Rockin' Romeo and Jammin' Jul...

By SpilledPink

24.7K 1.6K 1.4K

"Welcome to The Missionary Position, and I'm not talking about the band." ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Meet Sophie Evans and J... More

Cast List
Wrong Time For Erotica
Orgasm Answered My Prayers
Fetish Took Me By Surprise
Horny At 5 A.M.
Cheeky Rimjob
Lessons in Banging
A Sensible Alternative to Cunnilingus
Kinky Motivation
Sinning At A Strip Club
Thirsty For You
Queen Of Dicks
BDSM Is Only The Beginning
Suck My Lady Dick
How Many Drinks Do You Need Before You Sleep With Me? By Fall Out Boy
Anything's A Dildo If You're Brave Enough
All You Need Is A Banana, Vaseline, And Consent
You Think You Can Kinkshame Me Under My Own Roof?
DIY Dildo
Your Fetish Is My Attention
Grip My Hips And Make Me Scream
What? I Didn't Invite You Over For Netflix And Literal Chill
One, Two, Three, Four, There's A Stripper At The Door!
Wow, These Lyrics Sound A Lot Like Foreplay
The Best Form Of Serendipity Is Car Sex
Rated M For Masturbation
That Lingerie Would Look Great On My Bedroom Floor
I've Got A Big, Lesbian Crush On You
Four AM Fisting
Emo Trinity Threesome
70's Porn Star Sabotage
Oral Sex For Dummies
Ride Me Like A Cowboy on a Bareback Horse
Kinky Nine Way Garage Orgy
Genitals Are Food, Not Friends
The All-American Boner
8-Hour Erection Hospitilization
Phallic Poetry
Choke Me, Daddy
"But Masturbation Won't Mend My Familial Rift"

Handcuffs, Lies, and Hate Sex

347 30 11
By SpilledPink

Chapter 29: Handcuffs, Lies, And Hate Sex

((Playlist: You're Gonna Go Far, Kid by The Offspring))

A thousand thoughts flew through her head as she tried to figure out what to say to the girl. She remembered what Lys had said: stand her ground, tell her to 'GTFO of her love life', and keep her pepper spray on standby. However, such things were much easier joked about than actually done.

Suddenly, she ran right into something huge - and sweaty. Sophie jumped back, as much out of surprise as out of disgust. She barely looked up at the shirtless man. "I'm so sorry. Excuse me-"

"Oh, don't worry about it. Wait-" he grabbed her wrist, "-you're part of the band! Aren't you Jackson's girlfriend?"

Sophie studied his face, suddenly realizing this was none other than-


-the Missionary Position Fan Boy.

"I, uhh..." she hesitated, not exactly comfortable with the situation at hand, or the fact that a large sweaty man had just gushed about how he looooooved her boyfriend. "I'm not sure about that. But-"

"Oh, I get it. It's because you're dating." He nodded amiably, like he understood perfectly why a teenage girl would be uncomfortable with her romantic partner signing a grown man's posterior. "How about we get him to sign both of our butts, so we're even? Or maybe if he signs mine and then I sign his, so it's kind of like a trade?"

Sophie struggled to find an escape. "That's an interesting idea," she said. "How about I go find Jackson, and you-"

Someone grabbed Sophie by the arm and yanked her away from the fan boy, cutting off their conversation. She turned, finding none other than Maddie's face inches from hers. She wrested away from her grasp.

"What do you want?" She scowled more venomously than she'd intended.

Maddie raised her eyebrows. "To talk."


The other girl gave her a sucrose smile - deceptively sweet. "You two are so cute together, you know? With your 'good girl' thing and his 'bad boy' attitude. Trust me, he's bad. I would know."

Sophie crossed her arms over her chest. "Why are you here?"

Maddie scoffed. "Can't I come get a drink late at night? It's a free country."

Sophie decided not to point out that that was technically illegal and replied, "you know what I'm talking about."

Maddie smirked. "You're right. I came here to see your little band play- namely, the singer."

"Right. Okay." Sophie turned away for a moment, trying to think of what to say to that. "And why do you care?"

