Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble

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Jasmine's POV:

I woke up early and got ready for the day. I put my robes on and gathered my books to put in my leather bag/satchel. I headed downstairs to the common room and found a few Slytherins already milling around. "You got placed in Slytherin, eh? I hope your capable of keeping up the Slytherin name. Americans are always so slack." A boy with blond hair said. "And you are?" I asked with a raised eyebrow and a stone faced look. A grin came across his face as he held out his hand for me to shake. "The name's Malfoy, Draco Malfoy. On second hand, I may not have to worry about you at all, Shacklebolt." He said with a half smirk. "Please, call me Jasmine." I replied as I light heartedly shook his pale hand. "You can call me Draco. This is Crab and Goyle, if you have any trouble don't hesitate to let us know. Especially with that Potter." He said with a sneer, as if the very name made him sick. Crab and Goyle were bigger than Draco, and I figured they bully a lot of people here. I never liked bullies, but I figured I should get on their good side. "Will do, see you three at breakfast." I said. "Breakfast doesn't start for another half hour." Draco said. "I know, I want to stop by the library," I replied before I walked out of the common room. "Good morning." I said kindly to a few passing Slytherins. I made my way to the massive library and picked out a seat next to one of the windows to read my book. I read two chapters before I headed towards the great hall. Some students were sitting around talking amongst themselves. I took a seat at the Slytherin table and took my book out again. I was early like the other students, but I didn't mind. I love being early to almost everything. "Applied magic and art. I never heard of that." I heard a female voice say. I looked up to see a bushy haired girl with two boys. One had ginger hair, freckles, and blue eyes. The other had dark hair, green eyes, and he was wearing a pair of round glasses. I could tell from their robes that they were in Gryffindor house. "It's something I was learning before I came here." I replied as I closed my book. "Oh." She replied. "You could borrow the book when I'm finished if you'd like." I said with a slight smile. "That would be lovely! Thanks! Oh, I'm Hermione Granger by that way," She said as she held out her hand. "It's nice to meet you." I replied. "These are my friends Harry and Ron." She said with a smile on her face. "I'm sorry you got placed in Slytherin. We wouldn't have minded to have you in Gryffindor." Ron said. "It's not that bad, trust me." I said with a slight laugh. "Just watch out for Draco Malfoy." Harry said. "You must be Potter. Draco spoke to me, and expressed his hatred towards you already." I said. "Really?" Harry asked, not at all surprised. "Not in so many words, but I got the gist." I replied. "Well, if you have any problems with them, just come to me. I'd be glad to kick his head in." Ron said. I found it particularly amusing that both groups offered to defend me against the other. "I'll keep that in mind." I said with a smile. "More Slytherins are coming in, we better get to put table." Harry said. "He's right, see you around Jasmine." Hermione said kindly. "See ya." I replied. They went off to sit with their Gryffindor friends. I started to read my book again, but I was interrupted once more. "I like your necklace." I heard another female voice say. I looked up to see a blond haired Ravenclaw girl standing in front of me. She was wearing Dirigible Plum earrings, which I found unique. "Thanks, I like your Dirigible Plum earrings." I replied with a smile. "Thank you, very few know what they are. My name's Luna Lovegood by the way." She said with a bright smile. "It's nice to meet you Luna." I said. "You too Jasmine. I hope you enjoy Hogwarts, have a nice breakfast." She said before skipped to the Ravenclaw table. There was something about Luna that made me smile, I guess it was her positive energy or her quirky personality. I suddenly felt eyes on me, and when I looked around I saw a few Slytherins watching me. "What?" I asked curiously. "You talked to Loony Lovegood. Are you mad?" One of them asked me. "No, and so what if she's different. It doesn't give anyone the right to treat her less than anyone else." I replied. They looked away and we all started eating. I glanced up at the high table and found a few professors looking at me. Dumbledore, Mcgonagall, and Sprout had gentle smiles on their faces. The only one who wasn't smiling was Snape, he looked like he was thinking about something. I smiled back at them and continued eating. Suddenly owls started flying in and dropped some letters and packages. When I was finished I headed down to the dungeons where the potions classroom was. I was the first person in the room, but I didn't mind. I actually enjoyed being alone, especially of the alternative was being surrounded by strangers. I opened my book again and began to read some more. I