Supernatural Awards Guide

By Supernatural_Awards

198 3 4

This will be a guidebook for the rules, prizes, and explanation of the SPN awards More



29 0 0
By Supernatural_Awards

The current catergories are:

-Destiel (stories featuring and focusing on the relationship between Dean Winchester and Castiel)

-Sabriel (stories featuring and focusing on the relationship beteen Gabriel and Sam Winchester)

-Humor (stories focusing on humor)

-Imagines/Preferences (stories where you as the reader can imagine yourself in the story)

-Supernatural in General (stories just about SUpernatural that don't fit in the above catergories)

More can be added by request!

Extra awards are awards that don't focus on SPN but on other elements of the story. Extra Awards Include:

-Best Written

-Most Creative

-Favorte Character

Please put suggestions or questions in the comments!

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