Broken Hearts, Shattered Drea...

By Xhaoz_Aburame

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When Sakura abandons Naruto and their child for Sasuke, who will help Naruto heal? More



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By Xhaoz_Aburame

Naruto lay on his back, staring up at the ceiling. He had never been so tired in all his life. He groaned and tried to move. No go. His body felt like a lead weight. Turning his head to the side, he took in his wife's glowing visage, her smile seeming to light up the bedroom. Part of the reason he couldn't move was soreness; the other part was that she was half-laying on top of him, an arm and a leg thrown over him as she nuzzled into his chest. Resigning himself to his fate, he thumped his head backwards on his pillow and sighed. He still had another two days in this realm and with his wife in heat; it was going to be hell.

He still had to help with training the kids, and when he couldn't be here, he had to make up scrolls so that they could continue to train. He couldn't do that if Ino kept him locked in the bedroom until she was sated. Hopefully, their romp last night left her too sore to continue anything for the rest of the day. Then he remembered a demon's unnatural healing ability and squinted his eyes in frustration. More than likely when she woke, he would be preoccupied for another few hours. She had been frustrating to finish off as a mortal; as a demon she was damn near insurmountable in the bedroom. She never seemed to run out of steam.

Deciding to try to push his luck, he removed his wife's arm and leg and rolled her onto her back. She whined at the lack of warmth and snuggled further into the covers. Breathing a sigh of relief, he stood and cracked his back, stretching the kinks out that his wife had worked into him the night before. He looked up at the ceiling fan and saw what appeared to be one of Ino's sequined thongs.

'How in the hell did that get up there?'

He continued to look around the destroyed room as he put on what clothes he could find. His set last night had been shredded by an overexcited Ino in a fit of passion. He was afraid for a moment that her claws were coming dangerously close to his little friend and that they would be separated for life. His fears were assuaged when she revered it like a holy talisman and showered her affection and worship on his little buddy. One of the best and worst nights of his life for sure. He'd never thought sex could be so...scarring.

Where Ino had learned some of the things they did, he'd never know...and prayed he never found out. It sure as hell wasn't his books. He preferred a slower, playful style. His wife, however, had more closely resembled a Tasmanian devil in heat, snarling, ripping, tearing at flesh and leaving furrows in his skin as she clawed at his back. When she'd sunk her fangs into his neck, on the mark, he thought he was going to die...pleasurably of course.

After finding enough clothing to resemble a half dressed man, he tried to sneak out of the room. As soon as the doorknob clicked he felt a presence pressed against his back and began to shiver in both fear and anticipation. His wife had woken when she heard the click and was now rubbing her cheek against his back and purring with her arms wrapped around his waist.

"And where do you think you're going?"

Naruto's eyes darted around the room, seeking escape. The spirit was willing but the flesh was bruised and spongy. This woman was trying to kill him. Ino purred again and moved her hands further south, making him shake against her.

"Now, now, husband. Have you forgotten we can read each other's thoughts? I'm not trying to kill you. It's just that I have a fire between my legs and I need you to put it out."

"Ino, sweetie, please...don't make me do this. I'm tired, I'm sore, and I need to help the kids practice."

Ino smiled sweetly and began to massage him through his pants. He choked back a groan and tried to jerk the door open, but she held it closed with one palm.

"Naruto, turn around."

"Uh uh."

"Naruto, now."

"Mm mm."

"Naruto...Turn. Around. Now."


"Stop whining and take it like a man."

With a final burst of strength, Naruto picked his wife up by the waist and threw her back onto the bed. Ino landed with a snarl and tackled him viciously as he flung the door open. They tumbled outside and down the hallway, clawing and biting the whole way. Thinking maybe he could lose her if he rolled them both down the stairs, Naruto took the plunge and listened to her indignant shrieks and squeals of pain in between his grunts.

The plan did not go very well since he landed at the bottom of the stairwell on his back with a naked Ino on top of him. Setting her lips into a vicious grimace, she grabbed him by the shirt and hauled him up to face her. Growling low in her throat, she bared her fangs at her mate before smirking and slamming her lips into his. His eyes flew open and he tried to struggle, but it was in vain. Deciding to give into the inevitable, he deepened the kiss and she jerked her head back. She purred and looked at him through half-lidded eyes before beginning to rip his clothes apart again. He sighed in defeat and moaned when she pressed hard on one of his bruises.

