Into You //❤// Ramsay x Sansa

By Ramsay_x_Sansa

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15 - THE END

Chapter 14

73 2 4
By Ramsay_x_Sansa

The next morning, Sansa got a text message alert.

It was from an unknown number.

Jeyne: Hey, it's Jeyne.

Jeyne: I want to apologize

Jeyne: I think we got off on the wrong foot

Sansa: Yeah, we did

Jeyne: Do you want to go get breakfast together?

Jeyne: Y'know, so we can get to know each other?

Sansa really didn't want to, she hated this bitch no matter how nice she was trying to be.

Sansa: Idk, I'm really sleepy rn :( Maybe tomorrow though?

Jeyne: A whole day? :(

Jeyne: I see

Jeyne: Well, Rams and I are writing music today, if you want to join.

Jeyne frowned, she knew Sansa was going to hate her. She didn't even want to try and be friends. She turned to look at Ramsay, who was yawning.

"Finally, you're up." she smiled.

He rubbed his eyes, "God, what time is it?"

"Its nearly 10AM"

Ramsay groaned, "Ugh, I was up late last night, I'm too tired for this."

"Oh no you don't!" she pushed him playfully, "C'mon, get ready for the day."

Ramsay sighed and obeyed. He got out of bed, grabbed a change of clothes, and went to shower. He still felt wrong. Like nothing he said to Sansa really went through. Sansa said she forgave him for cheating on her. But, he felt that she was lying through her teeth.

And even now, he was still technically sleeping with Jeyne. But it's not like they ever did anything. Ramsay wouldn't allow it. Even though he knew Jeyne wanted to. He felt that Jeyne wanted nothing more than his relationship with Sansa to crumble.

He couldn't tell if he wanted the same. With how it had been going, he began to feel that their relationship was becoming toxic.

Sansa even went as far as to self harm. Ramsay wasn't sure what to do. He never wanted Sansa to hurt herself. He wanted to protect her; let no one else touch her. But, remembering the scars on her legs. The way they felt under his fingertips. And the tenderness of it all.

Ramsay loved it.

And yet, he found himself hating it all.

He sighed as he exited the shower and dried himself off. He looked at himself in the mirror. The wound where he had once been shot was scarred over. He ran his thumb over it.


"Hey, I finished getting ready," he said as he reentered his room.

Jeyne was sitting on the floor, near her bags and suitcases. She was shuffling through them, "Ah, good. I wanted a shower today too."

He sat down at his desk, watching her.

It was strange.

He was attracted to Jeyne and at the same time, hated her. There was a shallow pettiness that she had developed as they spent more time together. He hadn't really noticed it. But he realized it had been there the whole time.


He hated it. Jealousy was boring. He realized Sansa must have the same jealousy in her. He assumed they must be jealous of each other. Because of him. Which he thought he should enjoy. Who wouldn't want a cat fight? Yet, it all seemed boring. It's all just words.

After Jeyne left for the bathroom, Ramsay got up and went over to Jeyne's suitcases and bags. She brought a whole lot. Which he didn't blame her for. She didn't how long she was going to stay. But it was pissing him off, her stuff was all over his room. As if she found herself slowly moving in.

But it wasn't her fault.

He did technically say 'move in with me'.

But he didn't expect such a rapid transition. Not to mention, the fact that Jeyne was so set on being his 'girlfriend', that he would have a problem.

Sure, they may have had a few sloppy kisses on drunken nights. And maybe fooled around once or twice. Maybe more. But he didn't think she was serious. And maybe Ramsay didn't believe he was serious either. It was embarrassing, because they slowly did become serious in those few months.

All while he was supposed to be dating Sansa.

Before he left for those 3 months, he never thought he would ever hurt her in such a way as he ended up. But he didn't expect to find someone as beautiful as Jeyne, practically waiting for him when he got there. With someone as gorgeous and talented as Jeyne, he couldn't help himself.

But what a monster it made him.

To almost literally forget about Sansa when he was with Jeyne. Only to feel guilty when receiving a text later that day. How did it become that?

On the day he came back, seeing Sansa in person, hearing her voice, and being able to touch her, was a dream. The psychical contact he craved from Sansa... wanted to take from Sansa. It was uncontrollable. It even seemed mutual. To the extent that without Ramsay, Sansa felt that she was nothing. That the thought of losing Ramsay to someone else, caused her to hurt herself.

That the thought of not having her, drove Ramsay to hurt others. Lashing out and craving such adrenaline. And so he thought, were they not the perfect pair?

No, they weren't.

Leading to the fact that, in the end, it would end like it always does.

A dead body.

With blood on Ramsay's hands.

His ex-girlfriend, Bianca. He loved her once. Just like with Sansa. Just like with Jeyne.

