Here the Shadows Lie

By RachaelRose16

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Here the Shadows Lie chapters 1-2
Here the Shadows Lie chapters 3-4
Here the Shadows Lie 5-6
Here the Shadows Lie 7-8
Here the Shadows Lie 9-10
Here the Shadows Lie 11-12
Here the Shadows Lie 13-14
Here the Shadows Lie 15-16
Here the Shadows Lie 17-18
Here the Shadows Lie 19-20
Here the Shadows Lie chapter 23
Here the Shadows Lie chapter 24
Here the Shadows Lie chapter 25
Here the Shadows Lie chapter 26
Here the Shadows Lie chapter 27
Here the Shadows Lie chapter 28

Here the Shadows Lie 21-22

285 15 2
By RachaelRose16

Chapter 21

Bounded? Or Grounded? Same Difference.

Alexa's POV

We didn't spend any more time in Verona, because after we finished our coffee, and conversation Damian became extremely distressed about something I wasn't aware of. It was plain obvious on his face that something was wrong, but he put his transparent mask on hoping I wouldn't see through his lie.

Though it just got worse after that.

I transported back with Damian to the forest with what was left of the cabin, to find that it was all aflame. The branches were consumed in a fiery death of fire and smoke that made the air around it hard to breath. His face glared at the scene, but didn't seem surprised in the slightest, though I was. All I knew was that I was afraid, for both of us. So I grabbed his muscular hand, and transported all the way back into my car behind the abandoned building wondering what was on Damian's mind.

I placed my hands tightly around the steering wheel, then stared at his hard face that looked at nothing, waiting for some sort of direction.

"Just drive home," was all that slipped out of his hardened expression.

I shuddered at the deadly tone of his voice, though obeyed his command. My hand pulled the car into gear, and backed out of the space quickly.

We arrived at my house in a matter of minutes, and Damian immediately stepped out of my car cursing under his breath. He paced, and then spun around in my direction giving me a grave expression.

"Is Lori home?" he mumbled.

I nodded," She doesn't work today. Why?"

He swore louder," We have to get inside."

"We can just transport inside, can't we?" I asked, still wanting to know what was going on with him.

"No! We can't, if one of us transports....someone will find us. I...we can't risk it."

I was taken aback by his sudden outburst," Fine, we'll just go through the front door. You can erase Lori's memories later."

I headed for the front door when I swore I heard him mumble," If there even is a later for me."

I ignored it, and slid the door open slowly. If Lori found me I was dead meat for two reasons. One, I wasn't at school, two I was bringing a random guy up to my bedroom, and that looked really good to an over protective mother.

I examined the room, the coast was clear. I signaled Damian with my hand to come in quickly. He came up behind me, and followed closely as I lead him quietly up the stairs. That was when I heard my name, and it didn't sound to great to hear it at that point.

"Alexa? Where do you think you are going?" I heard Lori say behind me.

My heart raced, as I thought of some excuse that I would get away with.

"Up to my room. We had our...umm....senior retreat today, so we got out early. And, um...Damian here lost the key to his house, so I offered him a ride back to my place since it's so cold out there."

I felt like slapping myself that was probably the worse excuse I had made in a long time. Damian started to tense, and I had the urge to put my hand on his shoulder, but kept to myself since Lori was still inspecting us.

To my relief she relaxed.

"Well then, you are welcome to stay as long as you like Damian," Lori encouraged; knowing that inside she was probably shaking of excitement of me bringing an actual person home.

"Thank you Mrs. Marter. Alexa and I were just going to start some homework anyways," he smoothly said, making me jealous of how perfect his acting was.

"Oh please, call me Lori," she almost giggled.

I rolled my eyes, but Damian nodded, and put on a teeth bearing smile.

I was just about to run up the stairs when Lori said," You know Damian, I swear that I have seen you before. It seems hard to forget your charming good looks."

My face went completely red," MOM!!!!"

She laughed," Alright, alright. Go ahead."

I almost growled at her, but I still needed an explanation from Damian, so I just sprinted up the stairs with him closely behind.

He gained entrance to my room first, as I swung the door shut dramatically. His body paced around the room, holding his head within his palms, and muttering words too low for me to understand. I gazed at his troubled face, and wondered what was so wrong. I had an urge to help him, or say something to make him go back to his usual calm and collective self. I took a step closer to him.