"Silly foxy, you know Ino likes it rough..."


Naruto emerged from his house several hours later, even sorer and more beatdown than that morning. Ino had elected to sleep in, thoroughly wore out and satisfied. The kids and other two women looked at him with wide eyes. He looked like he'd been through a warzone. Clad only in sweatpants, since he couldn't find a shirt that didn't look like it had been put through a wood chipper, and forgoing sandals since they only made his feet hurt more (if that was humanly possible) he trudged forward. Without a word he made three clones and sent them to work with the kids.

The kids walked away, looking over their shoulders at the blonde as he flopped on the grass spread eagle and groaned loudly. Sakura and Tsunade, concerned for his well-being, walked over to ask what was wrong. He told them 'nothing' and they kept pressing the issue. The laughter from the foxes was heard behind them and they turned to find all the foxes with huge grins and shaking bodies. Tsunade raised an eyebrow and asked what was so damn funny. Genmaki caught his breath enough to answer.

He's just tired Lady Tsunade. He'll be fine with some rest.

"Ok, but what did this to him? He has bruises all over and looks like he's been through a shinobi war."

Penni snickered and rolled to her side.

Lady Ino is in heat. And I believe she is the rough type when it comes to her season.

Sakura's eyes widened and her hands flew to her mouth as she tried to stifle the giggles that threatened to burst forth. Naruto shot her a withering glare, which only made her laugh harder. Tsunade made no effort to hide her amusment and spent the rest of the day teasing the poor king. Around lunchtime his wife made her appearance.

Ino sashayed out of the house wearing a white tanktop and blue skirt, smiling the whole way. Tsunade and Sakura looked up from their seats beside a knocked out Naruto and returned her wave and smile. They had teased him for over an hour before sleep finally claimed him and his bruises began to heal. Ino smiled at her husband and plopped down beside him, on the other side from Tsunade and Sakura. Sakura, still being somewhat of a gossip hound, decided that details were needed.

"So, heat huh? What's that like?"

Ino rolled her shoulders and laid back, using Naruto's stomach like a pillow as she stretched out on the grass.

"It's weird. It's not like arousal; it's like a constant need to...get him. I literally made him black and blue last night, and this morning he tried to run away from me and I tackled him. We fought a little, rolled down the stairs, and I ended up on top of him. The rest is all a blur. I've been a little hard on the poor guy, I know, but I can't help myself."

"So how long does this last?"

"I dunno. I've never been in heat before. It's a totally new experience. Hey, wanna see something funny?"

The other two women nodded their heads and watched as Ino lifted herself onto her knees and straddled Naruto's stomach. Bending low she began to lick and nibble his ear. He started squirming underneath her, his face contorting with every movement her mouth made. Tsunade watched with amusement as Ino continued to torture the poor man. Sakura sat half-worried, half-laughing, watching Ino one second and making sure the kids weren't coming the next. The foxes merely looked on, wondering what would happen when their king awakened.

In Naruto's mind, he was confused. The sensation he was feeling was familiar and very enticing. But at the same time he was afraid because of it. Part of this feeling offered pain, the other part offered pleasure. His mind wracked itself trying to come up with an answer. Who or what could make him feel such a mixture of pleasure and pain? His brain nearly went into overload when his databank found its answer. Ino.

Ino watched with a wide grin as Naruto's eyes flew wide open and grimaced in trepidation as he was replaced with a log. As she straddled the offending piece of wood, she looked around and finally heard him cursing in his mind. Smiling as wide as she could, she turned to see him in the tree behind her, shaking with both fear and rage. He'd let her get to close in his tiredness and it nearly led to him being jumped again.

'Aw, Naruto, you know I wouldn't do such a thing.'

He looked shocked when she sent her message to him. Psychically contacting each other was not a favorite pastime of theirs since it took so much effort and energy, but in certain situations it was necessary.

'Bullshit. You were about two seconds away from ripping off my damn pants. I am not letting you anywhere near me. In fact, I have to go back early.'

Ino scowled and it permeated its way into her thoughts.

'And why is that?'

