Mr Dixon I Love You

By Ace17777

2.7K 44 13

Daryl Dixon love story This takes place before they get to terminus and Rick and Morgan meet sooner. I do not... More

Rick Grimes (2)
on a run (3)
Learning more (4)
One awful night... (5)
Terminus (6)
Breaking out (7)
my Bow (9)
Bob (10)
Very important! A/N
Mr.Dixon I Love you..... (12)

Gabriel (8)

188 2 0
By Ace17777

She says she cuts
They look and find nothing they think she lies
But they look for cuts on
                         Not thighs

We continued walking down a railroad track and every time we saw a sign for Terminus we would cover it with mud to keep people safe frome that place. We went through the bush with me limping in the middle of the group.

We stopped for a minute to take a break since we were all really tired but we didn't stop long "everything okay?" T-Dog asked I knew I was being silent again and I guess I wasn't able to avoid that question "to be honest I don't know anymore 'T' I'm just confused right now" I said.

Time skip brut to you by my lazines

We stopped for the night and had a fire going wich wasn't bad. I sat down on the hard ground while Rosita checked my ankle, she looked up at me and put her hands on her knees "good news is that it should be healed in about three or four days and you can walk on it but your going to limp badly"

"What's the bad news?" I asked "You have to wait three or four days and we need everyone in healthy condition" I nodded my head while looking around at everyone "what do you think about Washington?" I asked.

She sat beside me "I really don't know I just hope that it's everything Eugene says it is" it agreed with her. I slowly drifted off to sleep with my back against a tree.

When I woke up everyone was getting ready to leave and I immediately got up using the tree to hold me up I grabbed my bag, bow, and my quiver and limped my way following the group.

A hand came in front of my face, I looked up to see Morgan I sent him a slight smile "need some help?" He asked "I told you before I don't need anyone babying me, I know you mean well but I want to do this on my own" I said he smiled "tough, that's what we need" I smiled and nodded at him and hobbled my way towards everyone.

I ended up walking beside Merle I looked around and realized someone was missing "where's Daryl?" I asked and turned my head to Merle "finally speaking" he had a smirk on his face "sorta" I shrugged "whatever your going to forget what happened but I have a question for you" I looked at him again with a confused look.

"When you guys came to break us out of that train car your face was almost like you were in shock" I froze I was blank with emotion "he got under your skin didn't he?" He cocks his head "what d-do you mean" I asked "When the smoke was in the car I saw one of those bastards walk up to everyone but when he walked up to you that's when he grabbed you"

"G-Gareth said that he was listening to us and heard me say that I was afraid of you guys, I lost faith in humanity" I had a lump in my throat remembering his face.

"Well did you lose faith in us?" He asked I took a deep breath "that night before we went to Terminus when, Lou happened, I felt like it was all a dream like I was going to wake up in my old house in my bed and everything would be fine but" I almost couldn't finish but I pushed myself too.

"I-I just feel like someone should've stopped him one did" I finished "now I asked you about Daryl" I said "went huntin' should be back, why do you care? You got fellin's for my baby brother don't you" he said nudging me I laughed "no thanks I'm not interested in anyone at the moment" I said.

"Whatever you say princess" I rolled my eyes we heard rustling in the bush and I drew an arrow in my bow and aimed it at the bush. Out came Daryl with some squirrels on his shoulder "I surrender" he said jokingly and held up his squirrels we continued walking and Daryl soon came back to me and Merle.

"Were you really gonna shoot me with an arrow?" He asked "If you were a walker, yes, yes I would've" I said he chuckled as he made small talk with Merle. We heard a calling for help in the distance we all stopped but Carl wanted to help the person. I limped in front of everyone as fast as I could "were survivors not animals" I said as I went to go help the person who needed help.

Once I got there with people following me I found a man on top of a rock with walkers around him. I drew an arrow and shot one getting the attention of the others I shot another one as everyone killed the rest. The man came off of the rock he was a darker man and had priest clouthes on slid off of the tall Boulder.

"You Okay?" Rick asked the man but the man never had time to answer he leaned over and threw up and I immediately looked away not wanting to puke by seeing that.

The man got up and wiped his mouth and quickly smiled and stood up "thank you I'm Gabriel" he said "Do you have any weapons on you?" Rick asked he laughed and looked around at us and saw that we were dead serious. "Does it look like I would have any weapons" he smiled "we don't give two short and curly what it looks like" Abraham said.

