This I Promise (Beast Boy x R...

By DiamondClark

61.6K 1.9K 847

"RAVEN STOP THIS! THERE HAS TO BE ANOTHER WAY!" "Beast Boy-" "PLEASE RAVEN! PLEASE!" He begged her, tears tri... More

The Promise
The Letter
The Search
The Cloaked Girl
The Goodbye
The City
The Revealing
The Cost
The Forgotten
The Dream
The Torn
The Small and The Fall
The Decision
The Mistake
The Council
The Plan
The March for Maleta

The Black Witch

1.2K 50 24
By DiamondClark

"It is her!"

The crowd began to murmur with the occasional person yelling their agreement, but yet while the crowds began to stir more so than before, Beast Boy and Raven could do nothing else besides stare at each other.

It wasn't until another man grabbed her arm that their gaze was broken.

"I say we kill her as well and then send her body back!" He shouted.

Raven felt her throat lodge and it was suddenly hard to breath.

"No way! Then they'll really come after us!" another man said.

"We are already doomed anyway, why would we give them what they want?" a woman yelled from the back of the crowd.

The atmosphere began to feel tense as a huge argument erupted among the crowd.

A guard pulled Raven away from the man who had grabbed her and began walking Sunshine and her to where the council members and Beast Boy now stood.

One of the council members stepped forward and cleared his throat. "Black Witch, you and this Green Beast will be coming with us. The girl will remain here with one of our guards."

Raven pulled Sunshine close to her side again, guarding her with an arm. "My name is Raven, and his is Beast Boy." She said nodding towards Beast Boy, "This little girls name is Sunshine, and we will NOT be separating." Raven told him with a glare.

The man cleared his throat and took a step back. "Very well then, you three will follow us this way."

Raven grabbed Sunshines hand and began following them as Beast Boy gave her both an amazed but yet sad look.

"Raven, I-"

"Don't." Raven said cutting Beast Boy off, "Just don't..."

Beast Boy hung his head and stopped walking, causimg the rest of the group to stop as well.

A gaurd shoved him in the back to make him move, causing Beast boy to stumble, but he managed to stay up right and continued to stand still with his head held low.

The gaurd was about to shove him again when a small hand suddenly appear in front of him.

He looked back up to see Sunshine, who had let go of Ravens hand to stand in front of him.

"Come on Mister. It'll be okay. We are all together again so it'll be okay right?" She asked him with a small smile.

Beast Boy looked at the small girl in front of him. Her smile didn't shine as bright as it did when he had first met her. It was duller and had a flicker of sadness in it.

Rather than shining like the sun, the little girl seemed to be just a flame flickering in a dark room, struggling to stay lit.

Beast Boy had no clue what Sunshine had been through. What he wasn't able to save her from, and that tore at his heart.

Sunshine continued holding out her hand for him until he eventually shook off the thoughts that swirled in his mind and held out his chained hand to grab Sunshines hand.

"Yes." He told her as she let out a small sigh of relief.

Meanwhile, the whole time Raven kept her head turned away from the two until she felt a small hand grab hers again.

"There." Sunshine announced, "Now we are all together like we are supposed to be."

Raven looked down at the little girl. She didn't have the heart to tell her all that was most likely to come. She couldn't tell this little girl that this was about to get worse before it got better. So she gave her own small smile and gripped the little girls hand before looking up to see Beast Boy staring at her.

It was as if he was trying to apologize in some unspoken way, but she didn't want to hear it so she looked forward and ignored his stare.

The guards were leading them into a familiar tent, a tent that smelled of cinnamon.

"Welcome back." She heard several voices say. "It appears that you have chosen a most difficult path indeed Miss Raven."

"Domf, did you know this was going to happen?" Raven asked.

"We know only the possibilities that the future holds. Nothing is for certain until it's already happened." Domf said.

"Domf." A female voice called out from behind the three, "She is the Black Witch."

Domf nodded, "Yes."

"Why did you not warn the council of this. As the leaders of this group you are to-"

Domf held up a hand and cut the woman off.