was a past halfway finished with it. I figured I'd be able to get the book to Hermione by Wednesday. After a while students started filling the room, but their still wasn't any sign of professor Snape. After everyone was seated and settled the door flung open with much force. Snape's cloaked figure came floating in the room. When I say floating...well...that's exactly what I meant; he's so graceful and swift. He took his place at his desk and took roll before speaking. "Today, we will be taking down notes on the Cure of Boils potion. There will be no talking or tomfoolery.....I should hear absolute silence. Begin." He said as he charmed a piece of chalk to write on the board. I took out my paper, quill, and ink. I usually write them down on lose leaves of paper with a quill before I use a muggle pen to write them down in a bound book. It helps me memorize them better for some reason. I finished writing a few minutes before the end of class, so I put my quill and ink back into my bag. I magically dried my papers and read over them until we were dismissed. My next class was Herbology, which was thought by professor Sprout. We took notes in that class as well. I figured that would be pretty much all we'd be doing for the first few days, but I didn't mind. I found note taking rather relaxing, I always have. I couldn't wait to learn more about different plans, potions, spells, etc. My next class was Transfiguration, one class I was quite good at when I went to Ilvermorny. I heard to transform into an animagus, mine is a raven. After more note taking it was finally lunch time. I was starving, which is usual for me. "Jasmine!" I heard someone yell from behind me. I turned around to see Hermione running towards me with her companions at right behind her. "What's up?" I asked curiously as they started walking with us. "How did you like your classes?" Hermione asked curiously. "I really enjoyed them even if it was just note taking. I'm excited to learn more about the topics and different stuff compared to what I already know." I replied. "Is it true you told a Slytherin off?" Ron asked curiously. "I just told her it wasn't nice to pick on Luna Lovegood just because she's different." I replied. "Pansy Parkinson was furious during charms class." Hermione said with a laugh. "What makes it funnier is that the other Slytherins defended you instead, Jasmine." Harry said smiling. They all seemed very amused, which made me smile. "Hey, we're going to see Hagrid after dinner. Would you like to come with us?" Ron said. "I will if I finish my work. I have to rewrite the notes I took today." I replied. "Okay." He said. "See you later, and if I don't get to come tell Hagrid I said hi." I said. "We will." They said at the same time. I headed over to the Slytherin table and started devouring my lunch. "Jasmine, can I have a word with you?" Draco asked as he walked up to me. He stood in front of me with his arms crossed. "That was several words, to which one are you referring to?" I said, which made a few snicker. "I don't appreciate your arrogance Shacklebolt." He said. "Draco...sit down," Snape said, which made him go red with rage and embarrassment. "Yes professor." Draco replied, hanging his head in shame. "Good afternoon....Miss Shacklebolt." Snape said kindly. "Good afternoon professor." I replied with a slight smile. I saw the corner of his mouth twitch upwards slightly before he made his way up to the high table. When I finished eating I went to the library where I started rewriting my many notes. I was glad I bought a lot of composition books. I labelled which book was for which class with a black marker. I've always preferred muggle school supplies for some reason. I was halfway finished with my potions notes when it was time for my next class. I had Charms and Defence Against the Dark Arts. I was glad I had a pretty long break after my classes, so that would give me time to finish my notes. Charms brought another bout of notes. I was expecting the same thing from Defense Against the Dark Arts as well, but I was wrong. professor Lupin was testing us again a boggart. I noticed something strange when I was in the classroom as well. My necklace started glowing blue again. I didn't know if it was due to the boggart or something else. Either way, I figured it was best to hide my necklace, so I hid it underneath my shirt. A few students went up against the boggart, and I was up next. "Wand at the ready." Lupin said. I pulled out my wand and braced myself for what was about to happen. The boggart transformed into a shadowy figure I instantly recognized. It was a character from one of my many childhood nightmares. "Riddikulus!" I said loud and clear. The shadow man turned into a plush version of Mangle from the video game Five Nights at Freddy's. It's a muggle game, so I figured nobody would know where it's from. "Very good. That's all for today folks." Lupin said as he put the boggart back in the wardrobe. Some let out sounds of disappointment, but they gathered their things and left anyway. "Miss. Shacklebolt, may I