Double, Double, Toil and Trou...

By DarkGuardian_15

167K 5.2K 1.5K

Jasmine Shacklebolt transfers to Hogwarts from Ilvermorny. She's nervous about going there, but after she mee... More

Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble
The False Potion
Quidditch and Potions
The Trouble With Dementors
Valentine's Day
The Order
Something Wicked This Way Comes
12 Grimmauld Place

Diagon Ally and Hogsmead

12.6K 441 120
By DarkGuardian_15

Jasmine's POV:

~ Time Jump - Christmas Holiday ~

"We're headed to Hogsmead today. I wish you were coming with us." Hermione said as we stood outside in the courtyard. "I might be coming. Snape said something about a surprise he has for me." I replied as I pulled my muggle jacket closer to me. "That could mean anything coming from him." Ron said. "I know, but who knows." I replied. "See you guys later." Harry said as the group started leaving. "See ya Jasmine, see ya Harry." Hermione said as her and Ron ran to catch up with the others. "You have a plan to get to Hogsmead, don't you?" I asked Harry curiously. I felt sorry for him, not being able to go have fun with his friends. "I have a plan. I hope I get to see you there." He said before he slipped underneath his invisibility cloak. I laughed slightly as I walked off in the opposite direction and made my way down to the dungeons. "Enter." Snape said after I knocked on the door. I opened it and closed it behind me as I walked in. "So, what will we be doing today, professor?" I asked curiously. We had already made several advanced potions, and it's only been two weeks since holiday has started. "Today, you and I are going on a little trip." He said as he pulled on his heavy cloak. "Where to?" I asked. "Diagon Alley and then Hogsmead. I hope you don't mind. I need to pick up some things at the apothecary." He said as we walked towards the classroom door. "No, that's fine." I replied. We walked towards the hedge of Hogwarts grounds and aperated. I felt like my insides were being flipped, turned, and squished. 'No wonder people usually vomit the first time they aperate.' I thought to myself. We landed with a crack in a very dark and dingy alleyway. I knew exactly where we were, and I didn't quite like it too much. We were standing in the middle of Knockturn Alley. "Stay close to me, I don't need anything bad happening to you." He whispered to me. I shook my head and wrapped my hands around his arm to keep as close as possible; I didn't want to get left behind in this awful place. We walked into a grimy looking store where we met and equally grimy shopkeeper. "What can I do for you Severus?" The shopkeeper asked in a gruff voice. 'Severus? That must be Snape's first name.' I thought to myself. I took in my surroundings while Snape named off the ingredients he needed. The place was barren, yet cluttered with dust and cobwebs. "You ready?" I heard Snape ask curiously. "Yeah." I replied. We walked out of the shop and headed out onto the alley. "Ah, Severus. It's nice to see you again, who's this lovely young witch with you?" A hag of a lady said. Her gray hair was wild and unkempt, her face was dirty, her clothes in tatters, and she was missing a few teeth. "She's my student." Snape muttered before he picked up the pace. We hurried out into the open, where the air seemed to cleaner. "You can go do some Christmas shopping if you'd like. There's a few more things I have to do before we can go to Hogsmead." He said. "Okay." I replied. "Meet me by Flourish and Blotts." He said before we went our separate ways. I looked around, and bought a few things for Harry. Quidditch things of course. I wanted to buy my friends some gifts, but I wasn't sure what to get any of them. I looked around at the books and found one on Herbology. I decided to get it for Neville, just because he's very good at it and he seemed interested in it as well. I found another book on Transfiguration and got it for Hermione. "Are you ready?" Snape asked me once I walked out of the shop. "Yeah. How long have you been waiting on me?" I said. I hoped me wasn't waiting long. "Not too long. Are you ready to go back?" He said. "Yeah." I replied with a smile. We aperated back to the edge of Hogwarts and made our way to Hogsmead. "What did you get?" I asked him curiously. "Some things. What did you get?" He said. I raised my eyebrow at him, but I didn't press the matter. "I got Harry, Neville, and Hermione a Christmas present." I replied. "That's nice." He replied. I went and got Fred and George some Zonko products, and I got Ron some candy. I still didn't know what to get Snape and Luna, but I figured I'd make some homemade jewelry for her. "Let's get something to eat at The Three Broomsticks." Snape said as we walked towards the warm looking building. I still couldn't figure out what Snape had gotten at Diagon Alley, and for some reason it made me nervous. I pushed my feelings and worries to the side as we walked into The Three Broomsticks. We took a seat at a booth and sat our bags down beside of us. "Hello, what can I get ya to drink?" A waitress with black curly hair asked us. I ordered a butterbeer and Snape ordered a firewhisky. "Tomorrow we will be sorting potions and potion ingredients again. I hope you don't mind." Snape said as we waited on our food. "No, it's fine." I replied. We ate in silence, but when we walked outside our peaceful day was ruined. "Jasmine! I've been looking all over for you. Why haven't you been answering my letters?!" My stomach hit the floor and my heart sank along with it. It was my ex boyfriend, Harold Wool. I caught him cheating on me with some other girl in our house a few months before I moved here. That's part of the reason I was glad to be out of America; to get away from him. "Leave me alone Harold! What are you doing here anyway!?" I said feeling tears in my eyes, but I fought them back. "I'm here visiting Dumbledore. I joined the ministry in America, not that you would know; you probably don't even read my letters." He said angrily. He was right, I haven't read a single one. I didn't want anything to do with him anymore. "We broke up, okay. Just leave me alone.'re the one that cheated on me." I said. Snape seemed taken aback for some odd reason. Maybe he didn't think I would have a boyfriend, or maybe he was just surprised I dated an ass. "Excuse me, Harold is it? I suggest you leave Jasmine alone if you enjoy having all of your teeth." Snape said, fuming. I was shocked he had so much anger in his voice. "Who are you? Her new boyfriend? I'm not afraid of you, old man," Harold said arrogantly, "Come on Jasmine, you're coming back to" He said as he pulled me from Snape. "No, I'm staying here!" I yelled at him as I jerked free. He turned towards me and slapped me hard across the face. Tears started pouring down my face from the physical and emotional pain I was feeling. Through the distorted images I was seeing, Harold went flying through the air. I figured Snape or someone else hit him with a spell. Next thing I know I'm wrapped in black cloth and professor. Snape had his arms wrapped around me, holding me close as he rubbed my back. "Shhh, it's okay Jasmine. He can't hurt you now." He whispered. I snuggled closer to him to take in his sent and warmth. He smelled slightly of cinnamon and wild mint, which I quite enjoyed. We pulled away and I wiped my tears away. "You okay?" He asked curiously as he examined the spot where Harold slapped me. I shook my head yes; I didn't feel like talking. He and I walked back to the school and he let me retreat to my dorm. I stayed in bed for the rest of the day, all I really wanted was to be in Snape's arms.

A/N: Thanks for reading! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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