Dying as a Heavenly Host Vict...

By NatsyRogers

205 11 18

My name is Aiko Yoshida, a second year at Demoshan high school. Two of my friends and I woke up in a mysterio... More

Character Intro


18 1 3
By NatsyRogers

                         [Kaito Hitashi]

I woke up with a throbbing head by a toilet. Why am I in the bathroom? Did Darcy knock me out again? I crawled to my knees and carefully looked outside to see if Araki-chan was waiting to hit me again.
When I saw that the coast was here, I walked downstairs. SEEEEEIIIIIIKKKKKOOOOO!!!!!
I fell down, startled by the noise. Who the heck was Seiko? I suddenly felt a low rumbling coming from my stomach and realized that I was hungry. Hm... I wonder if they have ice cream here. With food on the mind, I walked down to the first floor. There was a little boy sitting on the edge of a board, in front of a bunch of children's shoes.
"Hey! You're going to fall in the hol--" Wait... Something was up with this kid... He had blue skin, like he ate too much ice cream. Ha! I started to laugh at my words. As if there was such a thing as too much ice cream! I opened my eyes and saw that the kid was gone. "Hey where did you go?" I mumbled. I turned my head and saw a door that should lead to the exit. I opened it up with my humongous muscles. "AHHHHHHHHGH!!!" There was a rotting corpse with a large pair of sewing scissors sticking out of the victims left eye. "Well... That's not ice cream." I joked. All of a sudden, a blue light emitted from the body and a girl around my age appeared.
"W-Who are you?!" I stuttered, a little worried about the ghost. She gave a warm smile that made me a little more calm. "Not to be rude but, your friend is in huge trouble!" She said. She had twin black pigtails that went down to her waist. I wondered which friend. "OH NO!!!" I shouted, "IS IT THE ICE CREAM MAN?!" I started to cry. What kind of place am I in?!
The girl glared at me, like she was annoyed. "No. I sense it was one of the girls that came here with you. She is developing the phenomenon called 'the darkening'. Her soul is turning black. You must find her and calm her down! It's almost too late!"
I started to laugh. "The darkening?! Haha! I bet Darcy set you up to this! This body isn't even real! Is it?!" I pulled the rusty scissors from the pupil and stabbed the body in the stomach. "It isn't real! It isn't reaaaalllllll~" I began to sing. The black-haired girl's eyes went wide. "S-Stop it!" The girl pleaded. "That's my body! That's so cruel!!!"
I couldn't stop laughing and stabbing, laughing and stabbing. It was so weird... I knew what I was doing, but I couldn't control myself. This isn't real though! It's a joke! A sick joke! After hours of laughter and stabs, I walked away from the crying girl.
I went back upstairs and saw a weird shadow. What's this? I walked up to the wall past the infirmary and looked at the big black shadow. It looks as if someone splashed black paint on the wall... Oh well! I went back downstairs to stab the girl again.
Only, I found a live girl instead! She ran up to me, tears flowing from her eyes. "Please help me!" She cried, tugging on my scarf. "This man, is chasing me! H-He has a huge hammer! The man killed my sister!"
Awww so cute! I have a little sis at home! "Sure!" I chirped, taking her hand. We ran into the infirmary, shutting the door. There was a little girl there, with two ghosts. They were laughing and talking, not even noticing us standing here.
"How rude." I whispered to the red head beside me. Oh yeah... I didn't even ask her name. "Hey, what's your--" I was interrupted by banging on the door.
"Crap! He found us!" I yelled. I looked to the girl sitting with the ghosts. She had an unusual hairstyle. Short brown hair with a little hair accessory that looked like... Never mind.
"Hey! HEY! Miss! Please come with us!" I yelled at the girl.
Her eyes looked glazed over, like a...donut....mmmmmmmmm! I shook the thought out of my head and decided to leave her. "FINE! GET THROWN AT A WALL FOR ALL I CARE!!!" I screamed.
I grabbed the red-head's hand and ran out, not seeing the hammer guy. "I think... We... Are... Safe..." I panted. A scream that sounded like Aiko's rang out, "SHIIIIIKKKKKAAAA!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"
As if the words triggered it, my hands raised above my head and stabbed the girl in the shoulder with the scissors. WHAT?! I didn't know I still had them... Why was I doing this?!
I knocked her down with super-human strength. My hands went up and struck her in the eye. The pretty blue was quickly replaced with gushing blood and this icky white stuff. It oozed down her cheek, into her red hair. I stabbed her in head head repeatedly until she went limp and stopped screeching.
What have I done?! I started laughing as I forcefully opened her mouth, looking at her pearly whites. I stuck the scissors in and heard a sickening crack as the scissors closed, cutting out her tongue.
I dragged her dead body to a huge hole in class 1-A and threw her in. Hm? There was another shadow on the huge splinters. That's weird... I started to laugh again as I walked out.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Iko-San run towards me. Why does she have a wooden board with her? I held out my arms as she neared. "HEY! IKO-SAN! ARE YOU O--" she whacked me over the head with the board.

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