I Will Always Protect You (Na...

By FluffyDinoLover

16.5K 436 107


I Will Always Protect You (NaLu fanfiction)
Saying Goodbye and Hello (part 1)
Confront and Plans
How can you forget your friend (part 1)
How can you forget a friend (part 2)
Keara's Past; Lucy's Light
Take Over Cards; Shine Celestail Maiden
Mysterious Demons; The goddess of the lake wants to fight
Bad Luck; Keara's ultimate power
Where's Lucy?; The Fire Petals Will Dance
It's time to say good-bye; Keara's gift

Saying Goodbye And Hello (Part 2)

1K 34 6
By FluffyDinoLover

Lucy P.O.V

Once I got to the last step I walked back to the doors. I knocked on it as I could hear papers being moved. "Come in" Master said. I open the door and stepped through. Keara was hot on my trial as I walked in. She closed the door softly and stood beside me. "Lucy my child good to see you back" Master said. I smiled at him and laughed. "Good to be back" I said. He looked over at Keara with a questioning face. "Master this is Keara. She's the guard that came back with me" I said. "Hello" he said shaking her hand. "Keara would like to join the guild" I said. "Okay go down to Mira and get your stamp" he said. 

"Lucy welcome home" he said as we turn to leave. I smiled and waved at him before leaving. The guild was already in its normal routine. I dodge the debris as I guided Keara towards the bar. Mira was cleaning some glasses and smiled at me. "Mira Keara needs a guild stamp" I said. "Okay what color" she asked Keara. "I want black" she answered. "Okay I'll be right back" Mira said. 

Mira left to get the stamp as I sat on the bar stool. Levy made her way over and smiled at me. She sat by me as Mira reappeared. "Where would you like it" she asked Keara. Keara jumped up from her seat to give Mira better access. "On my waist" she answered. Mira stamped her and Keara sat back down. "Would you girls like anything?" Mira asked. "Three strawberry shakes" I said. "Coming right up" Mira said smiling. 

"So Are you going to tell me?" Levy asked. "Keara is my body guard. She isn't originally from the sky guardians. Her people lived a long time ago and there are only few of them left. Keara is a Phoenix Slayer who happen to cross the village. She extremely strong , so they entrusted her with me. I couldn't come without her" I said. 

"Wow an actual Phoenix slayer. I've only read things about you" Levy said to Keara. 

Keara p.o.v

Levy seemed nice as she talked. Lucy told her about me and I was amazed she has even heard of my people. It is true that there are few of us left. I notice Levy starring a group down as Lucy talked. I turned my head towards them. At the table sat four people. A women with long scarlet hair, a girl with short white hair, a guy with raven hair and no shirt, and a boy with pink hair. Wait pink hair. Could that be the same person Lucy was talking about.

Lucy seem to notice Levy and me starring off at them, but once she saw the white hair chick leaning all over Natsu her face fell. "Lucy is that the white hair bitch you talk about" I asked loud enough for her to hear. The white hair chick face scrunched up and all of them got up walking over here. Perfect.....

"What are you doing" Lucy hissed at me. "Don't worry Lucy just proving a fact" I said. Her hands clasp my arm as they stopped in front of me. The scarlet hair women stepped up first. "Don't call Lisanna a bitch. If anyone a bitch it's her" she said pointing behind me at Lucy. The red haired chick voice made others back away. I stood up toe and toe with her. "I can call anyone I want a bitch" I said.

The red hair stepped back equipping a sword. "I shall make you eat those words" she said. "Erza fighting the new chick" guild members whispered. The Master was down stairs. The white hair girl, Mira, asked him if this was a good ideal. "Go ahead. I want to see what this new girl is made of" he said. "Keara be gentle" Lucy said. " Gentle" Lisanna snorted. I grabbed my limiters and pulled them off. Lucy lifted her hands and took them.

"Mind if we step outside" I asked. "Whatever" she said. I could tell she was being controlled. The stories I heard about her from Lucy just don't add up with person. When we got outside I unclasped my long skirt throwing it away. Erza ran at me with her sword raised. I didn't dodge or anything. Once the sword came down I lifted my hand up to catch it.