"Damian, please tell me what's wrong," I said hoping his beautiful face would turn up to gaze at me for the tiniest second.

"Not now! I have little time to explain what you need to do. So you need to listen carefully, because I will only say this once. Do you hear me? ONCE!"

I nodded in a panic, my eyes felt wide.

"You can't transport anymore, forget you even have the ability to do it. Don't ever look for me, you'll never find me, and you will just find more trouble, and if you should ever run into Sage, or as fast as you can. Got it?"

I ignored everything he said," Where are you going?! Why can't you tell me what is bothering you?"

His fists clenched, and he walked up to me furiously," Because it is none of your concern! I don't want you involved, so just....forget about it."

Damian didn't relax, but his tension did settle into more of a depressed mood. His head turned from my stare, but my hand automatically came up and touched his cheek.

"Why are you leaving...?" I was about to say "me", but I knew that would have sounded horribly selfish, and possessive,

He held my hand to his cheek and sighed," Because it's what's best for both of us right now."

My eyes glassed over in unshed tears that shouldn't have been there. I wanted to be wrapped in his embrace, for him to stay and hold me close to him. Yet, he was leaving, and I was pretty sure he wasn't coming back.

"Please...I'm begging you, don't leave me alone here," I choked up a bit, biting my lip to keep my tears from sliding down my face.

His lip was quivering, and his face didn't meet mine in the slightest.

"No Alexa, it's better this way, trust me."

I ripped my hand away from his marble face, my cheeks were salty with my tears now, "How can I trust you, if you're never around to be trusted?!"

Those crystal grey eyes then stared at me, melting every negative emotion there was. That's when the impossible happened.

A single, glassy tear came from his eye, trailing down the deep scar on the right side of his face that was always covered from me. My hand shot up, and brushed the tear away before it fell from him.

Damian whispered my name, and held my face between his hands.

Then vanished into the thin, cruel air.


But that was three weeks ago. Three long, torturous weeks without him, without transporting, and pretty much without my life. I went back to my normal, semi perfect child self. I was bottled up again, the real me Damian took with him, and he was long gone with it.

It seemed as if everything was back to normal, and everything was just one big nightmare. I was even questioning if Damian was real or not, which hurt every part of me. I never knew how much I needed him until he was really gone, and I felt like I couldn't go on at all.

Was it so wrong for one person to destroy your foundation?

And was it worse to long for them even though they didn't want you?

This is what I thought about while staring at my celling, in the lowliest depression of my life. It felt as if there was no reason to be on Earth anymore. It was if my instincts yearned for my homeland, for the Shadow Dimension. I was frequently having dreams about it lately, golden grass, the maroon colored sky, gold stars, and double moons overlapping each other. It was mystical, like nothing I had ever seen before, so I figured it had to be the Shadow Dimension. That was mostly the only decent dream. The others...were horrendous.

Kairos was in my mind more often ever since Damian left. I would see these two people, a woman and a man. The woman had raven black hair and it was cut shorter in the back and longer in the front, which made her look older. Her eyes sparkled a light blue, that dazzled up at the man. The man's longish hair was tinted blue that hung over his dulled red eyes.

They were madly in love or so it seemed and it was...happy. Until Kairos decided to change the situation destroying the very thought of happiness. The two then were shown in a cell, beaten, bruised, and bleeding. The man held the woman tight to him as she sobbed into his chest, but the man kept his head up tall, though I could see the tears trailing down his filthy cheeks.

Then a man, who looked about in his seventies entered the jail cell, as the woman wailed loudly. The vile man had long jet black hair, and blazing crimson eyes. The man just held her tighter, and spat at the vile creature smiling evilly at the door. Two other men, one I recognized as Sage, came into the room with a whip, and chain. Sage ripped the man from the woman as she screamed out his name. They took the chain and bound both of his arms with it, cutting into his white skin now covered in blood. The woman screamed, but the other Shadow held her back as she thrashed for the man. He mouthed the woman's name, tears in his eyes as Sage brought out the whip. His shirt was taken off his body, and his arms were tied to a bar raising them above him. His eyes were staring only at the woman getting held back from his embrace.

Then Sage pulled back full force and slashed him over and over again.

I winced, as if I could feel his pain. After the man collapsed, the evil Shadow laughed, and motioned Sage to take the man away.

