Double, Double, Toil and Trou...

By DarkGuardian_15

167K 5.2K 1.5K

Jasmine Shacklebolt transfers to Hogwarts from Ilvermorny. She's nervous about going there, but after she mee... More

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The False Potion
Quidditch and Potions
The Trouble With Dementors
Diagon Ally and Hogsmead
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Something Wicked This Way Comes
12 Grimmauld Place

Valentine's Day

13.4K 463 207
By DarkGuardian_15

A/N: Above is the necklace Jasmine receives from a certain someone. ;) *CUTENESS OVERLOAD WARNING!*

Jasmine's POV:

School was in full swing again, and Valentine's day was just around the corner. I've always disliked Valentine's day, mostly because I thought it was overrated. I knew not to eat anything I was given around this particular holiday. I had a feeling Fred and Gorge would be pranking people with love potions. "Jasmine, aren't you excited for tomorrow?" Hermione asked me curiously. "Why should I be?" I asked curiously. "Tomorrow is Valentine's day." She replied. "So what, I hate Valentine's day." I said. "Her Slytherin is up today, it seems." Harry said, which made us laugh. "I heard Justin is going to send you a valentine tomorrow." Ginny said. "You mean that shy Hufflepuff boy?" I asked curiously. "Yeah." She replied. I shrugged my shoulders and focused on my potions homework. "Don't you think he's cute?" She asked after a while of silence. "No." I said with a slight laugh. "She's not a dating type Ginny." Ron said. "How would you know?" Ginny asked curiously. "Yes, please enlighten us." Hermione said with a slight edge to her voice. "Dean saw Snape take her ex boyfriend down. I don't think she's going to jump into the dating scene anytime soon." Ron replied. "Oh." Hermione said, relaxing a bit. I could tell Hermione was starting to like Ron a little more than just friends, but I decided to keep quiet. "Well, we better get to class." Harry said as he checked the time. We all broke apart to attend our classes, and I wondered if Justin really was gonna give me a valentine. I desperately hoped he didn't, because Severus has been acting strange. He was shooting daggers at every guy that stopped to talk to me during breakfast. I wished he would be the one to give me a gift, but for some reason I felt like he wouldn't. After classes I headed to my dorm room to change out of my robes and put on something more comfortable. I found a box of chocolates from Gorge and Fred on my pillow, which I tossed in the trash. I wasn't taking any chances with a love potion prank. I finished my homework and headed to the great hall for dinner. I was surprised at how fast time went by. As I walked towards Slytherin tower I was grabbed from behind and pulled into a broom cupboard. "What are you doing?! You could have given me a heart attack!" I whisper yelled at Severus. "I'm sorry." He said as he hugged me. "It's okay, I forgive you." I said as I relaxed in his embrace. He chuckled and let me go. "I bet you're wondering why I snatched you." He said with a look in his eyes that made my spine quiver. "Um...a little." I replied with a nervous laugh. "I wanted to ask you if you'd like to hangout as the kids say nowadays." He said, which made me laugh. "I'd love to." I replied with a smile. "Good. Meet me in the potions classroom after breakfast tomorrow morning." He said with a slight sparkle in his eyes. "Okay." I said as he gave me another hug. Severus and I have become very close over the Christmas holidays, and I was so grateful for it. I have been noticing some slight changes in him though; they odd, but I don't mind them. He even sends me owls during the weekend which I told him was unnecessary, but he insists on it. He said that way he can keep in contact with me if he's busy grading papers, etc. "I'll see you tomorrow then, goodnight Jasmine." He said sweetly. "Goodnight Severus." I replied before I walked out of the broom cupboard. I headed to the Slytherin common room and crossed paths with Draco Malfoy. 'Here we go.' I thought to myself. "Where were you Shacklebolt? Snagging that mudblood Justin Finch Fletchley?" He said, which made his goons laugh. I ignored him and headed to my dorm; I didn't feel like arguing. I'd rather daydream about professor Snape. 'Wait....what?" I asked myself curiously. After I thought about it a little I realized I have been daydreaming about Severus a lot recently. 'Get it together, Jasmine! He's your professor! There's no way he feels the same way.' I thought to myself. 'But, haven't you noticed the way he had been looking at you?' My subconscious replied. It was right; his eyes gained a little warmth in them when he saw me, and they seemed to sparkle when we were alone tonight. I tried shaking the thoughts out of my head and focus on my homework. After I was finished I changed and got ready for bed. I wondered what tomorrow had to bring.

~ Time Jump - The Next Day ~

I woke up to the sound of an owl pecking at my window. I found it quite annoying because Severus was about to kiss me in my dream. I felt absolutely disturbed by it, but what bothered me the most.....I wanted him to kiss me. I pressed my thoughts to the back of my mind as I opened my window and let the cold February air in. I took the letter from the owl and gave him a little treat as payment. He fluttered off into the falling snow and I closed my window. I broke open the yellow colored wax seal, and wondered who wrote me.

Dear Jasmine,

You probably don't know me, and....why would you? I'm a nobody really. A lot of rumors have been floating around that I have been wanting to send you a valentine, and it is. I can't help but admire your beauty. You're smart, loyal, friendly, and very very pretty. I guess I'm sorta asking you out on a date, and it's okay if you decline. At least I've had the guts enough to ask you. Please write me back with your answer.