"You did not ask us, therefore we did not answer."

"It doesn't matter! This Witch and this Beast are a threat to our village and forces! It is everyone's duty to protect our people and you allowed these creatures to enter here!"

"It was not we that were standing at the gate." Domf said, "and it is not these two whom are the threat to our people."

The woman scoffed.

"This monster just killed and injured several of our men. Men that we need to fight the demons. And THIS Witch," The woman pointed her finger at Raven accusingly, "This Witch is the cause of everything. She's the reason the Draeja have taken over! She's the reason we can't leave these caves without fear of the Voar eating us alive! She's the reason that city's have been taken over and turned into demon breeding grounds! We are all DYING because of her!" The woman yelled.

Domf slowly stood up and glared at the woman, "You are also forgetting that she is a queen."

The woman spat. "Ya the queen of the dead."

Another man finally stepped forward.

"That's enough Elora." He told the woman, "we need to come up with a plan, yelling at the seer will solve nothing."

The woman let out an annoyed sigh, "I say we just kill her and send her back to where she came."

"And that's not for you to decide on your own." The man told her.

The whole time Raven had her head held high and facing forward, ignoring the cruel remarks made by the woman.

Beast Boy however had his fist clenched in an attempt to keep from lashing out at the woman.

"Raven is the rightful queen." Domf announced to the intire tent. "Many of the creatures in the realm recognize her as the rightful ruler."

"So what? That doesn't change what she's done." The woman named Elora argued.

"We said before, these are not our enemies. They fight for the same cause as we."

Elora scoffed, "Excuse me, but this Witch doesn't fight for anyone but herself and we already know what this monster is capable of."

"Perhaps we should listen to Domf, Elora. It's like you said, we are all dying and at this rate our race will be destroyed by the mass number of demons being created." Another man from the council spoke up.

"Shut up Mark, you know nothing about this Witch." Elora spat at him.

"In a general sense I know a lot more than you, Elora." Mark told her as he stepped forward to stand his ground.

"That's enough you two." A bigger man stepped forward, "You step forward." The man motioned at Raven.

"I don't care what you've done in the past. I don't care who you used to be or where you've been. I want to know if you are our ally or foe. And if you are our ally, are you willing to fight for us in retribution for your sins and crimes against our people?" The man asked Raven.

Raven nodded, "I am not your enemy....and I have no intentions of entering into this war, but.....if you will release Beast Boy and Sunshine, I will be willing to fight for you."


"Then it's been said. Our choice to kill the witch, or gain her as a potential ally. It is now up to the council to decide." The man announced.

"All those in favor of using her as an ally." The man said as he raised his own hand.

Along with the man, 5 others raised their hands out of the group of 9 council members.

"Then in a 6 to 9 decision, it has been decided. We will release the beast as well, but under the circumstance that you, Raven are to be held accountable for any disapproving actions taken by him. Are we in agreeance?"

Raven nodded her head.

"Good. Now, Mark remove the Beasts chains and show these three where they may rest." The man said, "The rest of us have a village we must attend to."

The rest of the council members bowed before exiting the tent. Raven however, did not fail to notice the glare Elora gave her before exiting the tent.

"Alright well that was intense." The man named Mark said jokingly though nobody laughed.

Clearing his throat mark motioned out the tent. "Well then you guys can come this way and I'll show you to the available tents."

Raven simply nodded as they were led out the tent.

"Just a moment." They heard Domf speak.

"We must speak to Raven and Beast Boy for a moment."

Mark nodded and held out a hand to Sunshine. "Well then why don't the two of us wait outside till they're done?" He asked her.

Sunshine looked up to Beast Boy and then at Raven.

"Go ahead." Beast Boy told her softly. We will be right there.

Slowly nodding, Sunshine reluctantly followed Mark out of the tent.

"Raven, the path you have chosen is not easy." Domf stated, "It is filled with pain and it will be easy to lose your way."

"And Beast Boy, at the current path you two are following, you may very well fail at keeping your promise. And one of you will most likely die."

