My Brother My Mate

By Writer016

1.7M 47.2K 6.5K

"I set a alarm for a twelve o'clock so I could be the first one tell you happy birthday... happy birthday." ... More

1. Spark
2. Unlocked The Beast
3. Found
4. Ayala
5. Golden Watch
6. Bus
7. Fixed
8. Facing Facts
9. Just A Visit
10. Finally
11. Hard Headed
12. I'm Dumb
13. Car or Truck
14. Circle
15. Twelve O'clock
16. A Challenge
17. Payback
18. Jake & Janel
19. Camera
20. Video Chat
21. Well Damn
22. Relationship Gone South
23. Pain To Pleasure
24. Home
25. The Hunter Part 1
26. The Hunter Part 2
27. Hard Training And Hitting The Books
28. Common Enemy
29. Adviser
30. R.I.P ?
31. The Light
32. Choice
33. Biggest Fear
34. Guardians
35: Four Seconds
36. A New Someone
37: Violent Violet
38: In One Year...
39: Surprise
40: Honestly
41: Heads Up
Authors Note: MUST READ
Author Note: Peace Out
Epilogue ?

42: The Catch

18.6K 527 104
By Writer016

(Media picture of Aaron and Estelle)

Original Published Date: 31 July 2016



I can't believe this is happening, again. Estelle in another hospital bed. I don't know if she walks under latter's, splits poles, a bird flies in through her bedroom window, did she sweep over someone's feet, or did a black cat cross her path because she's having all types of bad luck.

The nurses and doctors are saying that there's nothing they can do for her. What about her guardians I heard about? Where the hell are they? Why are they letting her die? Goddess knows she doesn't deserve this.

"Hey, Aaron, I'm going to go home for a minute. I forgot that Tom and Chelsy was going to be at my house with my parents until the party was over, I think Chelsy should know." Taylor said gripping my shoulder a bit.

I stand up and giver her a kiss on the cheek. "Hurry back, Taylor." She sweetly nodded her head and started to leave.

I don't know who I should blame for this. Me? Danielle? James? Everything just went to hell all over again, so quick.

Having a life, is supposed to be a gift. Being a werewolf, is supposed to be special. Finding a mate, that's supposed to be the best thing of all. But this... you know how everyone has those secrets. Well I have mine.

Taylor and I are mates, but we're not together. Taylor rejected about a week after we found out about our bond. We thought we could make it work, but no... we were too different. When we're around others we make them believe we're as happy as happy can be but for me I still love her, a genuine beauty but everything was up to her. I was going to tell Estelle, but she had already fallen for James. Its hard you know, to watch someone you loved all your life be happy with someone else. It hurts.

I've wished everyday that I could have her, but no not like this. I told her that the Goddess had someone better for her, but I was wrong. Not to sound conceded or self absorbed but I'm probably the best thing that's happened to her.

This isn't right. Something isn't right here.

When did the bad start happening. Her birthday? My birthday? When she accepted James. When her mom and dad left for vacation? The bus wreck? Me breaking up with her? When did everything go downhill? When did Estelle start to have bad luck?

"Go to sleep." I heard a voice that was unfamiliar voice. It didn't necessarily sound like it coming from a person, but like talking air... if that makes since. "Go to sleep, Aaron. Listen to me." How am I supposed to sleep with a mysterious voice telling me to. "Just close your eyes." Oh my Goddess, I'm listening to a ghost. "Shut your eyes!" It yelled.

I shut my eyes and I'm in a completely different place so quickly, and its all so familiar. Yet so weird.

"Estelle, your over reacting." It was Chelsy, she was angry.

"No! You're over reacting, mom. You barely know this guy, and he's human!" Estelle yelled, she was a little younger though.

"He's my mate, Estelle, and I can't just let him go!" If I'm not here, why am I experiencing someone else's memory.

"Yet, you let my father go." Estelle mutter.

Chelsy called for her but she didn't respond.

"Estelle, you do not ignore me!" Chelsy grabbed my arm a little rough. "I loved your father, Estelle, but he was not a good man and I wouldn't continue to let him stay."

"The man you're marrying, does he know we're werewolves?" Estelle asks.

"Yes, he does."

"Then don't you think its weird he's marrying you? Not to forget, Tom has a ass hole of a son, he's a jerk."

"His son is a werewolf."

"And that's the only reason why he's marrying you because his son's a werewolf."

"You're fourteen, Estelle, you wouldn't understand." Estelle is fourteen in this, no wonder why she looked little younger and shorter.

I could hear the front door open and close and a rooting sound howl it's way into the kitchen. "Hey, Estelle." Tom says.

"Hi, Tom." Estelle mutter.

That's when James came in already going through the refrigerator. "Hey, Essy." He smiled.

She grabbed a Gatorade off the counter. "Don't call me that." She growled.

"Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed." She rolled her eyes and slammed her door behind her.

I don't know why you showed me this. "This is where everything started to go wrong, Aaron. When Chelsy married Tom." But that was a long time ago, how can that be the cause to all that's happening right now. I still don't understand. "Its not meant for you to understand. But say goodbye, Aaron, it'll be the last time you will tell her anything." Why are you playing with my head? "Wake up, Aaron." I still have questions. "Wake up!"

