in the kitchen or the dining room like we usually do, we ate in the living room.

"Love, you never told me how you knew about the events that took place at my bachelor party", Fin said randomly as we ate. I gave him a smug look before shoveling a fork of shrimp and pasta into my mouth. "Who told you before I could?", he asked accusingly. "Baby, you should know by now that I have eyes and ears everywhere. Just like you are possessive of me, I am the same way with you. Did you think that I would leave you at the alter or something if you told me before our wedding?", I responded dancing around the question. He rolled his shoulders, something he does when he is extremely pissed and want to relieve himself of built tension or when he is nervous. His face was nonchalant so I could not tell specifically why he rolled them, but knowing my man the way that I do, it is more than likely both.

"Yes. I thought that you would load up and ship out if you found out I had woken up in bed with two women that clearly were not you. Hell, I could hardly remember half of the night when I woke up that morning. It was all too hazy and I had to practically interrogate them to try to figure out what the hell happened. It is not like I was never going to tell you because I was. It was just going to be after the wedding so I knew that you could not leave me because there is extra no way in hell I am letting you go now that you are my wife", he said fiercely. I narrowed my eyes at him, eyeing him because he cannot be serious right now. I scoffed, "You are so damn selfish, Finny. How dare you try to trap me into a marriage with you? I married you willingly because I love you and you are it for me, not because you were withholding information from me that I already knew before you even woke up. You waking up between two lesbians that will surely sleep with me way before they ever even entertain the thought of sleeping with you does not bother me in the slightest. The two hoes they saved you from are what bothered me, but luckily for you, your friends kept you safe. Because babe, you would not be calling 'Love' today if they had not of have been looking out for you that night", I responded, my voice clipped.

"And what exactly does that mean?", he asked curiously, his eyebrows furrowed. I smirked sinisterly, "Everybody has a breaking point and if you had cheated on me with those women I would surely have no problem hiding two, let alone one body if I had to. If being with Toni taught me one thing it is to not take things lying down. When I found out my then boyfriend was fucking my then bestfriend I immediately cut all ties with them all the while getting even. Who do you think got Jasmine cut off and disowned by her family for being a back-stabbing whore? And who do you think took his dog, the dog catchers or a damn burglar named Anastasia Williams Hendry?", I responded off-handedly.

He stared at me for a moment before a smirk slowly appeared on his face. "And to think that everyone thinks that you are so innocent", he retorted and I giggled because that is very true. A lot of people see me as this innocent woman and tend to think that the worst thing I have ever done was probably be late to class when I was in school. When truth is, I have done a lot of things that my parents would surely whoop my ass about even now that I am grown just because they know that I have done them. Most of those very things had been done with Finny, Harmony, and Keyton while others were done with other people I do not care to mention. "Do you still think that I am so innocent?", I asked giving him a smoldering look.

"It is hard to say that I do with the way you are looking at me right now. Your eyes still holds innocence in their depths but I am well aware of what you are capable of. I know that you are nowhere near as innocent as you seem, love, but I do still think of you as innocent. I love you either way and nothing can change that", he responded making me smile. "If I were not so sore right now you would definitely be getting some lovin' before bed", I commented and he chuckled. "I am sure that I can change your mind about giving me some lovin' before bed", he said, his voice an octave deeper. I bit my lip trying not to give in but my body is a damn traitor just like little one. I felt myself get wet again, but I was not admitting that to him.

Long story short, we finished dinner and I waited for him to load up the dishwasher before we headed upstairs to our bedroom for the night then he got some lovin'. I cannot even complain because I was well satisfied before we had gotten settled into bed. I was dosing off when he asked, "Who told you?" I hummed not really understanding what he was talking about through my current hazy state. "Who told you about my bachelor party, Ana?", he asked clarifying what he meant. "Oh. Noelle and Max told me", I mumbled falling asleep, but not before hearing him cursing under his breath.

Okay, so I am fucked around right now. I had no damn idea that Miroslav is 19 or that Max is 20. Why the hell does everyone look older than they are!? I knew Fin was 25, but I did not know that Kreesha (Ana) is 31 & Rosa (Harmony) is 32. There is nothing wrong with dating someone older than or younger than you, but them numbers fucked me up y'all. Had me like 🙅hold up, PAUSE!I mean the stories will go on as planned with minor changes, but damn. Anyways, comment what you thought about this chapter! Random fact about this chapter: I had to edit Toni's picture because he was actually drawing Adele but still messed up, and I used that old picture of Stephen in the shower because he does not have any recent ones of him like that (that I know of👀).

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