Highland Dream (Book 1)

Av AzMaz90

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The Druids were a hunted people long ago...they made a pact to scatter their children throughout time to keep... Mer

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Hamish's Story

Chapter 43

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Av AzMaz90

Chapter 43

A week had passed since Toren had gone into the final goodnight. The clan had mourned for three days. His body being layed to rest in the consecrated ground behind the Keep. They would have to wait till spring for the full Christain rites to be observed. Though his life had been celebrated to the full, with an overabundance of meats and ale, whisky flowing freely throughout all who came for the celebration of life. Most would admit that there was not many within the clan who would miss him on a personal level. Of those the majority were of the opinion Camdyn was already acting a better Laird than Toren had been for years.

When the three days were over, the clan took up the idea of the handfasting with gusto. The plans were brought forward. Nobody wanted to dwell on death, and what a better way to celebrate life than with a ceremmony joining two together. Camdyn and Aislinn had discussed their situation many times, and eventually decided that it would be better for all if the clan did not find out the truth. Either way Cam would still be Laird, due to her status as Heir. Their children would still inherit. Aislinn was happy knowing she was finally wanted. Camdyn was happy knowing who he truly was and feeling at peace with that for the first time.

Corey, however, was still in a limbo state. Whatever had befallen him had confused the entire clan. Non could remember seeing him since three days after the poisoning. Hamish had told of how Corey was convinced he was on the trail of the poisoner. Trying to prove his innocence at the same time as proving his abilities to both Cam and Hamish.

As a result his mother had no idea what had been done to him. She was using trial and error to find try and heal him. He had been in and out of conciousness for the last week. Speaking incoherently. Not making any sense, babbling about nothing inparticular. One thing was certain, his ondition had been inflicted upon him. He had a gash on the back of his head, that had started to heal, but according to his mother had the signs of infection.

His wrists rubbed raw, as if against thick coarse rope. That above all else told Cam how dangerous this person was. They were no longer looking for an oppertunist, they were looking for someone who calculated and planned. They had managed to hold Corey hostage without any of the clan realising that he was missing and had managed to keep him locked away. Until he had managed to escape of course.

Camdyn could think of nothing else over the last few days. After Toren was put in the ground, the frail bitter old man, forever out of his life, his mind had turned to plots of murder. As he encouraged Aislinn to help Isla in the handfasting arrangements, he had turned to Hamish and his most trusted and they had been holding a hunt for whoever this person was. If they could try and take out Corey of the equation after Aislinn had almost died, then they were too dangerous to be hunted in secret anymore. The whole clan knew they were searching, and most were extremly pleased.

Larena as expected, took it as the ultimate insult. How could she and her friends be under suspiscion the same as those beneath her notice. “It was unthinkable,” she had made her opinion clear the day he had made it clear to the clan. He was not going to rest until they had found this danger hiding among the hard working people within the clan.

Anoghus and Artair had managed to follow a trail to the little hunting shack just inside the forest line. But at the furthest point from the village. They had found bloodied rope and filthy surroundings. They kept that shack as stocked as they could, as a point for the hunters to reach if the changeable Highland weather turned on them before they could get back to the Keep. The state of the floor, the stench…it was not fit for an animal.

Only even that thought had to be pushed to that back of his mind today. Isla had managed to create a miracle. And while he felt a little caught up in a strong wind. He found himself, in all his finery, broadsword strapped to his back. Isla had given him a sharp eye for that. But he would not find him unable to defend himself today. Standing before the steps to the Keep, he managed to keep his breathing slow and steady, though only through shear strenght of will.

He wanted to be with Aislinn, more than he had wanted anything else. Only everyone must feel these nerves. What did he think he was doing? How could he protect her? She had already been posioned because of him. How could he be enough for her? His breathing getting a little irregular. When a hard slap landed on his shoulder.

“Feeling any last minute nerves? Want us to find you an out?” The twin faces that appeared before him, they were his friends, but he wanted to put them on the floor. They had echoed his exact feelings and he did not like that at all. Straightening his shoulder’s he sent them a look that would quell any enemy, only these two were too stupid to take note. Luckily for them Hamish appeared and distracted them.

“Ignore them Cam. I have never seen a pair so meant for each other.” Locking gazes, Hamish was every inch his serious self. “I have been your friend for a very long time Cam. It seems its actually longer than both of us thought. But you hurt her. I will hurt you.” With that said he turned into the living statue again. Steadfastly by his side.

Turning to survey the courtyard, he couldn’t image it could fit anymore people inside the Keep walls. And yet, the people kept coming. Those that lived separately from the main village had heard and made their way in for the ceremony. He knew it would be big, as he was heir and very soon would be named as Laird. He just never expected, such a big ceremony so soon. Isla had truly outdone herself.

Looking through the gates he saw Isla and her host of helpers. Aislinn was not among them. Isla had informed him of what they had planned. He did not like it. But with the whole clan here, there really was no reason to worry, only he could feel it in the pit of his stomach. Maybe it was just the nerves, and the overprotectiveness, that had to be it. Isla had suggested Aislinn follow in the footsteps of Suisan. She had started alone from a cottage in the village. At that point the home of one of her maid servants.

After spending the morning readying herself there with the help of the clan women, they would arrive at the main Keep ahead of her as they just had done. She would appear in the next few minutes. In all the finery the clan could offer. And with Isla at the helm, she would be resplendant. Though he could imagine how she would blush under the attention she would receive. Suisan had walked from the village to the Keep to marry Toren, a symbol that she was one of the people and she would be accepted by them.

Only Aislinn had not appeared yet, and she should have been here by now should she not. Glancing quickly in Isla’s direction, he notcied she was not yet worried, so he calmed himself as much as possible. If Isla did not see a problem then neither would he…yet.

Aislinn took one last look at her reflection in the wash stand, it was watery and rippled, but it showed her an image she would never have imagined. It was not the dress from the twilight world. But it was still beautiful. She could not accept it when first shown, but the women had worked so hard, she could not disappoint them. Neither could she say no to the tradition they wanted her to help start. Walking to the Keep was no major hardship. If she could help the people by doing this she had no issue with what they needed from her.

She knew she had been stood there longer than she should have been. She heard the door behind her, knew they had sent someone after her. It was probably Isla, she had had everything timed to perfection, like some of the drills she had seen Cam give his men in training. Not that she had meant to see of course, that would be completley improper.

Turning to face her intruder, “Oh, I’m sorry, did Isla send you?”

“No,” The smile that slid across the face before her chilled her completley to the bone. “I am sorry Aislinn, but nobody knows I’m here, and they are not going to know why you left in such a hurry.”

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