Confront and Plans

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Natsu p.o.v

Lisanna was in a nervous state. I could tell it was that blonde hair chick who is causeing this. Anger filled me as I watch her step outside. I decided to follow her and confront her on this subject. I know Lisanna told me to stay away.

Before I could exit the door her friend stopped me. "If your going outside to confront Lucy then I mind you not to hurt her" she said. "I'll do what I want" I said pushing past her. "Oh dear boy. If only you knew where your true memories were" she whispered. 

True memories? What did she mean by that. I turn to ask her, but she was already gone. Pushing the doors open I followed the blondes scent to the side of the building. She was leaning against it with her eyes closed. 

"Hey Blondie" I said. Her eyes snapped open as she stood up straighter. "Yes" she answered in a small voice. "I'm here to warn you" I said. "Warn me about what?" she questioned. Those brown eyes where have I see those eyes before. "Well get on with it" she snapped. Shaking me head I gulped in a breath of air. 

"I don't know why Lisanna is so worried about you, but if you hurt her I will make you pay" I said in a threatening voice. "The true question hear Natsu is can you hurt me" she said. "What do you mean?" I asked. Why is she confusing me. 

Lucy p.o.v

I knew Natsu was having an inner war. He can't seemed to place his right thoughts. I knew this would happen the more he stood with me. Lisanna can't keep her hold on his memories as long as he is away. 

"Listen Natsu. You may think you are going to hurt me, but deep down you can't" I said stepping forward. He cringed backwards a bit. "You look familiar yet I've never met you in my life" he said. I heard the guild doors open and the devil herself came out. 

"Natsu didn't I say to stay away from her" Lisanna said walking up to him. "Sorry Lisanna" he said. I walked past them and back into the guild, but before I did I turned towards them. "Listen Natsu. Don't let one person control you. Remember who you are and who you were" I said. 

That would leave the dragon slayed in a mist of thoughts. As I enter the guild I could see a past out Cana with Keara cheering herself as the guild looked stunned. I giggled at there reactions. "Lu-chan" Levy yelled. I turn to where she was sitting with Wendy and Carla. 

"Hi Wendy hi Carla" I said. Wendy had grown since I've seen her last. Her hair was cut to her shoulders now and she was about my height. Carla seemed to be the same as usual. "Hi Lucy" she said. "May Juvia sit with you" Juvia asked. Levy nodded and patted the seat next to her. 

"Good news Lu-chan. Freed found something in Lisanna apartment" Levy said. "Really" I said in disbelief. "Yeah it was a book. A old book filled with dark magic. He said the page marked was a memory holder spell" she said. I looked around to see that Natsu nor Lisanna made it in after me. 

"How do we break it?" I asked. "He says there wasn't a counter spell, but he was going to search for one. I remember I read something about a memory holder. If my memory is correct. The more the person who was forgotten spends time with the inflicted the spell will break" she said. 

"Okay, but what about the others?" I asked. "The spell was orignally casted on Natsu, so I think if it is broken on him it to will break the others" she said. "I think I heard of that to" Wendy said. I looked towards Juvia who had her pained face showing. 

"Juvia you understand that Lisanna is the cause to Gray's outburst right?" I asked. "Juvia knows now" she said. I clasped her hands causing her to look up. I smiled and stood up. "I'll get you Gray back" I said. There in her eyes flashed the look of love again. "Juvia shall help you to" she said. 

"I think I have a plan" Wendy announced. "Okay what is it" I asked. Carla motion for us to take this in the back where no one was. Once we crowded around the table I waited for the girl to speak. "I'm thinking that we talk to master. Have him do a raffle, but Lucy, Levy, Juvia, Erza, Gray, and Natsu will be the ones who win. There's a carnival coming soon and since we think that spending more time with them will break the spell then why not have a night of fun with them" Wendy said. 

"Juvia thinks that's an excellent choice" Juvia said. "Okay, but can Gajeel win to, and I'll try to get master to find Jellal and get him to show up as a surprise visitor" Levy said. I nodded and ponder my thoughts. "Well I think this should be the list of people. Me, Natsu, Gray, Juvia, Levy, Gajeel, Erza, Jellal, Keara and you Wendy" I said. 

"Me" Wendy squeaked. "Yes, If this plan works Lisanna will do whatever it takes to make sure we don't stay close. You and Keara can be look outs and make sure she isn't near" I said. Wendy nodded in agreement. 

"I'll tell Master, but until I get back warn Gajeel for me" Levy said. She ran off before I could reply. "Do you know where Gajeel is?" I asked the group. "I believe he was on a mission" Wendy said. "Of course" I replied. 

Levy ran back down after a while saying that the Master agrees. Not long after he made his way down. "HEY BRATS I GOT SOMETHING FOR YA" he yelled. Everyone quieted down and watch him as he jumped on the bar. 

"You have been such a good guild and haven't caused so much destruction lately, so I thought about having a raffle. 10 tickets will have winning numbers. Come purchase your tickets tomorrow and in three days we will have the drawing. The winners get one night at the upcoming carnival" he said.

The guild went wild when they heard this. "Ooohhhh Natsu I hope we win" Lisanna said. They had enter the hall when he was saying the speech. I went to find Keara to warn her about what was going on. Also looking at the time I notice it was getting pretty late. "Hey Keara let's go home" I said. 

She perked up and jumped over to me. "Finally I was about to drop dead" she said. She needs some serious help. As we left I waited till we were a good ways away before mentioning the plan. "So me and the little blue hair girl are going to be lookouts" she commented. "Her name is Wendy and yes. Like I said we will have the winning tickets. Master will make sure we do and he going to let Mira into the plan. He trust her enough to not let the others know. She to knows about what Lisanna did" I said.

"And if that Lisanna bitch shows up" She asked. I smiled at her and stopped. "You know what to do" I said. "I do?" she questioned herself. I face palmed my head three times and let out a sigh. "Just make sure she doesn't interfere" I said. 

"Hey Lucy do you like like this Natsu guy?" she asked. I stopped again letting the wind blow my hair a bit. Turning towards her I allowed a true smile take place on my face. "Yes I do. I might even love this dense dragon slayer, but until I can fix him I can't tell him" I said. "Hmph why can;t this be like a fairy tail where the princess kisses the dude and he breaks free from his curse" she pouted. 

"What fairy tail is that?" I asked. "My mom made it up when I was little. She called it 'The Star and The Fire' it was a real sweet story" she said. "Mine telling me it?" I asked. "I will one day Lucy, Once you figure out what is the most powerful power of them all" she answered. Most powerful power of them all? 


Sorry for the long wait!!!!!

I've been extremely busy, but thanksgiving break is in two days, so that means I'll be able to work on it more.

Anyways I'll start typing the next chapter soon!!!!

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and most of all


NaLu FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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