Bullied By Harry Styles

By Diana_37

9.5K 266 41

Hey I'm Alexa Faith Reed (aka Lexi) I'm 13 and a 8th grader at Elmer Middle School. I have black hair and e... More

Bullied By Harry Styles
Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8

Part 2

1.4K 38 7
By Diana_37

I changed some things her mom did NOT die in a car crash! Read to find out how.

Lexi, Age 6, First grade

Vick, Age 8, Third grade

Austin, Age 10, Fifth grade

Lexi's POV


It was my sixth birthday and my mommy let us go to the local mall to get anything we wanted. Daddy had to work late so he didn't come. We walk into the mall and I saw a Cato!

"Mommy! Mommy! Can we go there!" I say pointing at Cato.

"Anywhere you want it's your birthday." She said

I run over to the store while Austin was behind me . Mom and Vick were behind us. I find the necklace section. I look at all the necklaces then one caught my eye. It was a heart locket that was purple with some pink on the edges.

"Pretty" I said picking it up.

"Do you want that one?" Austin asked.

"Yes" I said

"Then lets go find mommy and Vick." He said taking my hand and walking to a different section.

We finally find them in the bracelet section. Vick picked out a shark tooth bracelet.

"Does everyone have something?" My mommy asked.

"Austin don't" I said

"Yes I do I picked it out when you were looking at the lockets" He said holding up an arrowhead necklace with something written on it.

"What does in say?" I asked

"Fearless on the front and Strong on the back" He said.

We go check out and buy the necklaces and bracelet. We were about going to walk out of the store when the intercom came on.


Then I heard bullets firing.

"Mommy I scared" I said clutching her arm.

"Everything will be alright lets go hide" She says while turning around.

Someone from the store comes and locks the store door as we walk to the back of the store. Austin and Vick hide behind a clearance rack and My mom and me hide behind a shoe display. About ten minutes later I heard glass shattering and a scream. I looked at my mom with fear in my eyes.

"Lexi go hide with your brothers and don't come out" She said

"No Mommy" I said. I didn't want to leave her.

"Lexi I love you and your brothers and I'm trying to keep you safe. Please go to your brothers" She said with tears in her eyes

"O-Ok Mommy" I said standing up.

I walked over to the clearance rack and saw Austin was trying to get Vick to stop crying then he looked up and saw me.

"Lexi? Why aren't you with Mom?" He asked me as I sat beside him.

"Mommy told me to come over here and she told me that she loved us" I said.

Then I heard mommy screaming.

"Mommy!" I yelled then I got up and ran to the front of the store. I was about going to see something a six year old should never have to see. I saw a stranger and my mommy she was standing but her hand was bloody and she had some cuts on her face.

"Mommy!" I yelled running up to her. Then Austin and Vick came running ,too.

She looked at us ,but she didn't look happy she looked scared.

"I told all of you to hide." She said.

"It would be a shame if I accidentally shot my gun wouldn't it?" The stranger said pointing it at me.

"It would be a shame to kill such a young girl" He said.

"You'll never lay a hand on my children." My mom said as I stood in front of her.

"I won't"

Then the gun went off. One single bullet. It was aimed for me ,but mommy push me to the ground and I hit her. Then she fell to the floor.

"Mommy" My brothers and I said in unison

I sat beside her on the ground my brothers on the other side of her. Then she spoke her last words.

"I love all of you never forget that. Now run get as far away from him as you can" She said then her eyes closed forever.

All of us started to cry. Then a bullet flew by Vick's head pulled us out of our thoughts.

We got up and ran as fast as we could bullets missing us by centimeters. We were running for our lives. Then we saw the red Exit sign. I ran through first then my brother followed. There was about fifty police cars, hundreds of guns pointed at us and thousands of eyes on us. I turned and saw the stranger was still there and his gun was pointed right at ME.

"A-Austin" I said

He turned around and saw the gun and pulled me and Vick behind him.

"You have already killed our mother what else do you want?" Austin asked tears still coming from his eyes.