speak to you for a minute." Lupin asked curiously. "Sure." I replied. I walked up to his desk after everyone else left. "Where did you see that shadowy man before?" He asked curiously. "I don't know, I just remember him from one of my nightmares." I replied. I couldn't help but notice the scars on his face, and to me it looked as if he got attacked by a werewolf. I remember studying different types of scars and wounds back in America. It wasn't for a class; I just studied them for fun. "Okay, I just wanted to know. I wasn't expecting that." He replied. "Well, I'll see you later." I said. "Have a lovely evening." He said before I left. I made my way to the library where I continued rewriting my notes. I got all of my Potions and Herbology notes finished before dinner, which was good. All I had to do was Transfiguration and Charms. I walked into the great hall and took my seat at the Slytherin table. After everyone arrived Dumbledore made a speech about house points. I would have paid attention if someone wasn't trying to use legilimency on me. Unfortunately for them I'm skilled in occlumency. Professor Greenwych showed me how to perform legilimency and occlumency during my third year at Ilvermorny. I glanced at the other students, but nobody was looking at me. Eye contact is crucial in legilimency. I looked up at the high table and found professor Snape watching me intensely. When our eyes locked he stopped trying to delve into my mind. He quickly averted his gaze, and soon after the tables filled with food. I ate my food in silence. I suddenly realized that I was probably capable of things others wasn't behind these stone walls. I shook the thought out of my head and finished eating. I rose from my seat and headed to the library to finish my work. After a while a dark figure appeared in my peripheral vision. "Professor." I said before I looked up. "Miss. Shacklebolt, I would appreciate it if you'd keep what happened a secret." He said. "You don't have to worry professor, I won't tell a soul." I replied. I figured Dumbledore already knew of Snape's abilities; it would have been a waste of time to tell him what Snape attempted to do. He wasn't able to invade my mind, so didn't really matter to me anyway. "Thanks. I'll be giving a quiz on the notes tomorrow....don't mention it to anyone. Especially none of those infernal Gryffindors." He said as his lip curled in malice. "Don't worry, I won't," I replied. "But why did you tell me?" I asked curiously. "Because I already know you're well prepared for it." He replied in his silky voice before he left. I finished up my notes and headed down to Hagrid's. I hoped Hermione and the others were still there. I knocked on the door and waited a few minutes. "Who is it?" I Hagrid asked curiously. "It's me, Jasmine." I replied. He opened the door with a smile on his face. "I'm glad you could make it. I see you've meet my favorite little gang of misfits." He said as I walked in. Hermione, Ron, and Harry were sitting at Hagrid's table. "Yay, you made it!" Hermione said happily. "Yes I did." I replied as I sat down. "So how do you like Hogwarts?" Hagrid asked as he pored me a cup of tea. "I like it a lot actually." I replied. "Good." He said with a smile. "Do you three have Potions?" I asked them after a while of silence. "Sadly, yes." Ron replied. "Be prepared for a quiz. He told me my class is going to have one, but he told me not to tell anyone." I said. "I told you two to study our notes." Hermione said. "Why would he tell you about a quiz, he never does that." Harry said. "She's a Slytherin, what do you expect? Snape favors his house." Ron said with an edge to his voice. "I think he just felt sorry." I replied. "Sorry for what?" Hagrid asked with furrowed brows. "For Draco's behavior at lunch. Apparently he was going to tell me off in defense of against his girlfriend Pansy." I lied. I didn't want them to know about Snape's abilities. "That's a first, Draco is Snape's favorite student." Harry said with a confused look. "That may be, but Jasmine had outstanding marks in Potions at Ilvermorny. I think Snape's looking for an assistant, and she'll be the best one to pick." Hagrid said. "If you're so smart, tell me how Hermione keeps popping up in class without entering the room." Ron said. "Well, she could us Disapparition and Apparition, but she's too young to know that skill yet. She could have a timeturner, but she'd have to have permission from a professor to use it; especially if she's taking double classes." I replied. "Do you know everything to do with magic?" Harry asked curiously. "Not everything, just everything that I've read." I replied, which made them laugh. Hermione didn't say anything, but deep down I knew she had a timeturner. After a while we walked back to the castle and went to our separate common rooms. I took a bath and changed into my pajamas. I fell asleep wondering if tomorrow would be as interesting as today.

A/N: Thanks for reading! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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