Gotham Imagines

By DillLester

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A book of imagines and one shots based off Gotham characters. More

The New You (pt. 1) - Jerome
Fragile - Ed Nygma
Banquets - Bruce
Comets - Ed Nygma
Addicted - Jonathan Crane
Mad Hatter x Reader
1k Reads!!!
Where is he? - Victor Zsasz

Protective Older Brother - Butch

835 11 10
By DillLester

7 years ago

You heard the men in the living room getting louder and progressively more aggressive. Butch had told you to hide in your parents closet upstairs while he took care of things. You had promised not to come out until either he came and got you or everything had been silent for a few hours. Butch was your older brother, he had always protected and taken care of you. Your parents were caught up with the big Gotham mobsters so nothing was ever safe for the two of you. Your parents had just died earlier in the week and Butch had been busy hiding you from all the bad people looking to collect what your parents had failed to give them. Butch was 15, you were 10. He would rather take the fall for your parents actions and have you be safe than to get both of you caught up in sketchy business. At least that way you would have a chance at having a good life.

As you cowered behind the shirts in a pile of blankets you heard things getting more violent. You could feel the nerves making your heart pump faster and tears form in your eyes. As you sat in the dark you were terrified that the people would hear your heartbeat through the walls and find you. More than that you were afraid that they would do something to your brother and you would lose him forever. Being on your own and having to live with strangers for the rest of your life didn't sound that appealing. In the anxiety of the moment you decided that you would rather be with Butch than be alone. Slowly and quietly you found your way out of the blankets and past the hanging clothes. You pushed open the closet door as quiet as possible, feeling as if the smallest squeak could give away your entire plan. Stepping down from the large oak closet you made your way to the door making as little sound as possible with your hightops on. Successfully opening the door and making it to the top of the stairs you stand by the wall and start to go down to where your brother was. You stood against the wall ever so slightly peeking out into the living room trying to catch a glimpse of him. Out of nowhere a hand grabs your shoulder dragging you out to the open. If they couldn't hear your heartbeat before they definitely could now.

"Look who I found lurking in the shadows" the short buff man said to his colleagues. He pushed you further into the room making you fall next to where you could now see your brother recovering from what looked like a decent beating.

"Looks like Gilzean Jr. lied to us..." the man who seemed to be in charge stated. "This boy's got some learning to do, you NEVER lie to someone of higher power." he said while delivering a swift kick to the boys side. You sat there in fear as you saw what they were doing to your brother. Subconsciously you started to scoot away from everyone. The shorter man who found you grabbed you again and tied your hands together and held you so you couldn't move.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, couldn't have you running away on us now could we?" he said with his face far too close for your liking. Butch gave you a sad look as if asking why you would give up your chance at being free. Not long after the men took you out to their van and blindfolded you.

From that point on you two were passed around with the mobsters to do their bidding. You were practically their slaves without the legal title. Butch had tried hard to keep you out of the dirty work. While he was out collecting money and beating people who didn't pay up on time you stayed at their houses and cooked, cleaned, did the laundry, things like that. When you started to grow up a little, around 12-13 years old the mobsters started looking at you and not in a good way. They would whistle when you walked by and would make comments to each other behind your back. You knew that Butch hated it, you didn't like it but it could have been worse. Every time they would do something you could see him tense up and resist the urge to punch them square in the face. If he did it would make matters worse for the both of you and he knew it. By the time you were 14 they decided it was time for you to wear a work uniform. The head of the house had given you a short and slutty maid's outfit complete with black stilettos. You didn't have a choice but to wear it. As soon as Butch had gotten home that night and seen you he just about blew up. He was about to go off on the males of the house but you had pulled him inside a room and talked him down. You couldnt risk messing this all up and making it worse, they wouldn't just let you two leave. Best case scenario would be getting thrown in an alley half beaten to death, and you don't know what they would do to him. For the next few days he kept to himself, doing as he was told and not saying a word. Every time he saw you his anger would resurface and he would have to go punch a wall somewhere. One night during dinner one of the men had asked you to get a bottle of wine from the showcase. Being the servant you were you had opened up the case and reached for a bottle at the top, he had shook his head in disapproval and gestured to a bottle at the very bottom. Forgetting you were in a short dress you had reached down to grab it, one of the closer men slapping your ass in the process while the rest laughed and wolf whistled. You had grabbed the wine and set the bottle on the table going back to the kitchen as fast as you could to hide the shame and embarrassment you were feeling. You sat on the floor and started to cry. Not long after you had left there was a large commotion in the dining room and lots of glass being broken, before long Butch had burst into the kitchen with a newfound gash across his cheek. He grabbed your hand and dragged you out the door. You slipped off your heels and started running with him. Neither of you looked back.