"I have no weapons of any kind, the only weapon I need is the word of god" "Sure didn' look like it" Daryl piped up. "I called for help, help came" he said almost proud of himself it seemed. Gabriel looked at us "Do you uh have any food? All I had left just hit the ground" "I got some tums" Carl said handing him two tums.

Gabriel ate them quickly and his eyes landed on Judith he smiled "it's a beautiful child" he said as Tyresse was avoiding eye contact. Rick stared at him awkwardly "Do you have a camp?" "No do you?" Rick asked back.

Gabriel didn't answer right away he fiddled with his fingers then looked up "I have a church" "hold your hands above your head" Rick said I could tell he did not trust this guy. Rick did the body search for any weapons he could be hiding and kept asking him questions I walked around and looked into the forest.

I saw buch move so I drew an arrow. I'm not stupid so I needed backup "Daryl" I wispered he turned to me I didn't realize til now how bad he looked all around his one eye was purple and red, he had dirt on his face and his hair was in his eye that looked like he was barely able to see.

I nodded towards the bush and he had an arrow in his crossbow as well. I limped towards the bush with my arrow pulled back, I looked over at Daryl and nodded at him and he nodded back at me. I limped around the corner and shooting whatever was there. The animal made a squeling noise, I looked down at the animal and picked up my arrow with the animal still attached and raised it up.

I looked over at everyone and saw there attention towards me "got us a rabbit" I said pulling the arrow out and stuffing the rabbit in my bag. I looked over at Daryl and smiles at him he gave me a sly smile "Why don't you smile?" I ask "not much to smile about" he answered I nodded "but there is always something to smile about even if you think there's not" I said he turned his head but I swear I saw him smile. He was kinda cute.

"Can you two stop flirtin' we're going to the church" Merle said I felt heat rise up to my cheeks as I tried to brush it off. We walked with the group following Gabriel as he kept talking I swear I was about to shove a sock in his mouth. "Maybe there is no church maybe I'm leading you into a trap to steal all your squirrels and rabbits" he laughed but none of us found it amusing.

"Members of my flock said that my humor was not the best" he said "no its not" Daryl said we kept walking til we found the a small church it was white (duh) but the paint was peeling off and it had a sighn that said hikers welcome I missed going to Sunday morning church with my family when I was a kid.

Rick and everyone else searched the house while most of us stayed outside keeping watch and asking Gabriel questions. They came out of the small church and said it was clear "I spent months not stepping outside that door if you found someone well it would've been a shock" Gabriel said I looked at Daryl unsure of him.

Rick stopped by Abraham "we found a short bus out back it's in bad shape but we could fix it" Abraham said "now that we can stop and take a breath" Michoone said "we take a breath shit goes down" I stepped in between them "it doesn't matter what happens it matters that we don't get at each other's throats" I said and limped inside to find Gabriel standing there.

"What happened to you?" He asked "twisted it at least that's what Rosita told me" I smile Rick starts talking him while I search around the church. Rick and most people left to go find supplies at some store and Daryl and Carol went to go get water. I stayed at the church with Merle, T-Dog, Tyresse, Carl and Judith.

I was looking at my foot seeing if any progress was made but I know how to help animals not humans. Merle came over to me and sat down on the bench. "What did you and my baby brother talking about?" He smirked "You know that smirk could kill but not in a charming way" I laughed "Seriously what did you and Daryl talk about?" He asked again "nothin'" I said kicking up my feet. "It wasn't nothin' cause I saw him smilin' and you blushin' don't think I didn't see it" I avoided eye contact.

I saw Carl leaving "I'll be right back" I said grabbing my bow and quiver following Carl. I found him looking at the walls outside "what are you doing wandering off?" I asked "You do it all the time" I was about to protest when I tealized he wasn't looking at me I turned to the wall he was starring at it had a sentence engraved in it.

I walked closer to it to see what it said

                You'll  burn for this

It read it made me uneasy "it doesn't mean Gabriels a bad guy but something happened" Carl said.

Well shit....


Well my WiFi has been down recently so I gotta use my data witch I'm using for Pokémon GO witch is awesome by the way¡

Anyway have a fabtabulous day and don't pokemon go and drive.

Word count: 1955


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