- Justin Finch Fletchley

I admired his bravery, but I ultimately had to decline. I didn't want to lead him on, because I didn't like anyone romantically. At one age appropriate anyways. I really hoped he understood, and wasn't heartbroken over it. I took a quick bath and got changed into some muggle clothes. I was so glad it was the weekend and I got all of my work finished. I walked downstairs into the common room and found a few other Slytherins milling around. "Good morning." A reddish brown haired girl said with a smile. "Good morning." I replied with a smile. I made my way out of the common room and headed to the great hall where I found my Gryffindor crew. "Good morning, Jasmine! How are you today?" Fred asked curiously. "I'm good. How are all of you?" I asked curiously. "We're good." They replied at the same time. "Did Justin send you a valentine?" Ginny asked. "He did." I replied. "And?" Hermione asked curiously. "He basically asked me out, but I turned him down." I said as I snatched an apple from there table. "Why? He's a nice bloke." Gorge said. "I'm not interested. Besides, it's much nicer to hurt someone a little now, than to lead them on and hurt them more." I said before I took a bite of my apple. "She does have a point." Harry pitched in. Ginny and Hermione seemed slightly saddened by the news, but they'd soon get over it. I sat down at the Gryffindor table to chat with them, and I was glad no one really noticed. "Good morning Miss. Shacklebolt." I heard Severus's deep voice say from behind me. I turned to make eye contact, and I could tell he felt a little uncomfortable. Especially with Harry sitting beside of me. "Good morning professor." I said with a smile. "Gorge, Fred, Ron, Ginny, Hermione....Harry." Severus said, acknowledging they're presence. "Professor." They said at the same time. Severus cast his gaze over all of them in silence before he walked off towards the high table. "Well that wasn't awkward at all." Fred said sarcastically. We all laughed slightly. After a while I left the great hall, leaving the others behind to finish their breakfast. I headed towards the potions classroom and took a seat at one of the desks. I figured Severus would be in a little while later, just to avoid suspicion. The door opened after a few minutes. "Hey." I said as I stood up and gave him a hug, but he wasn't as warm as he was last night. He didn't even wrap his arms around me. "What's wrong?" I asked curiously after I let go of him. "We're you laughing at me with those dunderheads and that insufferable know it all?" He asked in a cold tone, but his eyes suggested hurt and betrayal. "No. I just laughed because they felt awkward around you." I replied. "Do you feel awkward around me....when you're with your friends?" He asked in almost a whisper. 'Where did this broken man come from? Is this the person he fights to hide everyday?' I wondered. "Severus, you're my friend too; I've told you this before. You mean more to me than you can imagine. Just because my they have bad blood with you doesn't mean I have to chose a side." I said softly, but with a slight edge to my voice. "Really?" He asked as his eyes brightened a bit. "Really." I replied. He smiled and wrapped his arms around me in a lovely hug. "I'm sorry I doubted you. You mean more to me than I'd like to admit." He said as his cheeks turned a slight pink color. I couldn't help but giggle, and that made him smile. "Are you ready for my little surprise?" He asked curiously. "I'm as ready as ever." I replied, which made him smile again. "Then let's go." He said as he opened the door for me. I walked out into the hallway and let him lead the way. "Why are we walking back and forth?" I asked him curiously. "Wait for it." He said. As if on cue, two huge doors appeared on the side of the wall. "What is this?" I asked. "This is the room of requirement. Come on, let's go in." He said as he opened the doors. When I walked in my breath was taken away. There was beautiful green grass and trees with fall colored leaves. Everything looked so beautiful. "Do you like it?" He asked curiously. "Like it? I love it." I replied as I sat down on the grass. I was surprised at how real it felt. "What's all of this for?" I asked curiously. "Well, I needed a nice place to give you your Valentine's gift." He said with a smile. "But...I...I didn't get you anything." I said, feeling guilty. "It's fine. I didn't expect you to get me anything." He said as he reached into his pocket. That made me feel even more guilty. He handed me a black box with a red ribbon tied around it. I opened it and my mouth dropped open. "It's beautiful Severus." I said as I put it on and admired it. "I'm glad, you'll never guess who I had make that for you." He said with a smile. "Who?" I asked curiously. "Luna Lovegood." He said, which shocked me. I couldn't believe he went up to her and asked her to make this for me. "Wow." I replied. "I know. In exchange...she said I had to wear a flower in my hair for a week." He said with a grimace. I laughed and imagined him having a snow white lily in his hair. A flower materialised in his hair, and I couldn't contain my giggles. He smiled once he realized what I was giggling about and started laughing himself. "Does this flower make me look fat?" He asked jokingly. "Absolutely not. I think it really brings out your eyes." I said. He moved closer to me and took the flower out of his hair and handed it to me. I took it and smelled it's lovely sent. "My little flower." He whispered. "What?" I asked as I blushed. "Nothing, I just....I-" He mumbled and rambled, but I cut him off. "I'd love to be your little flower." I said with borderline tomato colored cheeks. He looked at me, and the warmth in his eyes made me melt. I rested me head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around me. I felt so at peace in that sweet moment. 'Oh Jasmine, you so falling for your professor.' I said to myself as I snuggled closer to him.

A/N: Thanks for reading! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. I'd just like to point out how satisfying writing that chapter was. Hehe. :3

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