And it always ends the same.

It had all become so hard to deal with. He thought maybe he should just leave them both and run away.

But then again, where was the fun in that?

"Ramsay?" Jeyne asked, she was standing in front of him.

He was sitting on the edge of the bed, completely spaced out. He shook his head to regain his consciousness.

"You OK?" Jeyne asked.

"Yeah, yeah, just...thinking."

The two of them had been sitting in his room for some time, just coming up with lyrics and playing with his guitar. Ramsay was having a relatively good time. With a few exceptions of course. Like when Jeyne would purposely let their hands touch or when she invaded his space for the fourth time. But, Ramsay guessed that in Jeyne's mind, the two of them were still 'dating'.

He glanced at his phone, half expecting a text message from Sansa, but there was nothing.

He feared that he'd lost her.

Anytime Ramsay brought up Sansa, Jeyne would complain about how she had declined her friendship offer. Ramsay would tell her that she just needed to be patient.

Jeyne would roll her eyes.

Ramsay wasn't sure why Jeyne was forcing herself onto Sansa. Didn't they hate each other? At least, that's the vibe he got. Maybe it would be a good thing for the two of them to become friends. He just didn't see it happening. Sansa most definitely hated Jeyne. Especially after Ramsay told Sansa about his relationship with her.

He wondered why they didn't hate him instead.

It was now mid-day, and Ramsay was getting hungry. "Hey, you want to get some lunch?"

"You mean, like, go out to eat? Yes!" Jeyne said happily.

Ramsay had just meant going down to the kitchen, but he didn't want to upset her.

"Yeah, out to lunch."

He avoided the diner, knowing Joyce would make her own assumptions as to why he was bringing a different girl this time.

And so he let Jeyne choose. Which lead the pair to a small sandwich restaurant along the outskirts. Ramsay had never heard of the place before, but it wasn't too bad. They got a nice view of the ocean from their table.

After ordering, the two of them had some fun just talking. Jeyne joked about old times and how the sandwich shop reminded her of a bar they had gone to. Which, Ramsay didn't see the full connection, but he guessed that's what made it funny.

Ramsay paid for the both of them. And they returned back to his house.

Instead of going back to writing, the two of them just relaxed. Jeyne went on her phone and browsed through various blogs. Ramsay closed his eyes, hoping to get a nap.

He dreamt of Sansa.

When he awoke, Jeyne was nudging him that dinner was ready. Because Roose sucks, he had just ordered pizza. Which was fine with everyone else tbh. Ramsay small talked with Reek & Jeyne as they ate.

He avoided talking to Domeric. Which he hadn't talked to in a while. It had been months since he'd seen him. They hadn't talked at all since Ramsay had come back.

He wondered if he was OK.

Yet, Ramsay wondered if he even cared.

As the night continued on, Ramsay and Jeyne hung out in his room.

"Ramsay, can I ask you a question?"

He nodded.

"Do you think I can stay with you forever?"

Though he knew shouldn't say it, he couldn't help himself.

"Forever," he said, a grin on his face.

That night, as Jeyne fell asleep next to him. He realized what a huge mistake he had made. He was only digging a deeper grave for himself. Sighing, he turned away from her.

It was almost as if Ramsay was trying to destroy both his relationships.

Although, time and time again, Ramsay had told Jeyne he was in a relationship, she always seemed to brush it off, believing he was only lying to her. When they had come back to Ramsay's, and Jeyne met Sansa, it must have finally clicked in her head that he really meant it.

So why was she continuing to flirt with him?

He never meant to cheat on Sansa. But he didn't stop himself with Jeyne.

He was openly cheating and lying.

And it must have been obvious.

Both the girls were putting up their defenses.

He thought about maybe just breaking up with Jeyne. But, he didn't want to lose what they had done in just those 3 months.

He thought about breaking up with Sansa. But, the thought of leaving Sansa made him sick. Especially because he worried for her safety. He felt he had to stay with her. Not against his own will, he loved Sansa.

But that meant he had to end it with Jeyne.

Which he couldn't do. It would make this whole stay awkward. He hadn't figured out how long she could stay, he thought it would just be a while. But then she mumbled on about staying the whole summer. And then he just agreed to let her stay forever.

At this point in time, Ramsay was wishing he hadn't ever talked to either of them. But, what did Ramsay care? Didn't he do everything just to benefit himself?

He decided giving up was his only option.

He would just let things go as they wished. Even if it killed him.   

((Sorry if this chapter was a little short and weird. SOMEBODY, cough, left after writing 3 lines and then went to bed. So, I had to write a whole chapter by myself, because one of us writes Sansa and I write Ramsay. So yeah...Hope you are enjoying our mess and silliness of a story so far~))

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