"NO!!! LEILANI!!!!!" the man screamed trying to break loose of Sage.

The cruel man laughing manically down at the weeping woman, and she glared up at him whispering," You'll never win....Kairos."

"Don't be so certain my dear Leilani. Take him away."

The man was taken away, and the woman's violent screeches were what finally ended the ongoing nightmare.

The funny thing was, not that there was anything comical about the dream, but it seemed as if I had a similar connection towards the two. Like I knew them from my past or maybe Kairos was playing with my head, who knew.

I was back in school, not that I wanted to be, but I needed to act normal or try in fit in. It's what Damian had wanted me to do, and I was to obey him. Though there wasn't one day that passed by that I didn't think of him, or dream of him. He was always there, just not physically like I needed him to be. I didn't transport, or kill anyone which was a definite plus and it just seemed normal...routine I guess.

I hated every single minute of it.

Every minute of every day of every week was longer since he was gone, and I wasn't going to be able to handle much more. There was going to have to be a drastic change in how I was living, or I was going to have to do something about it.

Whichever came first.

Chapter 22

An Attempt at the Impossible Made Possible

Zeke's 3rd POV

Zeke stepped out of his hospital bed and stretched dramatically.

So nice to be able to feel my joints again, he thought.

The petite nurse gave him a shot that loosened his body up from the stiffness of a month bedridden. He concluded that those weeks were the worst weeks of his life, besides the night that his parents were murdered.

That had been much worse.

Zeke had got changed into some light fighting gear when the Nurse popped back in.

"Kairos wants to see you," was all she said.

He nodded, relieved that he was able to see his master again. He felt too free, too....undirected. Zeke needed the guidance of Kairos or he was completely and utterly lost.

Was this pathetic? Yeah, it was.

Zeke mustered up all the strength that was charged in his newly healed body, and transported into Kairos's courters. His feet touched the ground slightly, and there around him stood Nia, and Sage. One was glaring and one giving him an evil smirk.

How much did I miss? He thought to himself, staring at them.

It was apparent to Zeke that Kairos was a bit stronger. His crippled body stood up in his throne, and a joy filled smile was on his face, as he gazed at Zeke.

"You've healed nicely. We thought you as a dead man," the old man's voice cracked.

Zeke bowed to Kairos," I am far from a dead man, my lord."

Kairos chuckled, motioned for Zeke to get up from the ground," So I see. I am assuming that Nia introduced herself to you, and her plan."

Nia rolled her eyes jesting at the miscommunication.

"We have become slightly acquainted," Zeke smirked at his answer.

She scoffed at his horrible accusation, keeping her vision away from Sage's gaze. Though Sage's stare wasn't exactly on her, it was more towards Kairos's affection towards Zeke. It was as if Zeke was Kairos's son that he cherished more than power and his immortal self-combined. Sage thought of it as revolting, as did Nia. This was the first thing that was in common between the two.

"Ok, well we see that Zeke is all better from his little fight. So can we please just get on with the plan?" Sage pleaded as a four year old would.

Kairos stared daggers at Sage, sending a mental message through his head. He shivered, and turned his head in the opposite direction of his master.

Nia then said aloud," Kairos I think Sage does have a point. You did make it...clear that the plan was to be set in a month tops. Everything is in order, the plan is set, and everyone knows their positions. With your command we can get started on getting your precious child for you."

"Do not mock me Nia. You, of course, underestimate her powers, and she has not even turned eighteen yet. So be gone! Take course of your plan, and get me the girl!" he bellowed.

Nia didn't flinch, though she could feel Sage shake beside her. At that time she wondered what mental images Kairos sent through Sage's head to make him stop complaining. Then again, to make a grown warrior tremble, it must have been horrific.

Sage transported into the crisp air, as did Nia after him, though Zeke was the one who stood behind for a moment.

"My lord? What are you planning to do with the girl?" he asked cautiously.

These words made Kairos smile," Thinks even the gods couldn't imagine."

Zeke was troubled by the words, and the use of fake gods, but he trusted Kairos. So, he clenched his fists, and screeched sending him flying into a blackness only a Shadow could endure.

Ok guys, I'm not sure if I'm going to continue posting on Wattpad, but with your support I may put a few more chapters on and see how many views and comments I get. So please, comment, vote, send me a message of criticism ANYTHING will be taken. Thank you!

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