Love? Definitely not. [Travly...

By vyladsama

4.2K 127 58

After the events of the a-con, Katelyn wants nothing more than to lock herself in her room and ignore everyon... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 [Finale!]

Chapter 3

403 10 6
By vyladsama


Katelyn sat on her bed, her hair tied up in a messy bun, with a coffee watching reruns of Sword Art Online. She wondered if she could ever be like Asuna and have her own Kirito. Kawaii~Chan was making sugar pancakes, and Aphmau had spent the night over at Aaron's, but Aph was a good girl, and Aaron was a nice guy. Katelyn trusted them (you dirty-minded sinners).

Katelyn found herself constantly replaying the first kiss scene between Asuna and Kirito, and found herself extremely jealous. She wanted Jeffory to be her Kirito, but he had been in Europe for the past few months, with friends. Who were girls.

Katelyn sighed, she shut her computer off, and walked downstairs to see Kawaii~Chan hard at work with her pink sugar pancakes.

"Good morning, Katelyn~Sama!" Kawaii~Chan said warmly. "Kawaii~Chan's extra-pink sugar pancakes are almost done! Does Katelyn~Sama think she can finally pry Aphmau~Senpai from Aaron~Kun's house? Kawaii~Chan loves the mega-Aarmau happening, but she misses Aphmau~Senpai. Whatever happened to 'bows before bros'?~"

Katelyn nodded. Ugh. "You have a point, Kawaii~Chan. Aphmau pays zero attention to us. I'll call her."

Katelyn picked up the phone, just as Kawaii~Chan dropped a pancake on the floor with a kawaii-sounding 'Oops!'

Aaron picked up, sounding tired and out-of-breath.

My Irene... Katelyn thought as images flooded her head.

"Aaron?! What's with you?! What have you been doing with Aphmau?!" Katelyn screeched, and Kawaii~Chan dropped another pancake. She was listening.

"Relax," Aaron said. "I got absolutely no sleep. Aphmau insisted on watching Frozen... the WHOLE night! I had to wrestle her hundreds of times for the disc. She always won."

Katelyn inhaled deeply. She could hear the faint sound of For the First Time in Forever in the background... meaning the couple had started watching it again.

"Aphmau needs to come home," Katelyn said bluntly. "Kawaii~Chan's making special pancakes. We haven't seen her since the, uh, con." The word felt bitter on her tongue, like sour candy. She would forever think of her forced kiss with Travis.

"Oh, but I'm taking her out to a brunch after the 500th rerun of Frozen and that crappy half-sequel she likes so much. And maybe a dinner. And then a midnight breakfast at a diner downtown," Aaron said nonchalantly.

"Why don't you just keep her in a cage with 'AARON'S PROPERTY' in big read letters?!" Katelyn screamed, enraged. She knew Aphmau and Aaron were in love, but she didn't know love was this... clingy.

"Katelyn, be real. She'll be home safe, I promise," Aaron said. "We just want time together as a couple, that's all."

"Thought you'd've had enough time already," Katelyn grumbled sarcastically, hanging up the phone.

"Is Aphmau~Senpai coming home?" Kawaii~Chan asked, flipping a pancake. It landed on the pan with a splatter.

"No," Katelyn muttered. "Aaron said Aphmau'd be home today or tomorrow."

"Did Katelyn~Sama ask if she could talk to Aphmau~Senpai herself?" Kawaii~Chan asked. She took the slightly burnt pancake and moved it to the plate.

Katelyn knew the Meif'wa girl had a point. She should've asked Aaron if she could talk to Aphmau. Maybe she could have gotten Aphmau to return home. "No," Katelyn replied.

"It's okay, Katelyn~Sama," Kawaii~Chan said, her face softening. "Aphmau~Senpai will remember her friends soon enough." Although Kawaii~Chan didn't sound so sure of her claim.
Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan sat wordlessly, eating there pancakes.

"Katelyn~Sama, is it okay if Kawaii~Chan goes to work early today? She just got a text from her boss saying one of the employees got sick and her boss needs someone to cover the shift."

"Yeah, that's fine, Kawaii~Chan," Katelyn said, resting her head on her fist. "I might go over to Nicole's. I think she's hanging with Dante today."

"Oooooo~." Kawaii~Chan batted her eyelashes. "Dante~Kun's best friend is Travis~Kun!"

"Shut up!" Katelyn hissed. "I'd rather Travis not come. He's an annoying perv, anyway."

"Kawaii~Chan smells a new shiiiiiiip!~" Kawaii~Chan smiled mischievously. "Katelyn~Sama is in loooove~ with Travis~Kun! That's why she's going over to Nicole~Sama's house!"

"No no no no no no no no no!" Katelyn covered her ears. "Not you too, Kawaii~Chan!"

"Hehehehe!" Kawaii~Chan laughed.

Katelyn took a final bite from her sugary pancake. "I'm leaving. And don't you dare start another shipping shrine! I've seen enough with your Dancole shipping shrine!"

Kawaii~Chan made a pouty face. "Aww, Kawaii~Chan was looking forward to making one! But she won't, she promises."

"Good," Katelyn said, grabbing her phone off the countertop, and wiping off some unfortunate pancake batter.

She locked the door behind her and began walking up to Nicole's, hoping that Travis wouldn't be there.

Keep dreaming, Katelyn.

Travis was there, sitting next to Dante, who had his arm around Nicole.

"Travis?!" Katelyn gasped. "Why are you here... again?"

Travis shrugged. "I wanted to see your beautiful face again, baby." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Shut up, before you get hurt," Katelyn threatened. "Anyway, Dante, why don't you leave? Nicole, you don't deserve him."

"Katelyn..." Nicole rolled her eyes. "He's pretty cute, actually." She brushed some of Dante's blue locks out of his face.

Katelyn made a gag face. "As if."

Nicole gave her a look. "I know you don't like Dante, but I do! Can you please just let us be together? And Travis, why are you here?"

"Exactly what I said," Katelyn said, crossing her arms.

"Cause Dante's my friend, that's all. Or I just knew a certain blueberry was going to be here," Travis flirted.

Katelyn inhaled deeply. "Whatever," she said finally. "What are you watching?"

Dante glanced at the screen. "Ouran."

"And this is a date, so if you two don't mind..." Nicole began.
Before Katelyn and Travis could process what was going on, they found themselves looking out onto the street, on Nicole's porch, with their backs facing the door.

"Nicole!" Katelyn said, pounding on the door. "Let me in!"

"No!" Nicole's voice was muffled by the door. "Katelyn, we need some time alone as a couple. And if kicking you both out is what it takes, we'll do it!"

"Sorry, man!" Dante called to Travis. "She's the boss."

"It's okay, dude," Travis replied. "Wanna go get something to eat?" he asked Katelyn. When she gave him a look and clenched her fist, he added meekly, "Not in a date way though!"

Katelyn took a breath. "Sure, why not. Where should we go?"

Travis shrugged and looked around. "iHop? Olive Garden? What do you want?"

"Maybe that maid café Kawaii~Chan works at?" Katelyn suggested. "Can't hurt."

Travis smiled. "Sounds cool."

I LOVE TRAVLYN XD!! Also, thanks for getting my other fanfic, The Ro'meave Sister, to 1K reads! It means TONS! I love you all♡♡


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