"The girl" He said he gun still raised.

"Over my dead body" He said

"That can be arranged" He said

Then he pulled the trigger.

Austin pushed us all to the ground the bullet missing him by a centimeter ,but it didn't miss a police car. It hit the closes car to us causing us caught in a shower of glass. Then the police started firing. A few minutes later ever thing was silent. I got up and looked around all I saw was blood. Blood was ever were then I looked at my hands millions of cuts. I started to feel dizzy. Then I fell to the glass and blood covered pavement.

I woke up in a hospital bed. Vick was asleep in the bed to my left and Austin was in the one to my right looking at a book ,but Dad wasn't here.

"A-Austin did Dad leave us ,too." I asked.

He looked up from the book. I saw his eyes were red. He had been crying.

" No, He came during visiting hours and so did the Police. They asked a few questions and they are coming back tomorrow to ask you some" He said.

"They dropped something off ,too" He says holding up Mommy's purse.

"They found it behind the shoe display."

He walked over a sat on the bed next to me with his book.

"This is an small family album I found in it" He said as he opened the first page.

There where pictures of The whole family and some were of us by ourselves. Then the last picture was of mom and me. I was taken just a few weeks ago the. I was in a pink dress and Mom was in a blue dress. We were sitting down in the grass picking flowers. I didn't know I was crying until Austin pulled me into a hug.

"It will be ok " He said fighting back tears.

I cried into his shoulder until

feel asleep. When I woke up my dad was sitting in the chair in front of my bed crying holding a picture of mom. When he saw me he got up and walked over to me.

"Your the reason she died" He said then he slapped me.

Then he took my necklace, Austin's necklace and Vicks bracelet.

This was the beginning of my new life.


Lexi's POV

I woke up in a hospital bed with bandages over my arm. I look up and saw my brothers were asleep.


His eyes opened and saw that I was awake

"Lexi your awake!" He said getting up and walking over to my bed.

"Where is dad? Is he really that cold hearted?" I asked

"Lexi H-He died" He said.

"How?" I asked in shock.

" He was drunk driving and hit a tree" He said.

"Will the state take us away until you turn 18" I asked.

"No, We will be staying with a family. I'll go find the papers" He said picking up his backpack and pulling out a folder full of papers

"Her name is Anne Cox. Get some sleep we are moving our stuff tomorrow. I'm going to take Vick home so we can pack I'll pack your stuff ,too so don't worry." He said

"ok. Bye" I said.

He woke up Vick and left. Then I fell asleep.

Harry's POV

Harry: Age 13

Gemma: Age 16

I was watching TV when my mom called Gemma and I downstairs. I took the elevator and Gemma took the stairs. I live I a house with seven floors not counting the basement and attic. When I get to the bottom floor I walk into the kitchen and see my mom and sister waiting for me. How did she get here so fast?

"I have to tell you both something. There will be a few people staying with us for awhile." ~Anne


"There father died in a car crash and in the investigation they found out he has tried to kill them several times" ~Anne

"Who are they?" ~Gemma

"They haven't told me their names ,but I know there are two boys and one girl." ~Anne

"Where are they sleeping" ~ Gemma

"The girl is sleeping in the room between you and harry and the two boys can share or pick one of the rooms down the hall." ~Anne

"How long will they be staying?" ~Harry

"I don't know they might stay till the oldest turn 18." ~Anne

After a few more questions I went upstairs and went to sleep

Lexi's POV

Austin checked me out of the hospital a few hours ago. I was packing some stuff when I heard Austin shout-

"Vick! Lexi! Come here"

I ran downstairs and saw Austin holding a necklace and bracelet ,but not just any mine and Vick's!

" My locket!" I yell running over to him

"I found it in one of the boxes in his closet " He said handing them to me and Vick. We put the on right away. I look up and see he found his too.

"Thank you" We said in unison then we hugged him.

"I'll put the last of the boxes in the moving truck go wait in my car" Austin said picking up some boxes.


