My Mate or My Baby Momma? Seq...

By JasmineHood

281K 6.5K 492

***SEQUEL TO MY DOM OR MY MATE!!!!*** Deacon & Declan; twins, the first born children to the 'threesome' that... More

My Mate or My Baby Momma?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Author Note
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
-Author note-
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 36

2.7K 111 14
By JasmineHood

Well here we go guys. It isnt as good as it could be; kinda rushed it because of all the messages to update but here it is.

Watch out for the twist!!! 

Remember this story is coming to a close very soon. Maybe a few more chapters.

For now, enjoy. xxx

Chapter 36


Unknown POV

The grin on my face was so wide it became painful. My plan was in motion and I just couldn’t wait! The alpha was going down and nobody would have any clue who ruined his life.

I’m a frickin genius!

I would never get caught, the alpha would have his heart ripped out and most likely lose his life in the process and his brother, his family, the pack would fall… and who would come in and save the day?

Me! Because I’m so god damn awesome.

They would pay for what they did to me, that little bitch would pay and I would get exactly what I want in the end; just like I always do.


Virginia POV

Something felt different… and not good different, it felt awfully distressing. My wolf was whimpering, my hackles were up and I couldn’t relax. But I couldn’t place my anxiety.

Squeezed in my seat either side of Declan and Deacon eating dinner usually made me feel safe, comfortable but right now I felt nothing but panicked, fearful and completely and utterly alone. Something had to be happening for me to feel so… odd.

“So how was your morning?” Lizzie asked me with a happy smile, spearing a pasta tube with her fork; I don’t get how she always seemed so cheerful. Where did the positivity come from?

“Uneventful,” I replied politely, still feeling uncomfortable. And the conversation died there and then. To be truthful, I didn’t really care if I seemed rude; there was more going on in my brain than a mindless conversation.

Something isn’t right; my wolf started whining again, Deacon… something wrong with Deacon.

What the hell was going on? Why was this happening now?

“WHAT’S GOING ON?” Declan was on his feet in seconds, staring between Deacon and myself, visibly shaking with panicked eyes, “OUT WITH IT!”

The temperature dropped, the room turning utterly silent and all eyes on our dysfunctional threesome, but one set of eyes couldn’t seem to meet mine… Holden looked somewhat ashamed, fearful. I couldn’t understand his expression but I knew it had to be something to do with this worrisome panic inside my chest.

“Come on you two, what is it?” Declan was getting more irate by the minute.

“That’s what I want to know too,” I decided to vocalise my concerns, somehow keeping my wolf steady and my voice low and calm, “my wolf has been in a panic all afternoon. Whatever it is includes Deacon.”

At that, all eyes turned to face the man in question, probing and questioning looks stuck on his nervous face, waiting impatiently for answers.

“I, err… I didn’t want to do it like this. Can we,” Deacon’s eyes dart up to mine from the table, “talk privately?”

“No you’re not.” Lizzie snapped, “Talk. Here and now.”

Well this is awkward, “please just tell us Deacon. I don’t deserve to be kept in the dark.”

What was going on?

Did he do something unforgivable?

Is he in danger? Sick? Is someone else pregnant?

I hate that I thought the latter question but considering our past, of course it was bound to worry me. My mate fathered a child by another woman… I was no longer going to be the mother of the future Alpha and that broke me.

I hid it well, I forced my emptions back so Deacon and Declan wouldn’t feel my pain but it was there, and the distress filled me whenever Deacon came to mind, whenever he was close by and whenever his beautiful baby boy was nearby.

I wasn’t his number one, and neither would our future children be; his alpha blood son would be and as normal, like in every other part of my life I would be pushed to the back of the cue and ignored because someone was better than me. I didn’t deserve the love and care everybody else did.

So that’s why I fully broke down when Deacon uttered his next words, “I’m breaking our mating bond.” My knees buckled, and I dropped to the floor; my wolf howled painfully inside my head. Tears immediately sprung to my eyes and the room was soon filled with my anguished cry. The only noise was my shaky breath and whimpered sobs; everyone was staring at Deacon in horror, disgust or full on shame… apart from Holden.