'I have certain things I have to prepare for. Don't worry; I've had a clone working on scrolls for the kids. They'll be fine. I need to make sure that our people understand that they need to be respectful of the other chiefs and bosses. They need to learn that while we are powerful, we cannot stand against a contingency of others. And besides, you're in heat and I can't concentrate if I have to look over my shoulder for you every three seconds.'

'Aw, come on Naruto, I'm not that bad.'

' shredded all my clothes so I wouldn't 'be able to hide my beautiful, wonderful dick' were your exact words I believe.'

Ino blushed and Tsunade and Sakura looked back and forth between them, wondering what was being said. Ino's eyes hardened in a moment and she put her hands on her hips.

"Fine, if you're going, then I'm going with you."

"Absolutely not. I can't be distracted Ino."

"Don't worry, I won't be a distraction. I won't touch you the whole time."

"Ino, you're in heat. You can't control yourself. Look, I..."

"UZUMAKI NARUTO! I'm going with you and that's final."

Naruto groaned and held his head in his hands. He'd already lost this argument.

"What about the children? They need protection."

"Hikaru can summon us and the foxes are here. They'll be fine. Besides, I want to see our kingdom."

"Fine, but you screw this up and sex for a year."

Ino's face went pale and her mouth fell open. That was the worst thing he could have punished her with. That or never singing to her again. Tsunade and Sakura snickered at her obvious discomfort and distaste of the threat.

"But...that' can't...hmph, fine. But you screw up and I get to have my way with you with no whining. Deal?"


By the time they were through with their deal making, the children had come back wondering what lunch was going to be. Naruto, being tired, couldn't muster the energy to fix lunch so that fell to Tsunade and Sakura. Well, it fell to Sakura since Tsunade could burn Lucky Charms in ice-cold milk. Naruto and Ino went back to the house. Ino, to look for an outfit that would bring out her regal qualities and not clash with her purple fur; Naruto, threw on a white undershirt and shuffled into town to buy some new outfits. Once the children were fed and everyone was settled in, Naruto explained the situation.

"Ok guys, me and Ino are going to the fox realm. I don't know how long we'll be gone; so don't advertise that we're not here ok? Try to stay on the grounds if possible and I want the foxes with you every time you step outside. Vulpine, if you see anything that even looks remotely dangerous, react with intent to kill. Any unkown scents are to be dealt with as you would any unknown scent to the realm. Understood?"

The foxes all nodded in acknowledgment. Shin looked absolutely ecstatic. He was always one for a good fight. His overexuberant personality bled over into all aspects of his life. He truly was the foxy equivalent of Lee. The rest all looked apathetic to the concept or had a grim contenance upon their face. Tsunade and Sakura looked pensive. If they had to watch all three children, it was a huge responsibility. Thank Kami for the foxes. They were an absolute Godsend.

Naruto looked over his family with concerned eyes. This was a bad idea in his opinion, but Ino could not be swayed. He cut his eyes to the blonde in question and saw that she had no discernible look on her face. She was a blank slate. His lips twitched in annoyance and he turned back to look at his son. Hikaru gazed up at him with big eyes.

"Hikaru, I want you to help watch over your brother and sister. If you see anything out of the ordinary, anything that seems misplaced, if you see a trace of Uchiha Sasuke or any of those that might be loyal to him, you summon me, you hear? Don't leave things to chance. Don't be a hero. You call me and no matter what I'm doing, I'll come. Do you understand son?"

"Yes sir."

"Good. I expect you all to have no problems while we're gone. And Tsunade, Sakura..."

The two women watched as Naruto stood and put his arm around Ino's waist, pulling her in close. He looked at them pleadingly, begging them to heed his words.

"Please, keep them safe. Be safe. We'll return soon hopefully. See you later."

In a flash of flame the two disappeared, leaving the five humans and five foxes. Genmaki sighed and turned to the rest of their little group. Putting on a foxy grin, he spoke.

Well then, who's up for lunch? Shall we go to Ichiraku's or the new sushi bar?

Sakura put a finger to her chin and thought for a moment.

"I suppose we should go to Ichiraku's. The sushi place doesn't allow pets."

All the foxes scowled and began to grumble under their breath. Tsunade thought she heard one of them, although it was very low.

...not a goddamn pet...

She wasn't sure which one it was.