I get out of the car and see a huge house!

"You must be the Reeds"

I turn around and see a man the I think is a Butler .

"Yes we are" Austin says pulling a box out of the moving truck

" No, don't do that. We will have some of the help bring they to your rooms." the butler said.

We walk in to the house and see a woman waiting for us.

"Hello I'm Anne Cox. What are your names?"

"I'm Austin"

" I'm Vick"

"I'm Lexi"

"Thank you so much for letting us stay here" Austin said.

She took us upstairs on the elevator and stopped on the top floor. Then she showed us to our rooms.

" By the way my son will be home soon so you can meet him. My daughter is in her room. " She says walking to the elevator

YaY! Finally a girl I can talk too!

I walk in to the room and she has her back turned to me.

"Hello?" I say in almost a whisper.

She turns around and sees me.

"You must be one of the people staying with us!" She says walking over to me.

"It will be fun to have a girl to finally talk to and my name is Gemma by the way."

"My name is Lexi. Have you met my brothers yet?"


"Do you want too?"

"Sure" She say smiling

I walk down the hall to Vick's room but he wasn't in there. So I walked into Austin's room. Him and Vick were on the bed playing a card game.

"Austin! Vick!" I yell to get their attention .

They look my way.

"This is Gemma. She is Anne's daughter." I say

"Gemma do you want to play a game of blackjack? " Vick asks

"Sure. Can Lexi play too?"

"Sure!" Vick said shuffling the cards.

We played for a few hours. Then I went back to my room. I saw that all my boxes were in there so I unpacked. I start looking around and found out that my room has a balcony and a walk in closet! Then I walk into the bathroom and there is another door? I open it and see a boy's bedroom the walls are black and it is very untidy definitely a boys. I walk back in my room and start playing my guitar. When I finish playing a few songs and put it away. I was walking to my bed when I hear the bathroom door open.

"What the hell?" I hear a familiar voice say.

I turn around and see Harry Styles!

"W-What are y-you doing here?" I ask

"Your in my house!" He yells at me.

"P-Please don't hurt me" I say backing up to the wall.

"Just tell me why the hell your here!" He says walking towards me and pinning me against the wall.

"M-My dad died so y-your mom let me and my brothers l-live here" I say tear streaming down my face.

He let go of me but he didn't let me fall. Then he did something I thought he would never do.

He hugged me!

"I'm sorry for everything" he whispers in my ear.

I cried into his shoulder for about ten minutes then he spoke.

" I'm a good listener if you need someone to talk to" He said rubbing my back.

"ok" I say .

He lets go me and I walk to my bed and tell him everything. When I start crying again he pulls me into another hug. I think he thought I was asleep so he put me on my pillow and he pulled the blanket over me.

"Good night Lexi" He said

I felt him lean over and his hot breath on my face. Then he kissed my forehead.

This is official the best day EVER!

Harry's POV.

I just got home from football practice. I went in my room and saw that the door to the bathroom is opened. That's odd. I walk though the door and see Lexi Reed in the other room.

"What the hell?" I shout

She turns around a looks like a deer in the headlights.

" W-What are y-you doing here?"

"Your in MY house!"

"P-Please don't hurt me" She says backing up to the wall.

"Just tell me why the hell your he re!" I yell at her then pin her against the wall.

"M-My dad died so y-your mom let me and my brothers l-live here" She says tears streaming down her face.

I let go of her but I don't let her fall. Then I hug her.

"I'm sorry for everything" I whisper in her ear.

She looks so vulnerable and broken.

She cries into my shoulder for what seems like hours.

"I'm a good listener if you need someone to talk to" I say rubbing her back

"ok " She says

She walks over to her bed and tells me everything then when she is done she starts crying again. I pull her into a hug she cries until she falls asleep. I put her on her pillow and cover her with the blanket.

"Good night Lexi" I say. I lean over and kiss her on the forehead and walk out of her room. Then I get in my bed and fall asleep.

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