"What?" Beast Boy asked in shock, "what do you mean? Raven she-"

Beast Boy looked over at Raven who was looking at the floor. More thoughts began to swirl in his mind, overflowing till it filled his intire body and made him feel numb.

"Although the future is not certain, you two should prepare." Domf told them before bowing, "Now we must go back to meditating. Excuse us."

"but-" Beast Boy stepped forward only to have his arm grabbed by Raven who shook her head at him.

Letting out a sigh, Beast Boy let it go and stared at Ravens hand on his arm.

Realizing this, Raven suddenly let it go and turned to walk out the tent.

Beast Boy reluctantly followed.

Mark was outside with Sunshine teaching her a fun memory game.

"Oh look, I guess they're done." He said after Raven and Beast Boy walked out.

"Alright just follow me and I'll take you to the tents."

They nodded and followed Mark as he led them towards the end of town, towards a group of tents that were against the wall.

"One of them is smaller, so you could probably let Sunshine here use it and you two can choose from any of these. That is unless you all want to share one. Which would be fine too. These are tents we haven't used so they are free for anyone. But ya anyway, James told me that you guys were to meet him outside of the tent we were just at around morning tomorrow."

"Okay, thank you." Raven told Mark before he waved and walked away.

"I call the small one!" Sunshine cheered as she ran into the small tent.

"Then I guess I'll take this one." Raven said outloud as she began walking towards a bluish looking tent.

"Raven wait I-" Beast Boy went to stop her but Raven cut him off.

"I don't feel like talking right now, Beast Boy."

Beast Boy grabbed her arm anyway. "Then don't, but please just listen."

"I'm sorry okay. I didn't listen to you back in the caves and now I've cause you a lot of problems. I didn't mean-"

"You almost killed me and Sunshine." Raven cut him off, "I get it okay, you weren't in your right state of mind but it doesn't matter at this point. Fact is, your just trouble no matter where you go and I knew that, but for some reason I just had to follow you on this journey that was supposed to have ended after we found Sunshine. I'm stuck here now, but you can leave with her and get out of here. You're free, so why don't you go ahead and go back home." She told him flatly before walking and disappearing into the tent.

Beast Boy clenched and unbleached his fist.

No, he thought before he raced into the tent after Raven.

"No!" He said outloud that time.

He walked over to where Raven stood in the middle of the tent and grabbed her hand and made her face towards him.

"No. I'm not going to leave. I remember, you said it faintly, but I remember now you said that you were lonely too. And I'm not going to leave you alone. I might have cause you trouble, and I'm sorry but I'm going to help you out of this. I know you don't remember the times we had back in the Titan tower, but you can remember the things that happen here and we have been through too much together for me to just leave. So no I'm not going to leave you."

Suddenly before Raven had the chance to speak, Beast Boy moved his hand to her lower back and pulled her closer into a kiss.

"Beast Boy- mmmmph....mmm."

Raven was paralyzed and completely shocked at Beast Boys sudden boldness, but she didn't try to push away fact, it felt...good.

Raven closed her eyes and let out a small groan as Beast Boys other hand slid up Ravens side and across her upper back before cupping her neck and deepening the kiss.

Then ever so slowly, Beast Boy pulled at Ravens lower lip before breaking the kiss and leaving them both breathless.

Gasping for breath, Beast Boy placed his forehead against Ravens and whispered, "I'm not going to let you die Raven. And I'm never going to leave you. Even if you still hate me, I won't leave because I....I think I'm in love with you."


God dang it I'm fangirling over my own fanfiction.

But alright look at me posting another update, bet yall weren't expecting this for a few more months. Haha and look it's even a long one.

Well anyway, starting college on Saturday but hey I'm not doing sports that much anymore due to the tearing of my acl so who knows what I'll do on my free time....maybeeeeeee wrote another chapter? Or two?

Lol no promise but I'll try.

Anyway, as always, don't forget to vote and comment. You guys keep me coming back.

Love yall,

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