Maddie shrugged. "Probably because I'm better for him than you."

Sophie sputtered, "excuse me?"

Maddie rolled her eyes again. "Come on. Do you really think Jackson wants to date some good little Christian Mary Sue?"

Sophie gave her a once-over, eyes flickering from her 'trying-too-hard' outfit to the beer bottle in her other hand. "I guess he's improved his taste, since breaking up with you."

"Oh, please." She scoffed. "Jackson never broke up with me. We're totally still together."

"Says who?"

"Says the crinkled-up condom wrappers on my bedroom floor, Virgin Mary."

Sophie felt like she'd been punched, but her bandmates' warnings echoed in her head: this chick was absolutely crazy. Beyond a shadow of doubt, she was lying through her teeth. Still, the fact that this girl dared to insinuate Jackson was cheating on her needled her.

"We both know that's not true." Sophie kept her voice level. "Now, why don't you just give this up already? Jackson doesn't want you back. He's made that pretty clear."

"He's just lusting right now. When you don't work out, he'll come back to me. He always does."

Sophie grit her teeth. This girl couldn't take a hint, could she? "You're kidding."

"He still wants me."

"Now I know you're kidding." She rolled her eyes.

Maddie crossed her arms over her chest. "I know you think he likes you now, but I'm just trying to save you. Trust me, when you don't put out within the next few weeks, he'll dump you."

Sophie glared at her, stricken, not sure how to respond.

"Of course," Maddie took a step closer, eyes slipping up and down Sophie's body, "maybe you will give it up for him. He can be pretty convincing - even to some Bible-thumper like you."

In a blink, Sophie's fist crashed into her eye socket. A quick explosion of action, too impulsive for words.

Maddie staggered back a step, and before even Sophie could comprehend what she'd done, Maddie started screaming bloody murder. Cradling her eye, telling anyone who could hear that she was being attacked. One of the bartenders was already pulling Sophie out the door before she even felt her knuckles hurting.

The bartender roughly pushed her outside, yelling about there being a no-tolerance on fighting in the bar, and slammed the door, leaving Sophie outside in the dark. Not even a minute later, Jackson came running outside and grabbed Sophie by the shoulders. "Oh my God, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Your wacko ex, on the other hand..." she snorted, and started laughing. I can't believe I just punched someone!

Jackson stared at her like she'd gone mad. "That was...damn. When did you become such a badass?"

Sophie shrugged, still cracking up. Jackson gently took her hand. "Geez, that looks painful."

Sophie looked down at her hand. Her knuckles were already bruising. "Adrenaline is a heck of a chemical, I guess."

Evan poked his head out of the door. "There you guys are. What are you doing? We have to go back on."

Jackson shook his head. "I don't know if Sophie'll be allowed back in. She hurt her hand, anyway."

"No, it's fine. I can play," Sophie insisted, stretching her fingers out. "It doesn't hurt that much."

Lilith appeared at the door, beaming from ear to ear. "Holy shit, I saw you cold-cock Maddie!"

Dave appeared behind Lilith. "Um, there's a girl screaming bloody murder in there."

Sophie grinned. "Good."

"I don't think they're going to let you back in there, Sophie," Dave said. "That girl is making a real scene. She'll probably kill you."


"Then we've got to give her a disguise," Lilith decided, fishing around in her purse. "Jackson, give her your sweatshirt. Evan, let me see your shades. Dave, go back in and tell the kilt wizard we'll be ready to play in a minute."

Sophie had to hand it to her, the girl handed out orders like a drill sergeant. She was always cool as a cucumber.

Five minutes later, Sophie took her seat behind the drum set with Jackson's several-sizes-too-big hoodie pulled up over her head, sunglasses covering most of her face, and Lilith's black lipstick and knee-high combat boots. Now she looked as badass as she felt. She loved it - with the exception of the sore knuckles. Still, as she peered out at the crowd and saw only happy, amused, or drunk faces, she smiled. It seemed like Maddie wouldn't be bothering her for a long time.

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