
By Thunder18

497 29 0

Angelica has always been a simple girl. Following her heart was something she's never done. Focusing on her s... More

Chapter 1- A Windy Night
Chapter 2- Shooting Star
Chapter 3- Naked Men
Chapter 4- My Room?
Chapter 5- Mother?
Chapter 6- Green eyes?
Chapter 7- Shopping!
Chapter 8- Back to School
Chapter 9- Prom and Well... Things.
Chapter 10- Shattered Pieces
Chapter 11- Once Upon a Time...
Chapter 12- Are Dreams Real?
Chapter 13- The Story of Me
Chapter 14- Alien Animals?
Chapter 15- No Air
Chapter 17- Missing

Chapter 16- No Gas

10 2 0
By Thunder18

            The knocking on my window wouldn’t stop. I would look out, but it’s probably just birds, so I didn’t really mind. After an hour or so, Gawain got irritated.

            “Would that thing shut up?” Gawain growled covering his head with the pillows. Gawain loves his sleep. I shoved the blanket off the bed and jumped off. The knocking continued. “Really?” Gawain hissed.

            “Fine,” I mumbled, “I’ll go see what it is since it bothers you so much.”

            Gawain grabbed my ankle, “thank you, love.” I rolled my eyes and continued walking. I moved the curtains to uncover the window. I saw a man with grey eyes staring back at me. I screamed and jumped back in shock. Gawain quickly jumped over my bed and looked out the window. “Oh, it’s just Jack.” Gawain opened the window and let JACK in.

            “Took you long enough, idiot.” Jack looked irritated. If I were him, I would too. If I was knocking on someone’s window for two hours and nobody answered, I would be seriously upset. But then again, no one knocks on windows.

            I evaluated Jack. Gawain and Riccardo mentioned him a couple times. Gawain said he looked good. All I have to say is that he was wrong. That was an understatement. He looked amazing. He was taller than Gawain by at least two inches. He had light brown hair and light blue eyes. I’m assuming that the grey eyes earlier is part of his true form.

            “Riccardo will be here in a second.” Jack crossed his arms. “Is this her?” Jack eyed me. “She looks… stubborn and arrogant.” Wow, this guy is good.

            “She is.” Riccardo came in wearing what he wears best. A tuxedo. Riccardo, who apparently is the leader of their ‘group’ looked as proud as always. Jack slightly bowed his head to Riccardo. “As we all know, the rogues are getting closer. So are the other leaders. We have to hurry up and mark them.” Riccardo paced the room. “How many have you done?” Riccardo eyed Jack.

            “I’ve gone through Africa, Europe, and South America. Beatrix did most of North America, all of Central America, and all of Asia.” Jack answered. Riccardo eyed Gawain.

            “What, me? Oh, well…” Gawain paused. “I marked Harmoni, Alex, Michelle, Robert, Moriko, Luis, Dakota, Rose, and Jocelyn.” Riccardo simply nodded. I looked at Gawain in shock as he listed the names of all my close friends and my brother.

            “Ok, I guess that means we’re ready, right?” Riccardo paused. “Did you find the channels?”

            “Yeah.” Jack nodded.

            “May I ask a question?” I asked, raising my hand. All eyes turned to me. “When did my room become your meeting place?” I said, irritated that there are three guys invading my personal space at nine in the morning on a Saturday that I could be sleeping in. “You all shouldn’t be in my room. You could have met downstairs in the kitchen, but no. You,” I pointed at Jack. “You have been knocking on my window since who knows when just disturbing my sleeping hours. I mean, who knocks on a window. There is a reason doors were invented. You,” I pointed at Gawain. “You should have checked the window hours ago. And lastly you,” I pointed at Riccardo. “Don’t even get me started on you. First, you’re bipolar as hell. Second, you’re never satisfied no matter how good everything already is. Third, you always do something bad and come in the next day like no ridiculous shit happened. I’m tired of this.” I stormed out of my room, out the front door, and into my car. I backed out of the driveway and drove away with no idea where the hell I was going.

            “Jerks,” I whispered under my breath. I drove past all the buildings and out of town. Maybe an hour away, there was a lake. I decided that would be my destination. The last place any one would expect me to go.

            About an empty hour later, I arrived at the lake. The lake reflected the noon-time sun. Near the lake, there is a chapel where I would hoard all of my stuff. I haven’t been to this lake for at least two years. I walked to the chapel through all the tall grass. I don’t really care about snakes anymore. Actually, I do. I ran for the chapel, lifting my feet high to ensure that nothing bites me. I finally reached the chapel, completely out of breath, but worth it. The chapel’s floor boards creaked. I stepped over to the supply closet and smiled at what I saw. My old trashy violin was still here. I unlatched the case. The violin was still there. It was out of tune, but it works.

            I placed the violin on my shoulder and played an e flat major scale. I sighed. I put the violin back in its case and back in the supply closet.


            I guess I fell asleep on the floor because the sun was setting already. I rushed out the chapel. The sunset wasn’t something I wanted to miss. The way the sunset looked above the lake always mesmerized me. The sunset only lasts approximately five minutes. Then my stomach growls. I decide it’s time to go back home. I run back to my car and start it. It doesn’t start. I check the gas. Empty. I looked for my phone. Not here.

            Oh crap.

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