Learning to Live and Love

By BlakeM93

43.6K 1K 105

Teacher/Student Bellice with a twist. Bella's the teacher, Alice is the student. Alice is in a wheelcha... More

Learning to Live and Love


1.3K 43 0
By BlakeM93

I could feel someone squeezing my hand, and I felt someone kiss the back of it. 

"Please wake up, pixie."

I opened my eyes to see Bella next to me. I closed my eyes, thinking about what must have happened.


Only Rose calls me Ali'. 

I opened my eyes, and looked around. Rose was standing on the opposite side of my bed, with my mom next to her. 

I'd felt Bella kiss my hand, what.............. Bella must have told them. 

Rose grabbed my other hand, looking at me. 

"Thank God you're OK. Bella called mom when you had you're fit, she was so worried."

I looked at my mom, who was watching me.

"Yes, and you have some explaining to do. Bella told me everything that had been going on. All that time you said you'd been spending with Arial, and you were with her. I'm not against you two being together, but you should have talked to me."

That explaiins how Bella could kiss my hand in front of them. 

"I'm....... I'm sorry. I was going to say something after graduation."

She nodded and looked at Bella.

"Yes, Bella explained everything. She was so worried when you had that fit. It was worse than the others, but you'll be fine. You just need to take it easy. You have no school next week, so you can rest."

I nodded, knowing it was pointless to argue. 

My brother and my dad walked in. My brother had gone to get some air apparently. When they saw I was awake, they both asked me how I was feeling. I shrugged, and they understood.

"That was worse than your other fits. But, Bella did the right thing. She called us after you had the fit, and had to explain everything to us."

I looked at Bella, who was playing with my fingers. I squeezed her hand, and she looked up at me. 

"I walked back in and you were on the floor in the hall. I didn't want to wait, and knew what I needed to do. I grabbed your phone, and called your mom to tell her what had happened. She thought you were Arial's, but I told her that I would explain when I saw her at the hospital. When I saw her, I sat down with her and told her everything. She was shocked, obviously. But, I explained everything and she understood. i was just so scared something was going to happen to you."

She looked at my parents, who were watching her as she spoke. 

"We understand, Bella. We don't have a problem with it. We just wish you would have told us. And yes, you can visit Alice when she's at home."

I smiled at my dad, as he spoke. They really didn't care. 

"Thank you, Mr. Cullen."

He shook his head, saying that she done the right thing, and that he could see that she cared about me. 

She was obviously nervous, and I covered her the hand I was holding with my other hand, which had an IV. She pulled her hand away, not wanting to hurt me. 

"Stop that. It's just an IV, I'm used to it by now."

"She's right, Bella. She's used to it."

My dad left, and everyone else sat around the bed. The IV was finished, and a little bit of blood started to flow back through it, which isn't unusual. 

"Rose, could you get a nurse before Bella faints?"

She nodded, and left. I looked at Bella who looked a little pale. 

"It's fine. It's the IV, it's finished."

The nurse came in and took it out. She asked me how I was feeling, and left. I had out for about 12 hours, and needed to stay in for a while. 

"Sorry, I'm just-"

"Squeamish. We're used to it, you'll get used to it."

I looked at Emmett, who was watching Bella. He didn't seem to care. I was surprised that none of them seemed to care, but before I could say anything, my mom explained. 

"Alice, as long as the person you're with treats you right and they're aware of the effect of your condition, that's all that matters. I was surprised that you were with Bella, and that you spent all that time with her. But, you've been happier in the last few months and now I know why. Bella did what she thought was right when you had that fit. When she called me, I was surprised, I thought you were with Rose and Arial. But, she told me should would explain and she did. She was so worried about you, and I could see how much she cared about you. I asked Rose, and she told me how she covered for you. Emmett didn't know, I know that. But, all we want is you to be happy, Alice. I can see that Bella makes you happy."

My mom smiled at Bella, who looked like she was about to pass out. I know this was hard on her, but I was happy that everyone accepted this.

"You won't have to worry about anything if you're going to see her. If you're going to see her, just tell me. OK?"

I blushed, but nodded. Bella looked down at our hands, her long brown hair covering her face.


I fell asleep a little while later, and when I woke up, Bella was talking to Rose. Everyone else had gone home.

I yawned and they turned to me. Rose looked very worried, as she watched me.

"Hey, how are you feeling Ali'?"

"Like I've been hit by a bus?"

That made the two of them laugh.

"If she's making jokes, she's fine. You'll get used to this, Bella."

"I don't care as long as she's OK. At least she's not like me. I swear a lot when i feel like shit."

I thought about when I'd been over and she hadn't been feeling well. She just cuddled me, and didn't do much. I assumed she meant when she fell over Jake.

"I don't think I wanna know."

"I fell over my dog, slamming my shoulder into something. All I did for about 10 minutes was swear. I got to meet your dad to. This was before I met you though. Now he just sits on her chair when she comes over and sleeps."

That made Rose laugh.

""I would expect him to be scared of it. But, sleeping on it?"

"No. He just looked at it, the first time she came over and jumped up onto it. After he tried to trip her up."

I smiled, listening to them talk. It was late, and I knew Rose normally stayed with me. I'd be fine by myself, she just likes to do that when I'm sick. I looked at Rose and she knew I wanted Bella to stay.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Ali'. Relax Bella, everyone is fine with this. My mom was pretty angry with me, but she calmed down and we talked. She'll be expecting you to come over and spend time with Ali' next week."

Bella blushed, and Rose left.

I looked at her, as she buried her face in her hands.

"Hey, it's alright. I told you about the epilepsy before. I'll be fine, I just need some rest and some cuddles sound nice right now."

She looked up at me, as I said that and shook her head.

"Oh no. When you get home, you can have all the cuddles you want. But, I don't wanna hurt you."

I shook my head, sitting up a little.

"You won't hurt me, Bella-Bear. Sure, I feel weak, but I'll feel better with rest and cuddles."

She looked up at me, biting her lip. She groaned, as she saw the pout. I knew this was impossible for her to say no to. She groaned, looking at me.

"Why is it so hard to argue with you?! Fine! Move over a little."

She lay next to me, and I lay my head on her shoulder. 

"Tell me if you're uncomfortable in any way and I'll move."

I wrapped my arm around her waist, squeezing her. 

"Trust me, I'm not uncomfortable and you won't be going anywhere any time soon, Bella-Bear."

She kissed my forehead and I fell asleep cuddled up to her. 

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