It's Been Awhile (iDubbbz X R...

By SorryPizza

38.6K 699 539

You move from New York back to your hometown, San Diego, where you reconnect with someone who you haven't see... More

Second Chances
Hello Sunshine
Flowers Bloom
These Days
Playground Love (Part 1)
Highschool Lover (Part 2)
It's You
Not For All The Love In The World
The Sequel

When I'm With You

4.4K 82 147
By SorryPizza

You woke up the next morning awaiting a text or call from Ian, but there was none. You wondered if he didn't feel the same spark that you felt. You went on with your normal morning routine, but kept your phone at your side at all times. You didn't know if it seemed desperate or not but you didn't really care. After waiting all morning, you decided to go to the gym. You were never fond of gyms but you needed to get your mind off of Ian. As you were working out you began to think to yourself,

"I just met him, I can't obsess over someone I don't know."

"If he doesn't like me then it's fine, I don't even like him that much anyways"

"He just has nice hair, that's all. His smile is nice too. He's tall too, which is a plus. But I don't even know him, I just met him. I will stop thinking about him right now."

"Oh screw it" You mumbled to yourself as you picked up your phone texting Ian's number. Just as you were about to hit 'send', you got a call from Summer. It was probably for the best, you thought as you answered her call.


"Hey (Y/N), I was wondering if you wanted to go to dinner with Jordan and I?" She sounded like she was up to something, which was never good.

"Uh yea, ok sure."

"Ok great! We'll pick you up at seven. Oh and Ian will be there too. Ok bye!" And before you could say anything, she hung up.

Although you wanted to be excited, you couldn't help but be so nervous.

"Was this her way of setting you up? Did he think this was going to be some kind of double date?" As your mind began to race with a million questions, you got a call from the magazine that you had just applied to work at. You were a photographer for a magazine back in New York and had decided that you would try to do the same thing now that you were in San Diego.

"Hello?" You said in a cheery tone, even though you were anything but.

"Hello, miss (Y/N). We have decided that you are the most qualified for the job and your photos are amazing. Welcome to the magazine, you start on Monday." 

You tried your hardest not to sound too excited and sound rather professional, but you failed.

"Oh my god, thank you so much! I promise I won't let you guys down and I'm sorry for sounding like this, I'm usually very professional I'm just super excited. But seriously thank you so much."

"It's no problem, you really were the best option. Goodbye."

"Bye."  You said while having the biggest smile on your face.

On your way home from the gym you began to think about what kinds of photos you'd be taking and what it would be like. You remained happy and excited until you thought about what may happen tonight. It could either go smoothly with you and Ian hitting it off again; or it could be extremely awkward.

It was seven. You were sitting on your couch dressed in a simple light purple dress with neutral makeup and straight hair. You were waiting for Summer and Jordan to pick you up and as usual Summer was late. Time management was really never her strong suit but at least it meant less time with them in the end. You were so nervous, you thought you were going to throw up. As you heard the car pull up, you took a quick look in the mirror and walked out the door. As you were walking to the car, you noticed Jordan was driving with Summer in the passenger seat and Ian was in the back. As you got in the car Summer said,

"Sorry we're late, I took a little extra time getting ready and then we had to pick up Ian but better late than never I guess."

"It's fine, I didn't even notice" You lied, you didn't even know why you said that. You were so nervous that words were just coming out of your mouth. You didn't even look over at Ian. He probably thought you were so weird.

"Hey (Y/N), remember me?" Ian said in a sarcastic tone with a big smile on his face.

"Oh yea, oh my god I'm sorry." You immediately regretted what you said. What were you even saying. You had never experienced this while talking to a guy and you were freaking yourself out. You didn't know what to say to break the ice.

"It's cool. You seem a little nervous, are you ok?" He was still smiling at you, why was he smiling at you? Was your embarrassment funny to him? It probably was considering that you felt like bursting into nervous laughter but didn't want to seem like a psycho.

"Oh yea, I'm ok. I'm not really nervous." The lies were just pouring right out of your mouth tonight.

"So... Where are we going for dinner?" You asked, trying to take the attention off of you.

"Oh we're going to this really great vegetarian place. Oh my god (Y/N), did I tell you that I'm a vegetarian now!? I really feel so much better and healthier! Anyways yea that's where we're going." Was it just you or was she beginning to sound a lot like your mother. You were surprised by Summer's newfound vegetarianism but you figured it was just another phase. You didn't think that Jordan or Ian were vegetarian but you just went with it.

When you got there, you four got a table and Ian pulled out a chair for you. You got even more nervous because you didn't know if this was a date or not and you were too much of a pussy to ask. You ordered a simple salad because you had no idea what anything on the menu was and it all looked a little weird. While you guys were waiting for your food Summer started off the conversation 

"(Y/N), do you remember two years ago when you and Ian first met? It feels like ages ago, Jordan and I had just started dating and you were all broken up about Christopher, remember?"  She said while making googly eyes at Jordan. They really had a sweet relationship and it honestly made you sick.

"Yea, I remember. By the way, I wasn't that broken up about Chris."

"Yes you totally were, you literally came to my house crying and then that's when you met Ian. Isn't fate a funny thing?" She said while winking.

"Woah, you crying over a guy? Sorry but I find that hard to believe." Ian said to you.

"Why is that so hard to believe?"

I don't know, you just don't seem like the crying type." He said with a smile. Why was he always smiling at you? His smile made you smile.

"Oh this one cries at everything. She even cried at the Disney movie Pocahontas and it's made for children!" Summer said while laughing.
(AN: this is a true story, I cried while watching Pocahontas.)

"Well I just thought it was sad that John Smith had to go back to England without Pocahontas. It was just sad that they were in love and couldn't be together, that's all." You said with a sad smile on your face. You looked over at Ian expecting him to think you were a total psycho, but instead he had the biggest smile on his face and gave you the most loving look. It was the type of look that someone has when they realize they're in love or something. It was strange to see someone look at you like that but it totally melted your heart.
As you began to talk more, you realized that you weren't nervous anymore and talking to him was just so natural. You could probably talk to him for hours and not even realize it.

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