That’s when I spoke, “You knew!” I pointed at him, totally oblivious to his Alpha status; it meant fuck all to me right now, “You knew and you’re just sitting there letting this happen. How could you? I thought you were the alpha. Where’s the shame for your son’s actions? Why aren’t you behaving like everybo-.”

“That’s enough!” Holden exclaimed in anger, “You should do better than to bad mouth your Alpha.”

With a sobbing breath, shaking my head as everything rang through my ears, I turned to face Deacon, “I thought you actually loved me. I thought I helped you these past months but obviously I wasn’t enough. I hope you find what you need,” and stood, leaving the room with Declan hot on my tail.

“Baby, hey hey come here.” Spinning immediately, I clung to his t-shirt, sobbing, heart wracking shakes of pain and regret for the man who’d given me up without a second thought. “Everything’s going to be okay. Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere. I love you baby. I love you.”

My heart was torn by Deacon, but somehow Declan managed to savour a good portion of what his brother had left behind; Declan was my rock, my knight in shining armour and everything in between. He had never left me; he took whatever I was willing to give and didn’t push for more. He loved me unconditionally, never hurt me and seemed too good to be true sometimes but I couldn’t be me, I couldn’t handle the dramas and pain of life without him.

Why hadn’t I seen this before? Why did I always just see Declan as just one of my mates? How bloody blind could I have been? How ungrateful of me!

“I love you too,” I croak into his sodden shirt, “more than you know. I’m so sorry for not seeing how amazing you are to me, how selfless and patient you’ve been through all of this. Please, don’t give-.”

“Don’t you dare finish that sentence! Do you really think I’m going to disown you when I love you more than anything? You are going nowhere without me. Understood?” His voice was strong, impenetrable and so wonderfully low and sensual. Declan brought out a side of me I had never seen or felt before; I was a live wire at his touch, promiscuous and completely weak. He was my strength, he was my reason.

“Understood,” I whisper with a slow nod, moving slightly to look into those wondrous eyes of his, “love me Declan.”

That was all I needed to say, for in mere seconds I was whisked off to his bedroom in the safety of his muscled arms while his lips clung to mine with severe passion.

Declan healed my pain, he mended the fissure in my heart and clouded my fearful brain with passion and love. I could deal with my rejection at another hour…

I hurt of course, I suffer the pain of losing someone the gods made to love me, but I was so lucky to have another mate, someone willing to provide me with the love and devotion I ached for.


The whimpering in my head was growing and I couldn’t ignore it anymore; my head throbbed, my heart was caving in on itself and there was nobody around to ease the burden on my aching body. I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry or shout at someone but I just couldn’t bring myself to move or use much needed strength or energy on something so hopeless.

Tonight at 10pm would be the bond breaking… why Deacon wanted it so soon I don’t know. Maybe to ease the burden on him of having our wolves connected?

How was I supposed to deal with this?

All the stories I grew up with about how your mate loves you unconditionally and never rejects you at all… they’re there to make you happy and provide you with the support and love you need and deserve. Look at me now!

Yes I have Declan and I wouldn’t give him up for anything, but seriously Deacon shouldn’t be doing this! He knows by now that he only gets one mate… nobody will ever compare to me, treat him how I could or love him the same.

Gritting my teeth in anger, I stood from the bed and shouted with what energy I could, “I’M NOT DOING IT! YOU CAN PUT ME THROUGH ALL THE SHIT YOU WANT DEACON, I’M NOT DOING IT. DEAL WITH IT!”

My legs felt like jelly, my head was spinning and I felt sick; why, I wasn’t sure. I just felt awful.

Turning around to find my bed again, I looked into a set of familiar hazel green eyes… and then saw the glint of a syringe needle a little too late.

A sharp pinch as it punctured my neck and everything went dark, but not before hearing, “night night sweetheart. Should’ve just gone along with the bond breaking.” 

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