A New Beginning

By SarahTodd3

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 4

128 0 0
By SarahTodd3

Taylor came home that evening around 6:00, as they had wrapped up in the studio early so that Zac could take his wife out for a romantic dinner. Ezra and River were back to playing video games at that point. They looked up at their dad and gave him a quick hello. " Hey boys. You haven't been in front of the tv all afternoon, have you?" He asked, hoping they hadn't been. Not that his mom would have allowed them to do so, but he wouldn't put it past them to try convincing her of it.

" No. We went outside and had a water fight too, dad. It was fun." Ezra paused the video game. " Do you want us to get off?"

" You can play until dinner is ready, and then I want you off for the night." He told them and went into the kitchen. He was surprised to see Sarah standing at the stove, not his mom. " Hey. What.. where is..."

" Your mom got a call from a friend, and had to take care of some kind of emergency. So I've been babysitting." She explained to him. " Dinner is almost ready. You want to tell the boys to wash up?"

Taylor smiled, nodding. He called out to the two in the living room to grab Viggo and wash up. 

" What have you made?"

" Pork chops, mashed potatoes with a creamy gravy, and rice. There is even some brownies for dessert, which was Penny's idea." Sarah smiled, and looked from him to Penny, who gave her dad a hug. " Why don't you go clean up too, sweetie?"

Penny ran out of the kitchen with a smile on her face and went to go wash her hands.

" Thank you for doing such a good job with my kids, Sarah. I appreciate it." He went into the fridge, and grabbed himself a beer.

" Your welcome. They've been great. I was even able to pry Ezra and River away from the tv for about an hour. Thankfully they didn't put up a fight."

Taylor laughed. " I'm kind of surprised. They usually do. But I am sure Natalie threatened a grounding too if they didn't listen to you. She normally does with all the babysitters." 

Sarah nodded. " Yep. That she did." She took the pork chops out of the over and served them up, along with the rice and mashed potatoes and gravy. She had made more than enough in case Taylor came home early, so she grabbed an extra plate out of the cupboard. " You hungry?"

" I'm starving. But I can serve myself, Sarah. Thank you." He took a swig of his beer before setting it on the table, and took the plate. Smiling at her, he grabbed a pork chop and some of the side dishes. " This smells great."

The kids all came rushing into the kitchen and each asked for a glass of milk. She gladly poured them each one and one for herself before sitting down.

They ate in silence for a few moments, no one saying anything. The only words spoken were Taylor telling Sarah how good the food was. 

When the front door opened and Natalie came into the kitchen a few seconds later, the kids looked at her happily and said hello. " Hey. How was your time with Sarah? You were all good for her I hope?" She asked them. 

Ezra nodded his head to say yes. " Yeah. Ww were good, mom. She had us go play outside for a little bit."

" There was no fighting or anything. They were all perfect angels." Sarah told her. 

Natalie laughed. " You should try living with them." She went into the fridge and grabbed herself a wine cooler. " Dinner looks and smells great, Sarah. Thank you."

" Your welcome, Natalie. I hope I can babysit for you again whenever you need someone to watch them. I've had a good time today."

" Definately." She smiled. Taking a sip of her drink, she then kissed her husband hello.

As soon as dinner was over and everyone had their dessert, Taylor took Sarah home. He thanked her again for babysitting and handed her a twenty dollar bill., which she began to refuse. " It's not a bit deal. Really. I don't..."

" Sarah, you don't even have a real job and his will help tide you over until you get one. Now just take it and say thank you." He interrupted her.

She nodded, and took it from him. " Thanks. Have a good night, Taylor."

" You too, Sarah. We'll see you soon." He smiled at her, and watched her get out of the car. The second she was inside the house, he took off. 


Sarah got a call a few days later from the library about setting up an interview, which they wanted to do right away. Only having a couple hours to get ready and get there, she hopped into a quick shower and blow dryed her hair. She was going through her closet when Diana knocked on her open bedroom door. " Sarah, I'm heading out to run a few errands. Do you need anything?"

" Actually, I have a job interviewat the libary and I have no clue what to wear. Do you have a few minutes to help me pick something out?" Sarah asked, making her her towel stayed around her.

Diana stepped into the room and smiled at her. " You have nothing to be nervous about. No matter what you wear, you will be fine." Looking into her closet, she pulled out a blue scoop neck long sleeve shirt. " But this with a pair of blue jeans would be fine."

Sarah nodded. " Thanks Diana. And I know I am supposed to get myself around, but maybe you could give me a ride? I have like... an hour to get there, but..."

" I could do that, Sarah. I know your nervous." Diana gave her a pat on the back before walking out of the room.

Sarah got dressed and put on a squirt of Taylor Swift's Wonderstruck perfume, then giving her hair one last brushing. Diana was ready to go when she came out, and they left. She was about half an hour early by the time they got there, after making a quick stop at the bank. So she looked around for a bit, and found a couple books to check out for herself.

When finished with the interview, she thought it went pretty well considering how nervous she had been. Feeling a little bit better about possibly getting the job, she headed over to the Dairy Queen that was nearby/ She was only half way there when she saw a car swerve out of the way to avoid a head on collision with another car. But then it was headidng her way. They came to a sudden stop just inches from her. Had they not slammed on their breaks on time, she would have been hit.

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