Chapter 2

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After lunch, Sarah and Taylor helped with the clean up. The others went into the living room to visit some more while the two wiped up the table and counters, as well as throwing dishes in the dishwasher. Both were quiet at first, until Sarah accidently dropped a plate on the floor and it broke. "Shit!" She swore, finally breaking that silence between them.

Taylor laughed. " Don't let my mom hear you say that. She doesn't like swearing, in case you haven't already figured that out."

" Yeah. She already busted me on that once." Sarah found the broom and started to sweep up the mess.

" I got this. Why don't you wash the bigger stuff by hand?" He suggested, grabbing the broom and dust pan from her.

She made a face that made him laugh. " That is my least favorite part of washing dishes." She grabbed the stuff back from him. " You do it."

Taylor nodded, and gave her a smile before he started washing up the rest of the dishes. " So what do you think of Tulsa so far?" He asked.

" It's fine I guess. I haven't met too many people yet." She finished sweeping and dumped the broken plate into the trash can. " Tomorrow I am supposed to go on a job hunt."

" Well, I'm sure you'll make some new friends the longer you are here. As far as the job hunt goes, let me know if you need any help with that. Depending on how picky you are, I might be able to get you an interview somewhere that I know is hiring."

She smiled at him. " Thanks. Actually, I do have a question about that. I... don't suppose you guy's need any sort of help around the 3CG office do you? I'm pretty good at that sort of thing, filing and stuff like that." She looked at him hopefully. It was her kind of job that she was hoping to get in the first place, and if she could find it with him and his brothers that would make her even happier.

He finished washing the dishes, and looked at her thoughtfully. " Let me talk to Ike and Zac. There might be a chance we can work you in there somehow."

She nodded. " That would be awesome. Thank you."

They went back into the living room and sat down on the couch to visit with everyone. He did mention it to Zac and Isaac, and they agreed to look and see what they might have for her if anything at 3CG. Not making any promises that it would even turn into anything for her, she was still happy they were willing to think about it.


The following day, although she could possibly be fit into some kind of work at 3CG, she got up early to start her job search. She had been told by Diana that just because it was a possibility, didn't mean she got to sit around and do nothing, especially since they didn't make her any promises. So after breakfast she took the bus to a strip mall where she looked around and applied for jobs she didn't even want. Of course she knew she couldn't be too picky, but she did love office work. It was just something she knew she was good at.

After applying for jobs there, she took the bus to a bookstore and after looking around for a few books, even applied for a job there. That was another job she wouldn't mind, seeing as how she loved to read. It would give her a good discount on books if she could get a job there.

Nearby was the same music store she had met Isaac at the other day, and she wanted to look for some more music books for her guitar. So she walked over there too, and looked around before hopping back onto the bus to go back home. She did manage to find a couple, and she went right into her room with them.

Taking out her guitar, she looked through the music books again and began to play another one of her all time favorite songs.

Ocean's apart day after day

And I slowly go insane

I hear your voice on the line

But it doesn't stop the pain

If I see you next to never

How can we say forever


Wherever you go

Whatever you do

I will be right here waiting for you

Whatever it takes

Or how my heart breaks

I will be right here waiting for you

I took for granted, all the times

That I thought would last somehow

I hear the laughter, I taste the tears

But I can't get near you now

Oh, can't you see it baby

You've got me going crazy


I wonder how we can survive

This romance

But in the end if I'm with you

I'll take the chance

Oh, can't you see it baby

You've got me going crazy


Once again she got interrupted as soon as the song ended. She looked up when she heard clapping, and saw Diana standing there. " That was beautifully done, Sarah." She told her.

" Thank you. Did you need something?" Sarah asked.

" Well, I'm going to the grocery store and I would like it very much if you came along. I want you to make dinner tonight so I thought you could come with and plan out a menu for tonight."

Sarah nodded, and put her guitar away. " Then can I get some real playing time in please? I would really love to practice."

" Of course." Diana smiled. " Let's get out of here."

They left and Sarah thought about what she would make that night for dinner. In the end, she decided on french dip sandwiches and waffle fries. She also got a cake mix so she could make a chocolate cake to have with some ice cream for dessert.

Diana did help her a little bit that night when it came to making dinner, seeing as how she asked Sarah to try making homemade waffle fries instead of getting the frozen kind. But she wanted to make sure she learned how to use the fryer safely since it wasn't something she was used to working with.

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