In the fox realm, a flash of flame erupted in the middle of the market and sent all the foxes scattering. Vulpine of all kinds and colors dove for cover as the flames rose and then abated, leaving their king in his tailed glory and a strange woman with purple tails and ears. Once their monarch was seen, all the foxes came out of hiding and surrounded the couple. Ino turned round and round, taking them all in and seeing that there were colors of the rainbow that she hadn't thought possible for fur. Naruto greeted his people in his usual lackadaisical way and they reciprocated in kind.

In the short time he had been king, the foxes had all learned that their king didn't stand on ceremony and he didn't like to be treated as something special. When he needed to be serious, however, he was terrifying. They had all seen his true power and the mere aura he gave off was enough to bring the weak to their bellies. To the most powerful among them, breathing was a chore. They revered him as their leader and feared him as an enemy.

Naruto looked around and saw that they weren't far from the palace. He grabbed Ino around the waist again and bade the foxes gather round with a sweeping motion of his hand. Once he had their attention, he spoke in his loud booming voice.

"Everyone, gather at the palace. Tell everyone you see and be there in thirty minutes. I shall present your queen to you."

The vulpine perked up at that announcement. Many made to swing their eyes back to the blonde woman with him, but found her and their king gone like the wind. Yelling at the top of their lungs that the king had returned with their queen, the foxes went into a tizzy, running about and scrambling for a good spot at the palace grounds.

Naruto and Ino arrived in the palace on top of the dais. He sat Ino down and plopped down on the top step. Ino spun round and round on her heel, taking in all the beauty and majesty of the marble and gold construct. Her eyes finally settled on the throne and she squealed before she went to leap upon it. She never made it. Naruto appeared in front of her and caught her in his arms.

"Aw come on Naruto. I want to sit on the throne. Just once pleeeeaseee?"


"Oh so Mister high and mighty won't let his queen sit on the throne? You condescending little..."

"Ino. I don't sit on the throne either. I won't sit on it."

Ino started at that comment. A king not sitting on his throne was ludicrous. It was tantamount to heresy. She turned her eyes to him and asked why. Naruto sighed and loosened his grip on her as he guided them both back to the top step.

"Ino, that throne is a symbol to the people of this realm. The old Kyuubi would sit upon that throne and send down his judgment upon the people. The one who sat on that throne ahead of me was a beast and I will not accept a seat that was sat upon by a tyrant."

"Then have it melted down and a new one made. You are the king Naruto."

"I know. And that throne is a reminder to myself that I will never be what the old Kyuubi was. I'd rather have my powers stripped from me and my tails yanked out with a pair of pliers. I'd much rather sit atop the top step and address my people as Uzumaki Naruto, King of the Foxes, husband to Uzumaki Ino, father to Uzumaki Hikaru, and Kyuubi of the Bijuu than to sit upon a throne as a reminder that these people will never touch their monarch. I refuse to compromise my beliefs for tradition. And the people love me for it."

"I...see. I agree. Have I told you how sexy you are when you're being all regal and serious?"

Naruto sighed and hardened his hold on Ino's waist, keeping her secure and out of reach of his ding-a-ling.

"Not now Ino. The people will be coming soon and I'd rather not have them see me with my pants down. Or yours either."

Ino pouted and crossed her arms, her tails beating a mad rythym across his back. He was saved by the appearance of the council. The elder took up its station in the middle and Kazama and Hinamori took up the sides.

Welcome back Lord Naruto. We've been preparing for the arrival of the chiefs and did not expect you back so early. Who is the young woman with you and why does she have two tails?

"This is my wife Ino, Elder. Your queen sits before you."

The elder's eyes flew wide and the three councilmen bowed their heads before their new queen. Ino rather liked having subservient people and had a smirk on her face until she saw the disapproving look out of the corner of her eyes. She quickly dropped the smirk and took up a reassuring smile.

"Please don't treat me any different than you would my husband. I only wish to serve, as a queen should. I won't be around much for several years anyway. At least not until the children are grown."

We understand. Still, your highness will be a big hit with the people. There are no others with royal purple fur that my colleagues or I know of. I think you should go to the balcony now my Lord and Lady. The people await a complete ruling family.

Ino giggled as she latched onto Naruto's arm and gave the council a knowing look.

"And if I have my way then the family will be complete very soon."