I open my and I see Estelle looking at me. "You were napping." She smiled weekly. She had gotten pale and her voice barely there.

"I was, but not anymore."

"I see." She smiled.

"Estelle I love you. I always have and I always will." I tell her.

"I know. I love you too."

"I'm sorry I let you go, Essy. I shouldn't have let you go."

"You never let me go. I let you go, and I probably shouldn't have done that. I want you to know that you are the best thing that's ever happened to me, you and Taylor." She took a deep breath and shut her eyes tight. "I'm obviously dying Aaron, I look and feel like shit."

"Don't say that. You're seventeen and you're having a kid, you have over 300 years in line for you." I smile, trying not to cry.

"Once upon a time I did, but not anymore. I'm weak, Aaron, I should be dead I don't understand why I'm still breathing." She closed her eyes and opened them again, and this time tear revealed itself. "I want you to tell Chelsy she has been a great mom to me, and I'm sorry for the stress I caused her. I want you tell Tom, that I'm sorry for always hating him, none of this is his fault." Only if you knew that it is. She sighed and looked up. "Tell Taylor that she has to name her first daughter after me, and I already knew you two haven't been together together. Y'all have been my best friends since ... I don't know how long. Plus you haven't marked her and you guys can't lie to me." She tried to laugh, but she replaced it with a cough and more tears. "Tell Ethan to forgive Danielle. Tell Danielle I said thank you for being a remorseless bitch."

"Stop with the goodbyes, Estelle. You're going to make me cry." I say trying my hardest not to cry.

"Its ok to cry." I didn't like the fact my cheeks began to get wet with just those words. "See. You're human after all." She laughed.

"What about James? What should I tell him?" I don't want to tell him anything honestly.

"Tell James I forgive him, and to be strong because he's going to need me and I'm not going to be here. And that he needs to get his son in his custody so his Uncles pack can live on. Tell Victor to cherish and protect his mate, keep no secrets, and treat her like a Queen. Also tell to Kyle to stop getting in different beds with different girls and choose a girl and treat her right until he finds his mate." She looked up and sighed. "I think I'm done."

"What about me? What about me Estelle?"

"What about you. You're going to be fine, just stay the good guy I know you as, and I'm sorry to have ruined your birthday." She giggled a little.

"Say I love you, and I won't hold you against dying on my birthday." I smile.

"I truly love you, Aaron Brett Phillip." She knows I don't like my middle or last name so she never says it, but this time is an exception.

"I love you too, Estelle West." She smiled softly and closed her eyes, and I watched her until her smile faded. And the worst noise you could hear in a hospital room, the flat line.

I held onto the bed sheets just wishing to wake up from this nightmare. But the nurses soon come in and they try everything, but nothing works.

A lady turned off the machine. "Time of death, 5:42pm." She gave me a short glance and bowed her head. "I'm sorry for your lost." Those weren't the words I needed to hear.

I saw someone burst through the door, and it was James. The look on his fave when he had finally comprehend what was going on, he looked as if someone took his soul. He leaned against the door and his facial expression was just lost. I didn't know what I could do.

*3 weeks later*

Its windy out here. None of us wanted this day to come, but its here.

Some people didn't want to come. Some people couldn't come. Others chose not to come. The funeral probably had a couple hundred werewolves and human mates that knew about werewolves.

Chelsy asked me if I could do the eulogy, I knew it would be disrespectful of me to decline, but I know I won't stop crying if I do so. But today I will speak, and I also know that its ok to cry, so if I feel like I am, I will. Estelle was never quite the judge of character unless she felt absolutely necessary.

"... the eulogy will now be given to us by her dearest friend, Aaron Phillips." At the sound of that I reluctantly stand up and all eyes are on me.

I'm a little anxious honestly.

"I was never good with words or speeches, Estelle always helped me with them, and it pains me that she couldn't help me with this, and it sucks." I try to smile. "Estelle. Her mom always said she had this type of spark. To different people a spark can be good or bad. Like what about that spark that starts a firework. What about the spark that burns at the top of a stick lighten up a dark night. That spark that everyone gets mesmerized by. That was Estelle, the type to give someone a brighter night, the one that everyone was mesmerized by, that spark that starts something beautiful.

"Yeah, she had her very few flaws. Like, I don't think she had any except that she hated to lose. She was spunky, sassy, easily irritated, smart and wise. Goddess she was smart, and so open minded. She's been through hell, I just hope she's with our-"

"Open the coffin!" I heard someone yelled. "Open it!" I heard that person. I then recognized the voice. James. He came earlier but he was a drunken mess so Kyle took him home. By the time we were face to face he was sober. He was also out of breath and sweating. "Open then coffin."

Only a second later I heard a scream and thumping. It was coming from the coffin. I hesitantly open the coffin. Estelle jumped out quickly hugging me. "Aaron!" I hugged her back. I don't understand what going on, but James does. "When did you get a beard?" She asked touching my beard.

"What did you do James?" I ask.

"I couldn't let her die... or stay dead."

"James what did you do?"

"I know why this happened, why she died but I couldn't let her stay that way. The Goddess asked me what I would give to save her life, I told her my life but she wanted me alive. So I gave her my wolf in return for Estelle's life. But there's a catch.... Estelle, how old do you think you are?"

"I'm 14, why the hell are you hear? Please just leave me alone."

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