Everyone gasped seeing me do this. The sword didn't cut me as I held it. Erza face was full of amazement. LIfting the sword up a bit I allow her to get ready. Jerking forwards I smashed my fist in her face throwing her across the grass.  She hit a tree not getting up. 

Lucy p.o.v

Everyone ran over to Erza. A lot of people couldn't believe Keara beat her. I couldn't believe it was already over. I know Erza and something was off. She wouldn't be down after one hit. Keara walked over and grabbed her limiters on. 

"You didn't half to do that" I hissed. She rolled her eyes and stood by the bar. Mira congratulated her as Levy looked at me with disbelief. I saw a girl sitting in the corner watching us. She stayed hidden in the dark, but I could see her blue hair. "Is that?" I began. 

Levy placed her hand on my shoulder and frowned. "Juvia yes" she said. What happen to her. She not following Gray or anything. "What happen" I asked. Levy grabbed my arm pulling me to the bar close by Keara. "Gray yelled and cussed her out a few months after you left. No one could believe it. He broke her Lucy. She wont talk with anyone and just sits around. Mira even tries to cheer her up" she said. "Let me try" I said. 

I got up making my way across the room. I got closer to her. Once she saw me she let a frail smile appear. Her skin was really pale and ghost like. Dark bags were under her eyes showing signs of no sleep lately. I could see some bones sticking out. Here this girl sits wasting away and he couldn't apologize. Lisanna is the cause of this. The spell she has over them done this.

I know Juvia didn't want to be cheered up nor pitied. I sat by her and grabbed her hands. Her skin was cold to the touch. "Juvia. I don't know what to say to you, but for your health sake. Please let my friend heal you" I whispered. 

"J---juvia will allow this" she spoke in a whisper. I smiled and stood up letting my hand out. "Come with me" I said. She went to stand up and became wobbly. I placed her arm around my shoulder helping her across the floor. Mira gasped when she saw us. Master even had a concern look. 

Keara face went into healer mode jumping up. "Keara please help her" I ask. "set her on the stool" she said. I placed her on the stool and stepped back. Mira helped Juvia balance. I looked behind me to see Gray starring this way. Anger coursed through me to where I wanted to go over there and kill him. 

Keara placed her hand on Juvia and it began to glow. Fire flowers emerge all over Juvia body. Her skin went to normal as well as her body. Know sitting there was the Juvia I last seen. Pain and hurt still lingered in her eyes.

There was nothing I can do to fix that. Levy smiled and hugged her. "Juvia is sorry for worrying you" she said. "Would Juvia like some food Mira asked. Juvia's stomach growled causing the water mage to blush. "I take that as a yes" I said. 

MIra laughed and walked back in the kitchen. I turned towards Master who had an eye on Natsu table. "I never knew it was this bad" he said. "How long are you going to let her stay" I said in a low whisper. "I can't do anything unless the spell is broken. Levy have you found anything out?" he asked. 

"No" she said. "It's okay I asked Freed to look into this as well" he said. "I'm sorry if I hurt anyone" Keara said. Master patted her shoulder and smiled. "It's okay. I was hoping that would knock some sense into her. I guess not" he said. 

Lisanna p.o.v

Damn it that Lucy chick is back. She has a friend with her that my spell won't reach. Just like Mira-nee and Levy. There not effected either. I clenched my fist together in pain. Natsu laid his hand upon mine making me look at him. His now dull eyes bored into mine. "Lisanna is something wrong?" he asked 

Yes something was wrong! "Natsu can you do me a favor" I asked. "Sure" he said. "You see that blonde hair chick. I want you to stay away from her" I said. "Okay" he said. 

I smirked and wrapped my hands around him. 

He is mine Lucy Heartfilia. 

I don't care what you do you will never have him back.

Lucy p.o.v

"Come on" I said to Keara who was having a drinking contest with Cana. I warned Cana she had met her match, but she ignored me and began it. Keara body was made to withstand anything. All that alcohol going in is just burning away. 

"Wait till I win" she said chugging another barrel. "I'm going outside then" I said in a sigh. I walked by the group that surrounded there selves around the competition. I open the doors stepping out to the dark. 

A star flashed across the sky. I closed my eyes and wish all would be good in the future, and Natsu would break free from his cage he lays in know.


another chapter up!!!!!


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