Naruto groaned and pulled his wife along, ignoring the questioning looks of the council. He turned before they walked onto the balcony.

"Did the messenger for the serpents ever make it back?"

Yes my Lord, although he was quite shaken. Apparently, the snakes are still in a state of uncertainty as to their leadership, but Handra promised to be here regardless.

"As long as the messenger is ok."

Once the two were gone, the elder turned to the other two and smirked.

Well, it seems our queen is in heat. Perhaps we shall have a royal family soon.

Hinamori smiled and nodded her head.

Indeed. And with such strong parents, the child will be a boon to the vulpine without doubt.

Kazama just looked after the two humanoid foxes with a smile on his face. Things were always fun when the king was around, and his wife was just as eccentric as he was.


Naruto stood on the balcony with Ino by his side, looking out over the sea of multicolored fur. He smiled when he spotted Genmaki's wife and kits amongst the crowd. He took a deep breath and shouted over the din.

"People of the vulpine, I stand before you with a person I have promised to deliver unto you. I bring before you your queen, Uzumaki Ino."

The foxes erupted into a cacophony of yips and barks, filling the air with a pure essence of joy and happiness. The vulpine hadn't had a true royal family for eons. It was a true moment of peace for the fox realm. Ino smiled and beheld her subjects. They were certainly a spunky bunch.


Naruto snickered at his wife's shyness. She was never this indecisive and quiet around anyone. Ino shot him a dirty look and straightened her back.

"My fellow vulpine, I have come finally and stand before you as your queen, Uzumaki Ino, wife of Uzumaki Naruto. I have come to represent our kingdom in the talks with the Toads, Serpents, and Slugs and will stand by my husband in whatever he decides."

Ino glanced at Naruto and he gulped when he saw that rebellious twinkle in her eye.

"Know also that I will personally pound his ass into the ground if he gets out of line."

Naruto scowled at his wife but eased up when he heard the waves of chuckles from the crowd below. Ino stood with her hands on her hips and a huge grin on her face. Her husband grinned largely as well and put his hand on top of head, ruffling her hair and ears.

"If you are quite through posturing for the people, I'd like to take a walk and show you the kingdom. I believe you'll find it beautiful."

As the council shooed the foxes back to their lives below, Ino rested her head against Naruto's shoulder and leaned into his embrace.

"I'd like nothing better."

As they walked through the streets, Ino nodded to everyone she passed. The foxes all smiled and bowed to her reverently. Ino decided she liked the realm better than Konoha. Here she was accepted readily and her husband was beloved. The realm was much more beautiful than Konoha and the streets, despite being inhabitated by animals, were clean and well maintained. Then they went to the fields.

The royal couple stood at the edge of the field and watched as the crews of foxes cleared the area for the meeting. The large size of the chiefs made diplomacy a hard thing to deal with, but luckily the fox realm boasted large and relatively level fields. Wouldn't want GamaBunta's sake cup splashing over. Ino sighed and wrapped her arms around Naruto's waist as she soaked in the awe-inspiring beauty of their home.

"It's so gorgeous Naruto. How did I get so lucky?"

Naruto smelled salt in the air and looked down to see tears in Ino's eyes. She looked up at him, practically beaming.

"I'm a lucky person Naruto. I have you, I have Hikaru, and I'm a queen to a whole realm. What did I do to deserve this?"

Naruto smiled down at his wife and kissed her forehead as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders. She pressed herself into his chest and sobbed. He leant down and whispered into her ear.

"It's because you're a good person Ino. Good deeds are always rewarded in the end. You came and made mine and Hikaru's lives complete again. You brought me back to our friends. You've taken care of me for nearly two years now. I couldn't imagine life without you now. No matter how much of a pain in the ass you are sometimes. I love you Ino."

Ino looked up at her husband and smiled, before nuzzling back into his chest.

"You were on such a roll and then you fucked it up. Nice save telling me you love me though."

Things were silent for a moment until Ino began to squirm. Naruto's eyes flew open and he began to chant 'no' over and over in his head.

"Hey Naruto?"


"Are there any...secluded places that most foxes don't go?"


She shot him a vicious grin and gripped onto his butt with both hands.

"Because I've always wanted to do it outside. Let's go."

Naruto hung his head in defeat and led the way to his doom. Hopefully she wouldn't wear him completely out before the meeting

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