It's been years since you and Butch left that house. It didn't take long for those mobsters to be replaced. It may be weird to say but the replacements are much better than the last. As for you and your brother, Butch still looks after and protects you. You can't help but get annoyed by it sometimes, I mean you're 17. You can take care of yourself. Butch is 22, he still works with the bad side of Gotham. When only 1% is good it's kind of inevitable. Wherever he goes you go, it's not like he makes you but you don't really have any other choice. Most of the people he works for don't know you even exist. You spend a lot of time at the public library, you always loved reading. You never got to finish school so you couldn't get a legal job anywhere and Butch wasn't going to let you get involved with any bad business. You had stayed pretty innocent over time, after all you never got to experience anything because Butch was always guarding you. He had gotten a nice deal with Penguin, that was who he was working for now. He let Butch move into his giant mansion since he was alone. Reluctantly Butch had asked if you could move in too, Penguin said yes as long as you did not interfere with their plans.

Penguin kind of scared you but he was really the closest person to a friend that you had. When he wasn't planning or being the king of Gotham you would hang out and talk by the fireplace. He really wasn't a bad person, he just really loved his mother and wanted to make her proud. One day you had woken up and made your way to the grand hall in hopes of finding Penguin. After all that was where he spent most of his time. As you were about to turn the corner you could hear that he had company. Not wanting to interrupt, you stood behind the wall and listened trying to learn more about who this mystery person could be. After about five minutes Penguin spoke up a little louder, "You can come out from behind that wall now y/n."

Slowly walking out with a blush forming on your cheeks at the fact that you were caught listening in, you see that the man Osswald was talking to was staring directly at you with eyes that seemed like they could cut you if he willed them to. The man was dressed in all black and had many knives and guns strapped to his body. His head was shiny and bald and his eyes seemed to be picking apart every essence of your being. You looked back as Os to see that he was smiling and quite cheery, "y/n, Meet Victor Zsasz. He is the best assassin in Gotham!"

"You know, it's rude to listen in on people's conversations y/n'" he said, saying your name so it sounded as though he was mocking you in a monotone sort of way. "I must say though, you are very silent. You would make a good assasin."

"No way in hell Zsasz" Butch says, walking in and giving him a glare.

"Awe look at that. Butchy must need a nap, he's kind of grumpy." Zsasz says in full sarcasm, with a flicker in his eye and an eerie smile on his face. He returns his gaze to you, giving you a quick look up and down smirk still prominent. "Nice Care Bear shorts" he says once his gaze reaches your face.

Once again you feel your cheeks heating up, "thank you" you reply somewhat quietly remembering that you're still in your pajamas. You give a quick glance to Butch who is standing by the wall glaring at Zsasz.

"So polite! What a darling" he replied leaning up from the relaxed position in which he was sitting. He gets up and walks over to where you're standing, taking your face into his hands. Now that he's in front of you he's a lot taller than he looked when sitting down. You looked up into his eyes that seemed to be getting filled with more and more mischief the longer he was around you.

"I'm intrigued by you y/n." he said after thoroughly examining your face. "We should stay in touch." and with a wink and a kiss on the cheek he left. Leaving you standing there slightly shocked. You could feel Butch seething in the corner while Penguin oozed pride and excitement. Osswald was very much on board with the idea of you and Zsasz together in any form. As for Butch, he would have to learn to let you go. You were not scared of Victor, you were far from it  you craved the energy he gave you.

*a/n is it just me or do you feel like butch would actually be a pretty great brother?

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